8 research outputs found


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    This paper explores the use of risk management techniques to promote the design of resilient services. Success in achieving any benefit from a new service will be directly affected by the resiliency of the supporting service architecture including technical and non-technical domains. The concept of resiliency in services and enterprises is examined. We present a framework to analyze risks and threats to service resiliency, and offer specific guidance to support the development of resilient services and service architectures. The risk assessment framework was created by combining a model of service provider gaps that represent dimensions of service quality with a risk analysis model. The framework includes identification of threats and inhibitors to closing service provider gaps. We maintain that risk in services will remain if service provider gaps are not closed. Service-based business models and economies will succeed only if we view service resiliency as a strategic imperative. Effective service design techniques should be adopted, therefore, to include identification and mapping of the provider gaps and creation of appropriate mitigation strategies. This is accomplished by application of service blueprinting techniques and subsequent analysis of the visible risks. The model that we present facilitates the identification of weaknesses or vulnerabilities in services as well as the impac

    Risk Management Decision Making in ICT for Development

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    This paper explores the concept of enterprise resiliency in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for development initiatives. ICT are necessary to improve access to vital services and to ultimately support efforts to improve economic conditions in developing regions. Access to information resources provides substantial benefits in the public and private sectors of regions with low standards of living. Success in achieving any benefit from ICT investment in any development enterprise will be directly affected by the resiliency of the ICT systems and services, including technical and non-technical domains. We explore a framework to analyze risks and threats to enterprise resiliency, and present guidance to support the development of resilient ICT for development

    DevOps and information technology service management: A problem management case study

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    The use of DevOps is a predominant attribute of businesses engaged in the development and maintenance of Information Technology systems. Although literature exploring DevOps practices has expanded, there is still much unexplored territory on its operational ramifications. This is particularly observed when considering their potential impact on ITSM frameworks such as ITIL, which governs Operations. This research aims to establish how DevOps principles and practices can be applied to Problem Management, a core Service Management process. Specifically, it explores which DevOps practices may be used throughout the Problem lifecycle, as well as benefits which may result from them. An exploratory case study was carried out with the participation of Problem Managers operating in a DevOps environment. Three data collection methods were applied: Semi structured interviews, in which participants described their experience and insight in relation to DevOps and Problem Management; documental analysis and observation, where processes and workflows were examined; and a focus group exercise in which study outcomes were discussed and systematized. This research indicates that DevOps practices have varying degrees of significance for a Problem Management process. Practices associated with continuous planning and collaboration are prone to having greater significance in a Problem lifecycle, with the potential of enabling benefits such as quicker Problem identification, higher quality Root Cause Analysis, and improved resolution times. The novelty of insight gathered in this study benefits both academics, through its contribution to an expanding body of knowledge, and professionals, considering the practical and applicable nature of findings. Future work is also presented.A utilização de metodologias DevOps é hoje uma característica predominante de organizações envolvidas no desenvolvimento e manutenção de sistemas de Tecnologia e Informação. Apesar da crescente produção de literatura a examinar práticas DevOps, existe muito território por explorar referente às suas ramificações a nível operacional. Isto é particularmente notável quando se consideram potenciais interações com frameworks de ITSM como o ITIL, que governam Operações. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estabelecer quais princípios e práticas DevOps podem ser aplicadas na Gestão de Problemas, um processo central para a Gestão de Serviços. Especificamente, exploramos quais práticas DevOps podem ser utilizadas ao longo do ciclo de vida de um Problema, tal como que benefícios poderão resultar da sua aplicação. Um caso de estudo exploratório foi realizado com a participação de Gestores de Problemas a operar num ambiente DevOps. Três métodos de recolha de dados foram aplicados: Entrevistas semiestruturadas, onde participantes descreveram a sua experiência e conhecimento em relação a DevOps e Gestão de Problemas; análise documental e observação, onde processos operacionais foram examinados; e uma discussão em grupo onde resultados do estudo foram discutidos e sistematizados. Esta investigação indica que práticas DevOps tem variados níveis de significância para um processo de Gestão de Problemas. Práticas associadas ao planeamento contínuo e colaboração tendem a ter maior significância no ciclo de vida de um Problema, com potencial para gerar benefícios como a mais rápida identificação de Problemas, maior qualidade na análise de causa, e melhorias nos tempos de resolução. As conclusões apresentadas neste estudo trazem benefícios tanto para académicos, expandindo o corpo de conhecimento disponível sobre o tema, como para profissionais, considerando a sua natureza prática e aplicável. Direções para trabalho futuro são também apresentadas

    Six Sigma

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    In the new millennium the increasing expectation of customers and products complexity has forced companies to find new solutions and better alternatives to improve the quality of their products. Lean and Six Sigma methodology provides the best solutions to many problems and can be used as an accelerator in industry, business and even health care sectors. Due to its flexible nature, the Lean and Six Sigma methodology was rapidly adopted by many top and even small companies. This book provides the necessary guidance for selecting, performing and evaluating various procedures of Lean and Six Sigma. In the book you will find personal experiences in the field of Lean and Six Sigma projects in business, industry and health sectors

    Análisis y estudio sobre el gobierno y gestión de los servicios de TI en el mercado español

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    Este proyecto es un informe completo sobre la investigación realizada con el objeto de conocer cuál es la situación en la investigación, difusión del conocimiento, e implantación en las organizaciones que operan en España, con respecto a diferentes protocolos, buenas prácticas y normativas relacionadas con Gobierno y Gestión de Servicios TI (GyGS TI). Para la mejor visualización y comprensión de este documento se ha dejado en el mismo formato en el que se entregará a los participantes en los cuestionarios, a los socios de itSMF, y a otro amplio grupo de personas que han mostrado interés en este Observatorio. De manera que, en el anexo, encontrarán el documento “An{lisis y Estudio sobre el Gobierno y Gestión de los Servicios TI en el Mercado Español” en su formato original. Este Observatorio ha sido realizado durante los años 2008 y 2010, el cual analiza la situación pasada sobre el Gobierno y Gestión de los Servicios de TI (GyGSTI) entre las empresas que operan en España, este análisis se realiza a través de los resultados del cuestionario realizado en 2008, y prepara un segundo cuestionario para la conocer la situación en el 2010. Al mismo tiempo, realiza un estudio sobre el conocimiento existente en torno al Gobierno y Gestión de Servicios TI, a través de estudiar los libros más representativos sobre GyGS TI, las publicaciones académicas de investigación de GyGS, las principales empresas de análisis TI, y la situación sobre la difusión en el mercado español sobre GyGS TI a través de las revistas especializadas. Igualmente, el estudio ofrecerá una visión de la implantación de GyGS TI para que las empresas de cualquier tamaño puedan tener acceso, y realizar una comparativa (benchmarking) sobre su estado frente a sus iguales. Para finalmente ofrecer una visión de la evolución temporal del 2008 al 2010 y unas tendencias futuras. El objetivo es, entonces, analizar el estado y la implantación del GyGS TI entre las empresas que operan en España, e igualmente analizar la creación y difusión del conocimiento sobre esta misma área. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This project is a comprehensive report on the investigation in order to know what the situation in the research, knowledge dissemination, and implementation in organizations operating in Spain, with respect to different protocols, best practices and regulations related to IT Governance and Service Management (IT G&SM). For best viewing and understanding the final document is left in the same format as that given to participants in the questionnaires, itSMF members, and another large group of people who have shown interest in this Observatory. So, in the Annex, will find the “Analysis and Study on the IT Government and Service Management in the Spanish Market” in its original format. This final document is the result of the Observatory carried out during the years 2008 and 2010, which analyzes the past situation on the Governance and Service Management of IT Services (IT G&SM) between companies operating in Spain, this analysis is performed through the results the survey conducted in 2008, and prepares a second questionnaire to ascertain the situation in 2010. At the same time, it is also carried out a study on the existing knowledge about IT Government and IT Service Management, by studying the most representative books on these fields, publications academic research, major IT analyst firms, and the situation on the IT GSM Spanish market through specialized magazines. As well as, the study will provide for companies of any size an overview of the implementation of IT GSM Spanish implantation, thus these companies will be able to benchmark theirselves with their peers. Finally, this document gives an overview of the temporal evolution from 2008 to 2010 and some future trends. The aim is, then, to analyze the status and implementation of IT GSM among companies operating in Spain, and also to discuss about the creation and dissemination of knowledge on this same area.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    IT service management for high availability

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