1,367 research outputs found

    A Practical Set-Membership Proof for Privacy-Preserving NFC Mobile Ticketing

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    To ensure the privacy of users in transport systems, researchers are working on new protocols providing the best security guarantees while respecting functional requirements of transport operators. In this paper, we design a secure NFC m-ticketing protocol for public transport that preserves users' anonymity and prevents transport operators from tracing their customers' trips. To this end, we introduce a new practical set-membership proof that does not require provers nor verifiers (but in a specific scenario for verifiers) to perform pairing computations. It is therefore particularly suitable for our (ticketing) setting where provers hold SIM/UICC cards that do not support such costly computations. We also propose several optimizations of Boneh-Boyen type signature schemes, which are of independent interest, increasing their performance and efficiency during NFC transactions. Our m-ticketing protocol offers greater flexibility compared to previous solutions as it enables the post-payment and the off-line validation of m-tickets. By implementing a prototype using a standard NFC SIM card, we show that it fulfils the stringent functional requirement imposed by transport operators whilst using strong security parameters. In particular, a validation can be completed in 184.25 ms when the mobile is switched on, and in 266.52 ms when the mobile is switched off or its battery is flat

    Proxy Signature Scheme with Effective Revocation Using Bilinear Pairings

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    We present a proxy signature scheme using bilinear pairings that provides effective proxy revocation. The scheme uses a binding-blinding technique to avoid secure channel requirements in the key issuance stage. With this technique, the signer receives a partial private key from a trusted authority and unblinds it to get his private key, in turn, overcomes the key escrow problem which is a constraint in most of the pairing-based proxy signature schemes. The scheme fulfills the necessary security requirements of proxy signature and resists other possible threats

    Development of Time-Stamped Signcryption Scheme and its Application in E-Cash System

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    A signcryption scheme combining public key encryptions and digital signatures in one logical step can simultaneously satisfy the security requirements of confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation and with a cost significantly lower than that required by the traditional "signature followed by encryption" approach. This thesis presents a new generic concept of time-stamped signcryption scheme with designated verifiability. Here an authenticated time-stamp is associated with the signcrypted text which can only be verifiable by a specific person, known as the designated verifier. The time-stamp is provided by a trusted third party, namely, Time Stamping System (TSS). The scheme is proved to be secure, as, no one, not even the signcrypter or TSS can produce a valid signcrypted text on behalf of them. We analyzed the security of the proposed scheme and found that it can withstand some active attacks. This scheme is resistant against both inside and outside attacks. The security of our scheme is based upon the hardness of solving Computational Diffie Hellman Problem (CDH), Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) and Integer Factorization Problem (IFP). The proposed scheme is suitable in scenarios such as, on-line patent submission, on-line lottery, e-cash, e-bidding and other e-commerce applications. Also we propose an e-cash system based on our proposed time-stamped signcryption scheme which confirms the notion of e-cash securities like anonymity of the spender, unforgeablity of the digital coin, prevention of double spending

    Leak-Free Mediated Group Signatures

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    Group signatures are a useful cryptographic construct for privacy-preserving non-repudiable authentication, and there have been many group signature schemes. In this paper, we introduce a variant of group signatures that offers two new security properties called leak-freedom and immediate-revocation. Intuitively, the former ensures that an insider (i.e., an authorized but malicious signer) be unable to convince an outsider (e.g., signature receiver) that she indeed signed a certain message; whereas the latter ensures that the authorization for a user to issue group signatures can be immediately revoked whenever the need arises (temporarily or permanently). These properties are not offered in existing group signature schemes, nor captured by their security definitions. However, these properties might be crucial to a large class of enterprise-centric applications because they are desirable from the perspective of the enterprises who adopt group signatures or are the group signatures liability-holders (i.e., will be hold accountable for the consequences of group signatures). In addition to introducing these new securit

    Bringing data minimization to digital wallets at scale with general-purpose zero-knowledge proofs

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    Today, digital identity management for individuals is either inconvenient and error-prone or creates undesirable lock-in effects and violates privacy and security expectations. These shortcomings inhibit the digital transformation in general and seem particularly concerning in the context of novel applications such as access control for decentralized autonomous organizations and identification in the Metaverse. Decentralized or self-sovereign identity (SSI) aims to offer a solution to this dilemma by empowering individuals to manage their digital identity through machine-verifiable attestations stored in a "digital wallet" application on their edge devices. However, when presented to a relying party, these attestations typically reveal more attributes than required and allow tracking end users' activities. Several academic works and practical solutions exist to reduce or avoid such excessive information disclosure, from simple selective disclosure to data-minimizing anonymous credentials based on zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). We first demonstrate that the SSI solutions that are currently built with anonymous credentials still lack essential features such as scalable revocation, certificate chaining, and integration with secure elements. We then argue that general-purpose ZKPs in the form of zk-SNARKs can appropriately address these pressing challenges. We describe our implementation and conduct performance tests on different edge devices to illustrate that the performance of zk-SNARK-based anonymous credentials is already practical. We also discuss further advantages that general-purpose ZKPs can easily provide for digital wallets, for instance, to create "designated verifier presentations" that facilitate new design options for digital identity infrastructures that previously were not accessible because of the threat of man-in-the-middle attacks

    Practical fair anonymous undeniable signatures

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    We present a new model for undeniable signatures: fair-anonymous undeniable signatures. This protocol can not only preserve the privacy of the signer (i.e. anonymity) but also track the illegal utilization of the valid signatures. In addition, our model prevents the trusted centre from forging a valid signature for any signer

    How to Make a Mint: The Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash

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