5,863 research outputs found


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    Department of Urban and Environmental Engineering (Convergence of Science and Arts)Feces Standard Money (fSM), is a complementary currency that is different from other currencies in a number of ways. It is the first currency to adopt feces as its standard. In a world where objects and people are thought of as "goods and services," reality is compressed into conceptions of "use value" or "utility???. However, in the fSM system, feces and food waste that have traditionally and culturally been classified as ???human waste??? are used to produce biogas, creating value. Feces then becomes a representation of a new conception of value - one based on abundance instead of scarcity. This study aims to explore how the use of fSM can facilitate a redefinition of sustainable wealth. It begins by exploring neoclassical and modern theories of money and their relationship to the current state of money. It argues that economics??? failure to adequately account for the role of money as a basis of social relations contributes to the current unsustainable economic system. Building on the background and philosophical underpinnings of fSM, it postulates that money based on a feces standard might be a possible solution to developing a monetary system that can serve as the basis of social relations and facilitation of exchange as a means of instigating social change in attitudes towards global challenges like inequality and climate change. Social network analysis is used to investigate the social footprint of fSM in a game simulation of the fSM system. It is found that the mechanisms of fSM has the potential to imbue the network with tight knit connections -knots- that can contribute to a more inclusive monetary system.clos

    Threads, knots and nets: the impact of trust in leading learning networks

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    NOAA Hurricane Preparedness Summit 2022

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    On April 20-21, 2022, NOAA’s Disaster Preparedness Program partnered with Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC) to facilitate three webinars focusing on NOAA’s hurricane preparedness and readiness for personnel (people), mission, and infrastructure (PMI). The virtual event entitled “NOAA Hurricane Preparedness Summit 2022,” helped put NOAA in a better posture for the 2022 hurricane season by identifying best practices and lessons learned from the 2021 season, recognizing challenges specific to the Pacific Islands, and socializing tools and resources available to support different stages of storm landfall. Specific objectives for this year’s Summit were to: 1. Understand best practices and lessons learned from the 2021 hurricane season;2. Become knowledgeable about PMI topics;3. Work towards improving consistency in response between federal and state partners;4. Recognize challenges for the next hurricane season;5. Introduce and familiarize tools and resources; and6. Understand gaps given the current limitations

    Expressing Trust with Temporal Frequency of User Interaction in Online Communities

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    Reputation systems concern soft security dynamics in diverse areas. Trust dynamics in a reputation system should be stable and adaptable at the same time to serve the purpose. Many reputation mechanisms have been proposed and tested over time. However, the main drawback of reputation management is that users need to share private information to gain trust in a system such as phone numbers, reviews, and ratings. Recently, a novel model that tries to overcome this issue was presented: the Dynamic Interaction-based Reputation Model (DIBRM). This approach to trust considers only implicit information automatically deduced from the interactions of users within an online community. In this primary research study, the Reddit and MathOverflow online social communities have been selected for testing DIBRM. Results show how this novel approach to trust can mimic behaviors of the selected reputation systems, namely Reddit and MathOverflow, only with temporal information

    Expressing Trust with Temporal Frequency of User Interaction in Online Communities

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    Reputation systems concern soft security dynamics in diverse areas. Trust dynamics in a reputation system should be stable and adaptable at the same time to serve the purpose. Many reputation mechanisms have been proposed and tested over time. However, the main drawback of reputation management is that users need to share private information to gain trust in a system such as phone numbers, reviews, and ratings. Recently, a novel model that tries to overcome this issue was presented: the Dynamic Interaction-based Reputation Model (DIBRM). This approach to trust considers only implicit information automatically deduced from the interactions of users within an online community. In this primary research study, the Red-dit and MathOverflow online social communities have been selected for testing DIBRM. Results show how this novel approach to trust can mimic behaviors of the selected reputation systems, namely Reddit and MathOverflow, only with temporal information

    Summer Research Fellowship Project Descriptions 2022

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    A summary of research done by Smith College’s 2021 Summer Research Fellowship (SURF) Program participants. Ever since its 1967 start, SURF has been a cornerstone of Smith’s science education. Supervised by faculty mentor-advisors drawn from the Clark Science Center and connected to its eighteen science, mathematics, and engineering departments and programs and associated centers and units. At summer’s end, SURF participants were asked to summarize their research experiences for this publication.https://scholarworks.smith.edu/clark_womeninscience/1012/thumbnail.jp

    Mathematical Simulations in Topology and Their Role in Mathematics Education

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    This thesis presents and discusses several software projects related to the learning of mathematics in general and topological concepts in particular, collecting the results from several publications in this field. It approaches mathematics education by construction of mathematical learning environments, which can be used for the learning of mathematics, as well as by contributing insights gained during the development and use of these learning environments. It should be noted that the presented software environments were not built for the use in schools or other settings, but to provide proofs of concepts and to act as a basis for research into mathematics and its education and communication. The first developed and analyzed environment is Ariadne, a software for the interactive visualization of dots, paths, and homotopies of paths. Ariadne is used as an example of a “mathematical simulation”, capable of supporting argumentation in a way that may be characterized as proving. The software was extended from two to three dimensions, making possible the investigation of two-dimensional manifolds, such as the torus or the sphere, using virtual reality. Another extension, KnotPortal, enables the exploration of three-dimensional manifolds represented as branched covers of knots, after an idea by Bill Thurston to portray these branched covers of knots as knotted portals between worlds. This software was the motivation for and was used in an investigation into embodied mathematics learning, as this virtual reality environment challenges users to determine the structure of the covering by moving their body. Also presented are some unpublished projects that were not completed during the doctorate. This includes work on concept images in topology as well as software for various purposes. One such software was intended for the construction of closed orientable surfaces, while another was focused on the interactive visualization of the uniformization theorem. The thesis concludes with a meta-discussion on the role of design in mathematics education research. While design plays an important role in mathematics education, designing seems to not to be recognized as research in itself, but only as part of theory building or, in most cases, an empirical study. The presented argumentation challenges this view and points out the dangers and obstacles involved

    Similarity-based Techniques for Trust Management

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    A network of people having established trust relations and a model for propagation of related trust scores are fundamental building blocks in many of todayŠs most successful e-commerce and recommendation systems. Many online communities are only successful if sufficient mu-tual trust between their members exists. Users want to know whom to trust and how muc