2,945 research outputs found

    Apoptosis in mouse fetal and neonatal oocytes during meiotic prophase one

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    Background The vast majority of oocytes formed in the fetal ovary do not survive beyond birth. Possible reasons for their loss include the elimination of non-viable genetic constitutions arising through meiosis, however, the precise relationship between meiotic stages and prenatal apoptosis of oocytes remains elusive. We studied oocytes in mouse fetal and neonatal ovaries, 14.5–21 days post coitum, to examine the relationship between oocyte development and programmed cell death during meiotic prophase I. Results Microspreads of fetal and neonatal ovarian cells underwent immunocytochemistry for meiosis- and apoptosis-related markers. COR-1 (meiosis-specific) highlighted axial elements of the synaptonemal complex and allowed definitive identification of the stages of meiotic prophase I. Labelling for cleaved poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP-1), an inactivated DNA repair protein, indicated apoptosis. The same oocytes were then labelled for DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) using TUNEL. 1960 oocytes produced analysable results. . Oocytes at all stages of meiotic prophase I stained for cleaved PARP-1 and/or TUNEL, or neither. Oocytes with fragmented (19.8%) or compressed (21.2%) axial elements showed slight but significant differences in staining for cleaved PARP-1 and TUNEL to those with intact elements. However, fragmentation of axial elements alone was not a good indicator of cell demise. Cleaved PARP-1 and TUNEL staining were not necessarily coincident, showing that TUNEL is not a reliable marker of apoptosis in oocytes. Conclusions Our data indicate that apoptosis can occur throughout meiotic prophase I in mouse fetal and early postnatal oocytes, with greatest incidence at the diplotene stage. Careful selection of appropriate markers for oocyte apoptosis is essential

    Defending the genome from the enemy within:mechanisms of retrotransposon suppression in the mouse germline

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    The viability of any species requires that the genome is kept stable as it is transmitted from generation to generation by the germ cells. One of the challenges to transgenerational genome stability is the potential mutagenic activity of transposable genetic elements, particularly retrotransposons. There are many different types of retrotransposon in mammalian genomes, and these target different points in germline development to amplify and integrate into new genomic locations. Germ cells, and their pluripotent developmental precursors, have evolved a variety of genome defence mechanisms that suppress retrotransposon activity and maintain genome stability across the generations. Here, we review recent advances in understanding how retrotransposon activity is suppressed in the mammalian germline, how genes involved in germline genome defence mechanisms are regulated, and the consequences of mutating these genome defence genes for the developing germline

    A yeast's eye view of mammalian reproduction: cross-species gene co-expression in meiotic prophase

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Meiotic prophase is a critical stage in sexual reproduction. Aberrant chromosome recombination during this stage is a leading cause of human miscarriages and birth defects. However, due to the experimental intractability of mammalian gonads, only a very limited number of meiotic genes have been characterized. Here we aim to identify novel meiotic genes important in human reproduction through computational mining of cross-species and cross-sex time-series expression data from budding yeast, mouse postnatal testis, mouse embryonic ovary, and human fetal ovary.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Orthologous gene pairs were ranked by order statistics according to their co-expression profiles across species, allowing us to infer conserved meiotic genes despite obvious differences in cellular synchronicity and composition in organisms. We demonstrated that conserved co-expression networks could successfully recover known meiotic genes, including homologous recombination genes, chromatin cohesion genes, and genes regulating meiotic entry. We also showed that conserved co-expression pairs exhibit functional connections, as evidenced by the annotation similarity in Gene Ontology and overlap with physical interactions. More importantly, we predicted six new meiotic genes through their co-expression linkages with known meiotic genes, and subsequently used the genetically more amenable yeast system for experimental validation. The deletion mutants of all six genes showed sporulation defects, equivalent to a 100% validation rate.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We identified evolutionarily conserved gene modules in meiotic prophase by integrating cross-species and cross-sex expression profiles from budding yeast, mouse, and human. Our co-expression linkage analyses confirmed known meiotic genes and identified several novel genes that might be critical players in meiosis in multiple species. These results demonstrate that our approach is highly efficient to discover evolutionarily conserved novel meiotic genes, and yeast can serve as a valuable model system for investigating mammalian meiotic prophase.</p

    Identification of transcripts involved in meiosis and follicle formation during ovine ovary development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The key steps in germ cell survival during ovarian development are the entry into meiosis of oogonies and the formation of primordial follicles, which then determine the reproductive lifespan of the ovary. In sheep, these steps occur during fetal life, between 55 and 80 days of gestation, respectively. The aim of this study was to identify differentially expressed ovarian genes during prophase I meiosis and early folliculogenesis in sheep.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to elucidate the molecular events associated with early ovarian differentiation, we generated two ovary stage-specific subtracted cDNA libraries using SSH. Large-scale sequencing of these SSH libraries identified 6,080 ESTs representing 2,535 contigs. Clustering and assembly of these ESTs resulted in a total of 2,101 unique sequences depicted in 1,305 singleton (62.11%) and 796 contigs (37.9%) ESTs (clusters). BLASTX evaluation indicated that 99% of the ESTs were homologous to various known genes/proteins in a broad range of organisms, especially ovine, bovine and human species. The remaining 1% which exhibited any homology to known gene sequences was considered as novel. Detailed study of the expression patterns of some of these genes using RT-PCR revealed new promising candidates for ovary differentiation genes in sheep.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We showed that the SSH approach was relevant to determining new mammalian genes which might be involved in oogenesis and early follicle development, and enabled the discovery of new potential oocyte and granulosa cell markers for future studies. These genes may have significant implications regarding our understanding of ovarian function in molecular terms, and for the development of innovative strategies to both promote and control fertility.</p

    Single cell epigenomic and transcriptomic analysis uncovers potential transcription factors regulating mitotic/meiotic switch

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    In order to reveal the complex mechanism governing the mitotic/meiotic switch in female germ cells at epigenomic and genomic levels, we examined the chromatin accessibility (scATAC-seq) and the transcriptional dynamics (scRNA-seq) in germ cells of mouse embryonic ovary between E11.5 to 13.5 at single-cell resolution. Adopting a strict transcription factors (TFs) screening framework that makes it easier to understand the single-cell chromatin signature and a TF interaction algorithm that integrates the transcript levels, chromatin accessibility, and motif scores, we identified 14 TFs potentially regulating the mitotic/meiotic switch, including TCFL5, E2F1, E2F2, E2F6, E2F8, BATF3, SP1, FOS, FOXN3, VEZF1, GBX2, CEBPG, JUND, and TFDP1. Focusing on TCFL5, we constructed Tcfl5(+/-) mice which showed significantly reduced fertility and found that decreasing TCFL5 expression in cultured E12.5 ovaries by RNAi impaired meiotic progression from leptotene to zygotene. Bioinformatics analysis of published results of the embryonic germ cell transcriptome and the finding that in these cells central meiotic genes (Stra8, Tcfl5, Sycp3, and E2f2) possess open chromatin status already at the mitotic stage together with other features of TCFL5 (potential capability to interact with core TFs and activate meiotic genes, its progressive activation after preleptotene, binding sites in the promoter region of E2f2 and Sycp3), indicated extensive amplification of transcriptional programs associated to mitotic/meiotic switch with an important contribution of TCFL5. We conclude that the identified TFs, are involved in various stages of the mitotic/meiotic switch in female germ cells, TCFL5 primarily in meiotic progression. Further investigation on these factors might give a significant contribution to unravel the molecular mechanisms of this fundamental process of oogenesis and provide clues about pathologies in women such as primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) due at least in part to meiotic defects

    Mammalian BTBD12 (SLX4) Protects against Genomic Instability during Mammalian Spermatogenesis

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    The mammalian ortholog of yeast Slx4, BTBD12, is an ATM substrate that functions as a scaffold for various DNA repair activities. Mutations of human BTBD12 have been reported in a new sub-type of Fanconi anemia patients. Recent studies have implicated the fly and worm orthologs, MUS312 and HIM-18, in the regulation of meiotic crossovers arising from double-strand break (DSB) initiating events and also in genome stability prior to meiosis. Using a Btbd12 mutant mouse, we analyzed the role of BTBD12 in mammalian gametogenesis. BTBD12 localizes to pre-meiotic spermatogonia and to meiotic spermatocytes in wildtype males. Btbd12 mutant mice have less than 15% normal spermatozoa and are subfertile. Loss of BTBD12 during embryogenesis results in impaired primordial germ cell proliferation and increased apoptosis, which reduces the spermatogonial pool in the early postnatal testis. During prophase I, DSBs initiate normally in Btbd12 mutant animals. However, DSB repair is delayed or impeded, resulting in persistent γH2AX and RAD51, and the choice of repair pathway may be altered, resulting in elevated MLH1/MLH3 focus numbers at pachynema. The result is an increase in apoptosis through prophase I and beyond. Unlike yeast Slx4, therefore, BTBD12 appears to function in meiotic prophase I, possibly during the recombination events that lead to the production of crossovers. In line with its expected regulation by ATM kinase, BTBD12 protein is reduced in the testis of Atm−/− males, and Btbd12 mutant mice exhibit increased genomic instability in the form of elevated blood cell micronucleus formation similar to that seen in Atm−/− males. Taken together, these data indicate that BTBD12 functions throughout gametogenesis to maintain genome stability, possibly by co-ordinating repair processes and/or by linking DNA repair events to the cell cycle via ATM

    The C. elegans DSB-2 protein reveals a regulatory network that controls competence for meiotic DSB formation and promotes crossover assurance.

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    For most organisms, chromosome segregation during meiosis relies on deliberate induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and repair of a subset of these DSBs as inter-homolog crossovers (COs). However, timing and levels of DSB formation must be tightly controlled to avoid jeopardizing genome integrity. Here we identify the DSB-2 protein, which is required for efficient DSB formation during C. elegans meiosis but is dispensable for later steps of meiotic recombination. DSB-2 localizes to chromatin during the time of DSB formation, and its disappearance coincides with a decline in RAD-51 foci marking early recombination intermediates and precedes appearance of COSA-1 foci marking CO-designated sites. These and other data suggest that DSB-2 and its paralog DSB-1 promote competence for DSB formation. Further, immunofluorescence analyses of wild-type gonads and various meiotic mutants reveal that association of DSB-2 with chromatin is coordinated with multiple distinct aspects of the meiotic program, including the phosphorylation state of nuclear envelope protein SUN-1 and dependence on RAD-50 to load the RAD-51 recombinase at DSB sites. Moreover, association of DSB-2 with chromatin is prolonged in mutants impaired for either DSB formation or formation of downstream CO intermediates. These and other data suggest that association of DSB-2 with chromatin is an indicator of competence for DSB formation, and that cells respond to a deficit of CO-competent recombination intermediates by prolonging the DSB-competent state. In the context of this model, we propose that formation of sufficient CO-competent intermediates engages a negative feedback response that leads to cessation of DSB formation as part of a major coordinated transition in meiotic prophase progression. The proposed negative feedback regulation of DSB formation simultaneously (1) ensures that sufficient DSBs are made to guarantee CO formation and (2) prevents excessive DSB levels that could have deleterious effects

    Genetic control of meiosis surveillance mechanisms in mammals

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    Meiosis is a specialized cell division that generates haploid gametes and is critical for successful sexual reproduction. During the extended meiotic prophase I, homologous chromosomes progressively pair, synapse and desynapse. These chromosomal dynamics are tightly integrated with meiotic recombination (MR), during which programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are formed and subsequently repaired. Consequently, parental chromosome arms reciprocally exchange, ultimately ensuring accurate homolog segregation and genetic diversity in the offspring. Surveillance mechanisms carefully monitor the MR and homologous chromosome synapsis during meiotic prophase I to avoid producing aberrant chromosomes and defective gametes. Errors in these critical processes would lead to aneuploidy and/or genetic instability. Studies of mutation in mouse models, coupled with advances in genomic technologies, lead us to more clearly understand how meiosis is controlled and how meiotic errors are linked to mammalian infertility. Here, we review the genetic regulations of these major meiotic events in mice and highlight our current understanding of their surveillance mechanisms. Furthermore, we summarize meiotic prophase genes, the mutations that activate the surveillance system leading to meiotic prophase arrest in mouse models, and their corresponding genetic variants identified in human infertile patients. Finally, we discuss their value for the diagnosis of causes of meiosis-based infertility in humans