7 research outputs found

    Propagation effects handbook for satellite systems design. A summary of propagation impairments on 10 to 100 GHz satellite links with techniques for system design

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    The NASA Propagation Effects Handbook for Satellite Systems Design provides a systematic compilation of the major propagation effects experienced on space-Earth paths in the 10 to 100 GHz frequency band region. It provides both a detailed description of the propagation phenomenon and a summary of the impact of the effect on the communications system design and performance. Chapter 2 through 5 describe the propagation effects, prediction models, and available experimental data bases. In Chapter 6, design techniques and prediction methods available for evaluating propagation effects on space-Earth communication systems are presented. Chapter 7 addresses the system design process and how the effects of propagation on system design and performance should be considered and how that can be mitigated. Examples of operational and planned Ku, Ka, and EHF satellite communications systems are given

    Propagation effects handbook for satellite systems design. A summary of propagation impairments on 10 to 100 GHz satellite links with techniques for system design

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    This Propagation Handbook provides satellite system engineers with a concise summary of the major propagation effects experienced on Earth-space paths in the 10 to 100 GHz frequency range. The dominant effect, attenuation due to rain, is dealt with in some detail, in terms of both experimental data from measurements made in the U.S. and Canada, and the mathematical and conceptual models devised to explain the data. In order to make the Handbook readily usable to many engineers, it has been arranged in two parts. Chapters 2-5 comprise the descriptive part. They deal in some detail with rain systems, rain and attenuation models, depolarization and experimental data. Chapters 6 and 7 make up the design part of the Handbook and may be used almost independently of the earlier chapters. In Chapter 6, the design techniques recommended for predicting propagation effects in Earth-space communications systems are presented. Chapter 7 addresses the questions of where in the system design process the effects of propagation should be considered, and what precautions should be taken when applying the propagation results

    Propagation effects handbook for satellite systems design: A summary of propagation impairments on 10 to 100 GHz satellite links with techniques for system design

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    The major propagation effects experienced on Earth-space communications paths in the 10 to 100 GHz frequency range. Attenuation due to rain is dealt with in detail

    A propagation effects handbook for satellite systems design. A summary of propagation impairments on 10-100 GHz satellite links, with techniques for system design

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    This handbook provides satellite system engineers with a concise summary of the major propagation effects experienced on Earth-space paths in the 10 to 100 GHz frequency range. The dominant effect, attenuation due to rain, is dealt with in terms of both experimental data from measurements made in the U.S. and Canada, and the mathematical and conceptual models devised to explain the data. Rain systems, rain and attenuation models, depolarization and experimental data are described. The design techniques recommended for predicting propagation effects in Earth-space communications systems are presented. The questions of where in the system design process the effects of propagation should be considered, and what precautions should be taken when applying the propagation results are addressed in order to bridge the gap between the propagation research data and the classical link budget analysis of Earth-space communications system

    Development of a new global rain model for radio regulation

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    Signal attenuation due to rain scatter is the dominant fade mechanism on the majority of high-capacity microwave telecommunications links, both terrestrial and Earth-space. These links carry a large proportion of the information that underpins the way modern life functions and is a vital component of national infrastructure. Many studies have established the virtuous cycle that exists between the development of telecommunications infrastructure and economic growth. Therefore, it is important that rain fade models exist for the design and optimisation of telecommunications networks, globally, but especially in developing countries.A set of internationally recognised and agreed radio propagation models is maintained by the International Telecommunications Union - Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) in the form of Recommendations. A fundamental input parameter to many of these models is the point one-minute rain rate exceeded for 0.01% (about 50 minutes) of an average year. Historically, the collection of one-minute rain rates has been rare and so very few regions of the world have measured this important parameter. Where local data are not available, the full distribution of one-minute rain rates, including the 0.01% exceeded rate, can be obtained from Rec. ITU-R P.837-7. The input parameters to this Recommendation are the average monthly temperatures and rain accumulations.The network of meteorological stations is very sparse in equatorial developing countries. This limits the reliability of monthly rain accumulation statistics. ITU-R models are validated against DBSG3: the database of link and meteorological measurements maintained by ITU-R Study Group 3. However, there is very little data from the Tropics in DBSG3. Therefore, there are legitimate concerns that the ITU-R P.837-7 model may not work accurately in the Tropics.This thesis uses rain rates derived from the satellite Earth observation Tropical Rain Measuring Mission, TRMM, to estimate point one-minute rain rate distributions in the Tropics. Two distinct uses of these data have been tested. Initially, the measured distributions of TRMM rain rates were used to estimate rain distributions in the Tropics. A method was developed to transform TRMM rain rate distributions to those needed for radio systems, based on UK rain radar data. In many cases, this method performed better than Rec. ITU-R P.837-7, particularly with databases of rain rates not included in DBSG3. To extend the work to global application, TRMM data were used to estimate the monthly rain rate distributions conditional upon monthly temperature and accumulation, as used in Rec. ITU-R P.837-7. These were then used to replace the analytic distributions in the Recommendation. The method worked well on several databases of measurements, but appeared to be biased in temperate regions. The measured TRMM conditional distributions were replaced by curve-fit approximations and a hybrid method was developed that combined the standard Rec. ITU-R P.837-7 prediction with the curve-fit TRMM prediction. This algorithm performed as well as or better than Rec. ITU-R P.837-7 for most test databases and at most time percentages.The direct use of satellite Earth observation data to produce distributions of point one-minute rain rates is a radical departure from methods used before. This thesis has shown the potential of satellite-based measurements to replace the current methods based on downscaling numerical weather prediction output. In the future when more satellite data are available, spanning the globe, this suggests that direct use of satellite data will become standard