61,985 research outputs found

    Synchronous versus asynchronous modeling of gene regulatory networks

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    Motivation: In silico modeling of gene regulatory networks has gained some momentum recently due to increased interest in analyzing the dynamics of biological systems. This has been further facilitated by the increasing availability of experimental data on gene-gene, protein-protein and gene-protein interactions. The two dynamical properties that are often experimentally testable are perturbations and stable steady states. Although a lot of work has been done on the identification of steady states, not much work has been reported on in silico modeling of cellular differentiation processes. Results: In this manuscript, we provide algorithms based on reduced ordered binary decision diagrams (ROBDDs) for Boolean modeling of gene regulatory networks. Algorithms for synchronous and asynchronous transition models have been proposed and their corresponding computational properties have been analyzed. These algorithms allow users to compute cyclic attractors of large networks that are currently not feasible using existing software. Hereby we provide a framework to analyze the effect of multiple gene perturbation protocols, and their effect on cell differentiation processes. These algorithms were validated on the T-helper model showing the correct steady state identification and Th1-Th2 cellular differentiation process. Availability: The software binaries for Windows and Linux platforms can be downloaded from http://si2.epfl.ch/~garg/genysis.html. Contact: [email protected]

    PPNet: Identifying functional association networks by phylogenetic profiling of prokaryotic genomes

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    Identification of microbial functional association networks allows interpretation of biological phenomena and a greater understanding of the molecular basis of pathogenicity and also underpins the formulation of control measures. Here, we describe PPNet, a tool that uses genome information and analysis of phylogenetic profiles with binary similarity and distance measures to derive large-scale bacterial gene association networks of a single species. As an exemplar, we have derived a functional association network in the pig pathogen Streptococcus suis using 81 binary similarity and dissimilarity measures which demonstrates excellent performance based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC), the area under the precision-recall (AUPR), and a derived overall scoring method. Selected network associations were validated experimentally by using bacterial two-hybrid experiments. We conclude that PPNet, a publicly available (https://github.com/liyangjie/PPNet), can be used to construct microbial association networks from easily acquired genome-scale data. IMPORTANCE This study developed PPNet, the first tool that can be used to infer large-scale bacterial functional association networks of a single species. PPNet includes a method for assigning the uniqueness of a bacterial strain using the average nucleotide identity and the average nucleotide coverage. PPNet collected 81 binary similarity and distance measures for phylogenetic profiling and then evaluated and divided them into four groups. PPNet can effectively capture gene networks that are functionally related to phenotype from publicly prokaryotic genomes, as well as provide valuable results for downstream analysis and experiment testing

    Data based identification and prediction of nonlinear and complex dynamical systems

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    We thank Dr. R. Yang (formerly at ASU), Dr. R.-Q. Su (formerly at ASU), and Mr. Zhesi Shen for their contributions to a number of original papers on which this Review is partly based. This work was supported by ARO under Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0504. W.-X. Wang was also supported by NSFC under Grants No. 61573064 and No. 61074116, as well as by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Beijing Nova Programme.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Genes2Networks: Connecting Lists of Proteins by Using Background Literature-based Mammalian Networks

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    In recent years, in-silico literature-based mammalian protein-protein interaction network datasets have been developed. These datasets contain binary interactions extracted manually from legacy experimental biomedical research literature. Placing lists of genes or proteins identified as significantly changing in multivariate experiments, in the context of background knowledge about binary interactions, can be used to place these genes or proteins in the context of pathways and protein complexes.
Genes2Networks is a software system that integrates the content of ten mammalian literature-based interaction network datasets. Filtering to prune low-confidence interactions was implemented. Genes2Networks is delivered as a web-based service using AJAX. The system can be used to extract relevant subnetworks created from “seed” lists of human Entrez gene names. The output includes a dynamic linkable three color web-based network map, with a statistical analysis report that identifies significant intermediate nodes used to connect the seed list. Genes2Networks is available at http://actin.pharm.mssm.edu/genes2networks.
Genes2Network is a powerful web-based software application tool that can help experimental biologists to interpret high-throughput experimental results used in genomics and proteomics studies where the output of these experiments is a list of significantly changing genes or proteins. The system can be used to find relationships between nodes from the seed list, and predict novel nodes that play a key role in a common function

    Penalized EM algorithm and copula skeptic graphical models for inferring networks for mixed variables

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    In this article, we consider the problem of reconstructing networks for continuous, binary, count and discrete ordinal variables by estimating sparse precision matrix in Gaussian copula graphical models. We propose two approaches: 1\ell_1 penalized extended rank likelihood with Monte Carlo Expectation-Maximization algorithm (copula EM glasso) and copula skeptic with pair-wise copula estimation for copula Gaussian graphical models. The proposed approaches help to infer networks arising from nonnormal and mixed variables. We demonstrate the performance of our methods through simulation studies and analysis of breast cancer genomic and clinical data and maize genetics data

    Defining a robust biological prior from Pathway Analysis to drive Network Inference

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    Inferring genetic networks from gene expression data is one of the most challenging work in the post-genomic era, partly due to the vast space of possible networks and the relatively small amount of data available. In this field, Gaussian Graphical Model (GGM) provides a convenient framework for the discovery of biological networks. In this paper, we propose an original approach for inferring gene regulation networks using a robust biological prior on their structure in order to limit the set of candidate networks. Pathways, that represent biological knowledge on the regulatory networks, will be used as an informative prior knowledge to drive Network Inference. This approach is based on the selection of a relevant set of genes, called the "molecular signature", associated with a condition of interest (for instance, the genes involved in disease development). In this context, differential expression analysis is a well established strategy. However outcome signatures are often not consistent and show little overlap between studies. Thus, we will dedicate the first part of our work to the improvement of the standard process of biomarker identification to guarantee the robustness and reproducibility of the molecular signature. Our approach enables to compare the networks inferred between two conditions of interest (for instance case and control networks) and help along the biological interpretation of results. Thus it allows to identify differential regulations that occur in these conditions. We illustrate the proposed approach by applying our method to a study of breast cancer's response to treatment