18 research outputs found

    Systematic Literature Review untuk Membuat Model Aplikasi Pemantauan Kesehatan Cardiovascular

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    Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research and in particular USAbility aspects for cardiovascular disease (CVD) health monitoring  application  in  the  developing  countries  have  been  an  underresearch phenomenon.  In  the  era  of digitization, heart patients are relying more on cardiovascular disease (CVD) health monitoring applications on mobile devices to monitor their hearts' conditions. In order for the applications to be USAble by the CVD patients, several USAbility aspects such as ease of use, learnability, effectiveness, flexibility and attitude of users are imperative in determining the USAbility of the applications. This research investigates the integration of USAbility aspects into CVD health monitoring application by USAbility engineers and system developers. This research employs Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method on USAbility aspects of CVD health monitoring applications. This research proposes a conceptual model called the Usability of Cardiovascular Health Monitoring Application Model (uCALM). The model aims to improve the USAbility aspects of CVD health monitoring application for the benefits of the patients and their cardiologists

    A Systematic Literature Review on Blockchain Technology in Software Engineering

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    Blockchain technology is gaining increasing interest among software developers as a distributed and decentralized ledger for tracking the origin of digital assets. However, the application of blockchain in software engineering requires further attention. In this study, we aim to address the current challenges and explore the need for specialized blockchain practices in software engineering. Through a systematic literature review, we identify the various applications of blockchain technology in software engineering. Additionally, we conduct a thorough analysis of existing obstacles and propose potential solutions. Gathering and evaluating requirements using blockchain-based requirements engineering approaches will enhance the quality and reliability of data in software development projects. This, in turn, will improve the overall quality and dependability of software, as well as increase user interest and productivity

    Establishing a Search String to Detect Secondary Studies in Software Engineering

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    Search for secondary studies is essential to establish whether the review on the intended topic has already been done, avoiding waste time. In addition, secondary studies are the inputs of a tertiary study. However, one critical step in searching for secondary studies is to elaborate a search string. The main goal of this work is to analyze search strings to establish directions to better detect secondary studies in Software Engineering (SE). We analyzed seven tertiary studies under two perspectives: (1) structure - strings' terms to detect secondary studies; and (2) field: where searching - titles alone or abstracts alone or titles and abstracts together, among others. We also performed a validation of the results found. The suitable search string for finding secondary studies in SE contain the terms "systematic review", "literature review", "systematic mapping", "mapping study", "systematic map", "meta-analysis", "survey" and "literature analysis". Furthermore, we recommend (1) researchers use the title, abstract and keywords search fields in their searches to increase studies recall; (2) researchers choose carefully their paper title, abstract and keyword terms to increase the chance of having such studies found on digital libraries

    Investigating the Factors, Challenges, and Role of Stakeholders in Implementing Industry 5.0 and Its Impact on Supply Chain Operations: A Study of the Global Agri-Food Supply Chain

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    Industry 5.0 may assist businesses to become more constructive and competitive in the global economy in the Fifith Industrial Revolution era. Therefore, a critical review of prior literature is presented in this paper to examine how Industry 5.0 will impact supply chain operations within the agricultural sector. Additionally, it examines influencing factors, challenges, stakeholder roles, and recommendations identified from the literature. Industry 5.0 has multiple benefits for the agri-food sector such as improved agility, responsiveness, efficiency, productivity, precise decision-making, as well as cost-effectiveness

    Semi-Automatic Mapping Technique Using Snowballing to Support Massive Literature Searches in Software Engineering

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    Systematic literature reviews represent an important methodology in Evidence-Based Software Engineering. To define the methodological route in these type of studies, in which a review of quantitative and qualitative aspects of primary studies is carried out to summarize the existing information regarding a particular topic, researchers use protocols that guide the construction of knowledge from research questions. This article presents a process that uses forward Snowballing, which identifies the articles cited in the paper under study and the number of citations as inclusion criteria to complement systematic literature reviews. A process that relies on software tools was designed to apply the Snowballing strategy and to identify the most cited works and those who cite them. To validate the process, a review identified in the literature was used. After comparing the results, new works that were not taken into account but made contributions to the subject of study emerged. The citation index represents the number of times a publication has been referenced in other documents and is used as a mechanism to analyze, measure, or quantitatively assess the impact of said publication on the scientific community. The present study showed how applying Snowballing along with other strategies enables the emergence of works that may be relevant for an investigation given the citations rate. That is, implementing this proposal will allow updating or expanding systematic literature studies through the new works evidenced

    A Investigação Sobre o Discurso de Ódio no Campo da Comunicação: Uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura

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    As revisões sistemáticas de literatura, embora tenham surgido no campo da saúde, constituem um grande apoio a investigadores de outras áreas, uma vez que o seu grande objetivo passa por entender o trabalho feito em torno de um determinado tema e conhecer os principais autores e as diferentes perspetivas adotadas. Para este trabalho, a técnica foi aplicada à base de dados Communication Abstracts, de forma a mapear a investigação relativa ao discurso de ódio: qual o foco dos trabalhos, quais os grupos mais estudados e quais as perspetivas e metodologias mais recorrentes. Após a análise a um universo de 85 artigos, foi possível concluir que, desde os anos 90, existe um grande interesse pela vertente legislativa e de regulação, que tem sido complementado, nos últimos anos, com um alargar ao campo do tipo de conteúdo presente no discurso de ódio