1,459 research outputs found

    From past to present: spam detection and identifying opinion leaders in social networks

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    On microblogging sites, which are gaining more and more users every day, a wide range of ideas are quickly emerging, spreading, and creating interactive environments. In some cases, in Turkey as well as in the rest of the world, it was noticed that events were published on microblogging sites before appearing in visual, audio and printed news sources. Thanks to the rapid flow of information in social networks, it can reach millions of people in seconds. In this context, social media can be seen as one of the most important sources of information affecting public opinion. Since the information in social networks became accessible, research started to be conducted using the information on the social networks. While the studies about spam detection and identification of opinion leaders gained popularity, surveys about these topics began to be published. This study also shows the importance of spam detection and identification of opinion leaders in social networks. It is seen that the data collected from social platforms, especially in recent years, has sourced many state-of-art applications. There are independent surveys that focus on filtering the spam content and detecting influencers on social networks. This survey analyzes both spam detection studies and opinion leader identification and categorizes these studies by their methodologies. As far as we know there is no survey that contains approaches for both spam detection and opinion leader identification in social networks. This survey contains an overview of the past and recent advances in both spam detection and opinion leader identification studies in social networks. Furthermore, readers of this survey have the opportunity of understanding general aspects of different studies about spam detection and opinion leader identification while observing key points and comparisons of these studies.This work is supported in part by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) through grant number 118E315 and grant number 120E187. Points of view in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of TUBITAK.Publisher's VersionEmerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)Q4WOS:00080858480001

    An Information Diffusion-Based Recommendation Framework for Micro-Blogging

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    Micro-blogging is increasingly evolving from a daily chatting tool into a critical platform for individuals and organizations to seek and share real-time news updates during emergencies. However, seeking and extracting useful information from micro-blogging sites poses significant challenges due to the volume of the traffic and the presence of a large body of irrelevant personal messages and spam. In this paper, we propose a novel recommendation framework to overcome this problem. By analyzing information diffusion patterns among a large set of micro-blogs that play the role of emergency news providers, our approach selects a small subset as recommended emergency news feeds for regular users. We evaluate our diffusion-based recommendation framework on Twitter during the early outbreak of H1N1 Flu. The evaluation results show that our method results in more balanced and comprehensive recommendations compared to benchmark approaches

    An Information Diffusion-Based Recommendation Framework for Micro-Blogging

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    Critical Impact of Social Networks Infodemic on Defeating Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: Twitter-Based Study and Research Directions

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    News creation and consumption has been changing since the advent of social media. An estimated 2.95 billion people in 2019 used social media worldwide. The widespread of the Coronavirus COVID-19 resulted with a tsunami of social media. Most platforms were used to transmit relevant news, guidelines and precautions to people. According to WHO, uncontrolled conspiracy theories and propaganda are spreading faster than the COVID-19 pandemic itself, creating an infodemic and thus causing psychological panic, misleading medical advises, and economic disruption. Accordingly, discussions have been initiated with the objective of moderating all COVID-19 communications, except those initiated from trusted sources such as the WHO and authorized governmental entities. This paper presents a large-scale study based on data mined from Twitter. Extensive analysis has been performed on approximately one million COVID-19 related tweets collected over a period of two months. Furthermore, the profiles of 288,000 users were analyzed including unique users profiles, meta-data and tweets context. The study noted various interesting conclusions including the critical impact of the (1) exploitation of the COVID-19 crisis to redirect readers to irrelevant topics and (2) widespread of unauthentic medical precautions and information. Further data analysis revealed the importance of using social networks in a global pandemic crisis by relying on credible users with variety of occupations, content developers and influencers in specific fields. In this context, several insights and findings have been provided while elaborating computing and non-computing implications and research directions for potential solutions and social networks management strategies during crisis periods.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, Journal Articl

    Immigration as a Divisive Topic: Clusters and Content Diffusion in the Italian Twitter Debate

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    In this work, we apply network science to analyse almost 6 M tweets about the debate around immigration in Italy, collected between 2018 and 2019, when many related events captured media outlets’ attention. Our aim was to better understand the dynamics underlying the interactions on social media on such a delicate and divisive topic, which are the actors that are leading the discussion, and whose messages have the highest chance to reach out the majority of the accounts that are following the debate. The debate on Twitter is represented with networks; we provide a characterisation of the main clusters by looking at the highest in-degree nodes in each one and by analysing the text of the tweets of all the users. We find a strongly segregated network which shows an explicit interplay with the Italian political and social landscape, that however seems to be disconnected from the actual geographical distribution and relocation of migrants. In addition, quite surprisingly, the influencers and political leaders that apparently lead the debate, do not necessarily belong to the clusters that include the majority of nodes: we find evidence of the existence of a `silent majority’ that is more connected to accounts who expose a more positive stance toward migrants, while leaders whose stance is negative attract apparently more attention. Finally, we see that the community structure clearly affects the diffusion of content (URLs) by identifying the presence of both local and global trends of diffusion, and that communities tend to display segregation regardless of their political and cultural background. In particular, we observe that messages that spread widely in the two largest clusters, whose most popular members are also notoriously at the opposite sides of the political spectrum, have a very low chance to get visibility into other clusters

    Knowledge Modelling and Learning through Cognitive Networks

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    One of the most promising developments in modelling knowledge is cognitive network science, which aims to investigate cognitive phenomena driven by the networked, associative organization of knowledge. For example, investigating the structure of semantic memory via semantic networks has illuminated how memory recall patterns influence phenomena such as creativity, memory search, learning, and more generally, knowledge acquisition, exploration, and exploitation. In parallel, neural network models for artificial intelligence (AI) are also becoming more widespread as inferential models for understanding which features drive language-related phenomena such as meaning reconstruction, stance detection, and emotional profiling. Whereas cognitive networks map explicitly which entities engage in associative relationships, neural networks perform an implicit mapping of correlations in cognitive data as weights, obtained after training over labelled data and whose interpretation is not immediately evident to the experimenter. This book aims to bring together quantitative, innovative research that focuses on modelling knowledge through cognitive and neural networks to gain insight into mechanisms driving cognitive processes related to knowledge structuring, exploration, and learning. The book comprises a variety of publication types, including reviews and theoretical papers, empirical research, computational modelling, and big data analysis. All papers here share a commonality: they demonstrate how the application of network science and AI can extend and broaden cognitive science in ways that traditional approaches cannot

    Social Media Influencers- A Review of Operations Management Literature

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    This literature review provides a comprehensive survey of research on Social Media Influencers (SMIs) across the fields of SMIs in marketing, seeding strategies, influence maximization and applications of SMIs in society. Specifically, we focus on examining the methods employed by researchers to reach their conclusions. Through our analysis, we identify opportunities for future research that align with emerging areas and unexplored territories related to theory, context, and methodology. This approach offers a fresh perspective on existing research, paving the way for more effective and impactful studies in the future. Additionally, gaining a deeper understanding of the underlying principles and methodologies of these concepts enables more informed decision-making when implementing these strategie

    Understanding misinformation on Twitter in the context of controversial issues

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    Social media is slowly supplementing, or even replacing, traditional media outlets such as television, newspapers, and radio. However, social media presents some drawbacks when it comes to circulating information. These drawbacks include spreading false information, rumors, and fake news. At least three main factors create these drawbacks: The filter bubble effect, misinformation, and information overload. These factors make gathering accurate and credible information online very challenging, which in turn may affect public trust in online information. These issues are even more challenging when the issue under discussion is a controversial topic. In this thesis, four main controversial topics are studied, each of which comes from a different domain. This variation of domains can give a broad view of how misinformation is manifested in social media, and how it is manifested differently in different domains. This thesis aims to understand misinformation in the context of controversial issue discussions. This can be done through understanding how misinformation is manifested in social media as well as by understanding people’s opinions towards these controversial issues. In this thesis, three different aspects of a tweet are studied. These aspects are 1) the user sharing the information, 2) the information source shared, and 3) whether specific linguistic cues can help in assessing the credibility of information on social media. Finally, the web application tool TweetChecker is used to allow online users to have a more in-depth understanding of the discussions about five different controversial health issues. The results and recommendations of this study can be used to build solutions for the problem of trustworthiness of user-generated content on different social media platforms, especially for controversial issues