12 research outputs found

    A Survey on Centrality Metrics and Their Implications in Network Resilience

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    Centrality metrics have been used in various networks, such as communication, social, biological, geographic, or contact networks. In particular, they have been used in order to study and analyze targeted attack behaviors and investigated their effect on network resilience. Although a rich volume of centrality metrics has been developed for decades, a limited set of centrality metrics have been commonly in use. This paper aims to introduce various existing centrality metrics and discuss their applicabilities and performance based on the results obtained from extensive simulation experiments to encourage their use in solving various computing and engineering problems in networks.Comment: Main paper: 36 pages, 2 figures. Appendix 23 pages,45 figure

    A voting approach to uncover multiple influential spreaders on weighted networks

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    The identifcation of multiple spreaders on weighted complex networks is a crucial step towards effcient information diffusion, preventing epidemics spreading and etc. In this paper, we propose a novel approach WVoteRank to find multiple spreaders by extending VoteRank. VoteRank has limitations to select multiple spreaders on unweighted networks while various real networks are weighted networks such as trade networks, traffic flow networks and etc. Thus our approach WVoteRank is generalized to deal with both unweighted and weighted networks by considering both degree and weight in voting process. Experimental studies on LFR synthetic networks and real networks show that in the context of Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) propagation, WVoteRank outperforms existing states of arts methods such as weighted H-index, weighted K-shell, weighted degree centrality and weighted betweeness centrality on final affected scale. It obtains an improvement of final affected scale as much as 8:96%. Linear time complexity enables it to be applied on large networks effectively

    Influencer Identification on Link Predicted Graphs

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    How would admissions look like in a it university program for influencers? In the realm of social network analysis, influence maximization and link prediction stand out as pivotal challenges. Influence maximization focuses on identifying a set of key nodes to maximize information dissemination, while link prediction aims to foresee potential connections within the network. These strategies, primarily deep learning link prediction methods and greedy algorithms, have been previously used in tandem to identify future influencers. However, given the complexity of these tasks, especially in large-scale networks, we propose an algorithm, The Social Sphere Model, which uniquely utilizes expected value in its future graph prediction and combines specifically path-based link prediction metrics and heuristic influence maximization strategies to effectively identify future vital nodes in weighted networks. Our approach is tested on two distinct contagion models, offering a promising solution with lower computational demands. This advancement not only enhances our understanding of network dynamics but also opens new avenues for efficient network management and influence strategy development.Comment: 19 pages + appendix. V2 has additional information on how our model differs from existing algorithm

    A Network Science perspective of Graph Convolutional Networks: A survey

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    The mining and exploitation of graph structural information have been the focal points in the study of complex networks. Traditional structural measures in Network Science focus on the analysis and modelling of complex networks from the perspective of network structure, such as the centrality measures, the clustering coefficient, and motifs and graphlets, and they have become basic tools for studying and understanding graphs. In comparison, graph neural networks, especially graph convolutional networks (GCNs), are particularly effective at integrating node features into graph structures via neighbourhood aggregation and message passing, and have been shown to significantly improve the performances in a variety of learning tasks. These two classes of methods are, however, typically treated separately with limited references to each other. In this work, aiming to establish relationships between them, we provide a network science perspective of GCNs. Our novel taxonomy classifies GCNs from three structural information angles, i.e., the layer-wise message aggregation scope, the message content, and the overall learning scope. Moreover, as a prerequisite for reviewing GCNs via a network science perspective, we also summarise traditional structural measures and propose a new taxonomy for them. Finally and most importantly, we draw connections between traditional structural approaches and graph convolutional networks, and discuss potential directions for future research

    Identifying influential nodes with centrality indices combinations using symbolic regressions

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    Numerous strategies for determining the most influential nodes in a connected network have been developed. The use of centrality indices in a network allows the identification of the most important nodes in the network. Specific indices, on the other hand, cannot search for a network's entire meaning because they are only interested in a single attribute. Researchers frequently overlook an index's characteristics in favour of focusing on its application. The purpose of this research is to integrate selected centrality indices classified by their various properties. A symbolic regression approach was used to find meaningful mathematical expressions for this combination of indices. When the efficacy of the combined indices is compared to other methods, the combined indices react similarly and outperform the previous method. Using this adaptive technique, network researchers can now identify the most influential network nodes

    mapping the landscape of climate services

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    Climate services are technology-intensive, science-based and user-tailored tools providing timely climate information to a wide set of users. They accelerate innovation, while contributing to societal adaptation. Research has explored the advancements of climate services in multiple fields, producing a wealth of interdisciplinary knowledge ranging from climatology to the social sciences. The aim of this paper is to map the global landscape of research on climate services and to identify patterns at individual, affiliation and country level and the structural properties of each community. We use a sample of 358 records published between 1974 and 2018 and quantitatively analyze them. We provide insights into the main characteristics of the community of climate services through Bibliometrics and complement these findings with Network Science. We have computed the centrality of each actor as derived from a Principal Component Analysis of 42 different measures. By exploring the structural properties of the networks of individuals, institutions and countries we derive implications on the most central agents. Furthermore, we detect brokers in the network, capable of facilitating the information flow and increasing the cohesion of the community. We finally analyze the abstracts of the sample via Content Analysis. We find a progressive shift towards climate adaptation and user-centric visions. Agriculture and Energy are the top mentioned sectors. Anglophone countries and institutions are quantitatively dominant, and they are also important in connecting different discipline of the network of scholars, by building on established partnerships. Finding that nodes facilitating the diffusion of information flows (the brokers) are not necessarily the most central, but have a high degree of interdisciplinarity facilitating interactions of different communities. Social media abstract. #WhoisWho in #climateservices? A comprehensive map of research in #Europe and beyon

    Big networks : a survey

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    A network is a typical expressive form of representing complex systems in terms of vertices and links, in which the pattern of interactions amongst components of the network is intricate. The network can be static that does not change over time or dynamic that evolves through time. The complication of network analysis is different under the new circumstance of network size explosive increasing. In this paper, we introduce a new network science concept called a big network. A big networks is generally in large-scale with a complicated and higher-order inner structure. This paper proposes a guideline framework that gives an insight into the major topics in the area of network science from the viewpoint of a big network. We first introduce the structural characteristics of big networks from three levels, which are micro-level, meso-level, and macro-level. We then discuss some state-of-the-art advanced topics of big network analysis. Big network models and related approaches, including ranking methods, partition approaches, as well as network embedding algorithms are systematically introduced. Some typical applications in big networks are then reviewed, such as community detection, link prediction, recommendation, etc. Moreover, we also pinpoint some critical open issues that need to be investigated further. © 2020 Elsevier Inc