23,142 research outputs found

    A new closed-loop output error method for parameter identification of robot dynamics

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    Off-line robot dynamic identification methods are mostly based on the use of the inverse dynamic model, which is linear with respect to the dynamic parameters. This model is sampled while the robot is tracking reference trajectories that excite the system dynamics. This allows using linear least-squares techniques to estimate the parameters. The efficiency of this method has been proved through the experimental identification of many prototypes and industrial robots. However, this method requires the joint force/torque and position measurements and the estimate of the joint velocity and acceleration, through the bandpass filtering of the joint position at high sampling rates. The proposed new method requires only the joint force/torque measurement. It is a closed-loop output error method where the usual joint position output is replaced by the joint force/torque. It is based on a closed-loop simulation of the robot using the direct dynamic model, the same structure of the control law, and the same reference trajectory for both the actual and the simulated robot. The optimal parameters minimize the 2-norm of the error between the actual force/torque and the simulated force/torque. This is a non-linear least-squares problem which is dramatically simplified using the inverse dynamic model to obtain an analytical expression of the simulated force/torque, linear in the parameters. A validation experiment on a 2 degree-of-freedom direct drive robot shows that the new method is efficient

    Dynamic identification of a 6 dof industrial robot without joint position data

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    Off-line robot dynamic identification methods are mostly based on the use of the inverse dynamic model, which is linear with respect to the dynamic parameters. This model is sampled while the robot is tracking reference trajectories that excite the system dynamics. This allows using linear least-squares techniques to estimate the parameters. This method requires the joint force/torque and position measurements and the estimate of the joint velocity and acceleration, through the bandpass filtering of the joint position at high sampling rates. A new method called DIDIM has been proposed and validated on a 2 degree-of-freedom robot. DIDIM method requires only the joint force/torque measurement. It is based on a closed-loop simulation of the robot using the direct dynamic model, the same structure of the control law, and the same reference trajectory for both the actual and the simulated robot. The optimal parameters minimize the 2-norm of the error between the actual force/torque and the simulated force/torque. A validation experiment on a 6 dof Staubli TX40 robot shows that DIDIM method is very efficient on industrial robot

    An automated instrumental variable method for rigid industrial robot identification

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    Industrial robots must be operated in closed-loop since they are electro-mechanical systems with double integrator behaviour. Their mechanical model, called the Inverse Dynamic Identification Model (IDIM), is based on Newton’s laws and has the advantage of being linear with respect to the parameters. The Instrumental Variable (IDIM-IV) method provides a robust solution to the closed-loop estimation problem. This method relies on a tailor-made prefiltering process in order to estimate accurate parameters. An alternative and automatic way of constructing the observation matrix has been recently introduced. If this methodology provides appropriate estimated parameters, it can fail to estimate the variances of those parameters. In this paper, an identification of the additive noise characteristics is included in the process to obtain correct and lower variances of the IDIM parameters. The evaluation of the new estimation algorithm on a one degree-of-freedom rigid robot shows that it improves statistical efficiency, while minimizing the a priori knowledge required from the practitioner

    Visual Calibration, Identification and Control of 6-RSS Parallel Robots

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    Parallel robots present some outstanding advantages in high force-to-weight ratio, better stiffness and theoretical higher accuracy compared with serial manipulators. Hence parallel robots have been utilized increasingly in various applications. However, due to the manufacturing tolerances and defections in the robot structure, the positioning accuracy of parallel robots is basically equivalent with that of serial manipulators according to previous researches on the accuracy analysis of the Stewart Platform [1], which is difficult to meet the precision requirement of many potential applications. In addition, the existence of closed-chain mechanism yields difficulties in designing control system for practical applications, due to its highly coupled dynamics. Visual sensor is a good choice for providing non-contact measurement of the end-effector pose (position and orientation) with simplicity in operation and low cost compared to other measurement methods such as the coordinate measurement machine (CMM) [2] and the laser tracker [3]. In this research, a series of solutions including kinematic calibration, dynamic identification and visual servoing are proposed to improve the positioning and tracking performance of the parallel robot based on the visual sensor. The main contributions of this research include three parts. In the first part, a relative pose-based algorithm (RPBA) is proposed to solve the kinematic calibration problem of a six-revolute-spherical-spherical (6-RSS) parallel robot by using the optical CMM sensor. Based on the relative poses between the candidate and the initial configurations, a calibration algorithm is proposed to determine the optimal error parameters of the robot kinematic model and external parameters introduced by the optical sensor. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposal RPBA using optical CMM is an implementable and effective method for the parallel robot calibration. The second part focuses on the dynamic model identification of the 6-RSS parallel robots. A visual closed-loop output-error identification method based on an optical CMM sensor is proposed for the purpose of the advanced model-based visual servoing control design of parallel robots. By using an outer loop visual servoing controller to stabilize both the parallel robot and the simulated model, the visual closed-loop output-error identification method is developed and the model parameters are identified by using a nonlinear optimization technique. The effectiveness of the proposed identification algorithm is validated by experimental tests. In the last part, a dynamic sliding mode control (DSMC) scheme combined with the visual servoing method is proposed to improve the tracking performance of the 6-RSS parallel robot based on the optical CMM sensor. By employing a position-to-torque converter, the torque command generated by DSMC can be applied to the position controlled industrial robot. The stability of the proposed DSMC has been proved by using Lyapunov theorem. The real-time experiment tests on a 6-RSS parallel robot demonstrate that the developed DSMC scheme is robust to the modeling errors and uncertainties. Compared with the classical kinematic level controllers, the proposed DSMC exhibits the superiority in terms of tracking performance and robustness