5 research outputs found

    Declaración AENUI-CODDII por la inclusión de asignaturas específicas de ciencia y tecnología informática en los estudios básicos de la enseñanza secundaria y bachillerato

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    La informática está presente y es el motor de la innovación en todos los campos de la ciencia y tecnología, además de ser una parte fundamental de la sociedad actual. Ninguna otra disciplina ha evolucionado tanto de una forma tan rápida, ni ha tenido tanta influencia en la calidad de vida de las personas. La informática es probablemente, junto con las matemáticas, la más transversal de las ciencias. Por este motivo, la ciencia y la tecnología informática también deben estar presentes en todos los niveles del sistema educativo. Las Tecnologías de la Información, aplicación de la ciencia y la tecnología informática, son hoy en día la fuente con mayor demanda de empleo en todo el mundo. Las personas que diseñan y construyen los sistemas informáticos definen la forma en que se relacionan la sociedad y las empresas. No obstante, existe hoy en día una alarmante falta de vocación en nuestros jóvenes para ser ingenieros, y en particular para estudiar ingenierías relacionadas con las tecnologías de la información. Los actuales alumnos de secundaria y bachillerato reciben formación en el uso de herramientas informáticas, pero apenas se forman en la informática como ciencia. Por si fuera poco, desde la aparición de la LOMCE, las competencias relacionadas con la tecnología (en general) son adquiridas en asignaturas optativas cuya impartición los centros pueden optar por no ofertar. Sin embargo, la adquisición de competencias en ciencia y tecnología informática es fundamental si queremos que estos estudiantes contribuyan a transformar la sociedad del futuro y ejerzan como catalizadores del cambio de modelo productivo que necesita nuestro país. Por ello, presentamos esta declaración que incluye las recomendaciones que consideramos deben ser tenidas en cuenta por las autoridades educativas con objeto de incluir la ciencia y la tecnología informática en los planes de estudios del bachillerato y de la enseñanza secundaria.SUMMARY -- Currently computing is omnipresent, being a source of innovation for any scientific or technological field. Moreover, it is a fundamental part of current society. Neither any discipline evolved so much in such a short period of time, nor did it have such a huge influence on our lives. Probably computing is, jointly with mathematics, the most traversal of all sciences. Consequently, in the same way as mathematics do, computing science and technology must be present in any educational level. Information technologies, i.e. the practical side of computing, are nowadays the source of most jobs on demand in the world. People who design and construct computing systems define social and working relationships and habits. However, youngsters exhibit a worrying lack of vocations to become engineers, in particular to become computing engineers. Current high-school students are instructed in the use of computing tools, but they hardly know anything about computing as a science. Moreover, since the approval of the LOMCE, skills on technology (in a broad sense) are acquired in elective courses that schools are not forced to offer. However, acquiring skills on computing is fundamental if we expect students to contribute to transform future society, and to serve as catalysts of change in the productive model our country needs. For these reasons, we present a manifest on offering computing in high-school curricula, that we claim Spanish educational authorities should consider

    Computational thinking: an investigation of the existing scholarship and research

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    2013 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Despite the prevalence of computing and technology in our everyday lives and in almost every discipline and profession, student interest and enrollment in computer science courses is declining. In response, computer science education in K-12 schools and universities is undergoing a transformation. Computational thinking has been proposed as a universal way of thinking with benefits for everyone, not just computer scientists. The focus on computational thinking moves beyond computer literacy, or the familiarity with software, to a way of thinking that benefits everyone. Many see computational thinking as a way to introduce students to computer science concepts and ways of thinking and to motivate student interest in computer science. The first part of this dissertation describes a study in which the researcher systematically examined the literature and scholarship on computational thinking since 2006. The aim was to explore nature and extent of the entire body of literature and to examine the theory and research evidence on computational thinking. Findings reveal that there has been a steady increase in the popularity of the concept of computational thinking, but it is not yet developed to the point where it can be studied in a meaningful way. An examination of the research evidence on computational thinking found inadequacies in the conceptual characteristics and the reporting of studies. Weaknesses were identified in the theoretical conceptualization of interventions, definitions of key concepts, intervention descriptions, research designs, and the presentation of findings. Recommendations for bolstering the research evidence around this burgeoning concept are presented, including collaboration between computer scientists and educational researchers to apply social science research methods to conduct robust studies of computational thinking interventions. The second part of this dissertation describes how computational thinking is currently incorporated into K-12 educational settings. The bulk of the literature on computational thinking describes ways in which programs promote this way of thinking in students. The K-12 programs that encourage computational thinking are classified, described, and discussed in a way that is intended to be meaningful for K-12 educators and educational researchers. Potential barriers and factors that might enable educators to use each category of interventions are discussed

    Declaración AENUI-CODDII por la inclusión de asignaturas específicas de ciencia y tecnología informática en los estudios básicos de la enseñanza secundaria y bachillerato

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    La informática está presente y es el motor de la innovación en todos los campos de la ciencia y tecnología, además de ser una parte fundamental de la sociedad actual. Ninguna otra disciplina ha evolucionado tanto de una forma tan rápida, ni ha tenido tanta influencia en la calidad de vida de las personas. La informática es probablemente, junto con las matemáticas, la más transversal de las ciencias. Por este motivo, la ciencia y la tecnología informática también deben estar presentes en todos los niveles del sistema educativo. Las Tecnologías de la Información, aplicación de la ciencia y la tecnología informática, son hoy en día la fuente con mayor demanda de empleo en todo el mundo. Las personas que diseñan y construyen los sistemas informáticos definen la forma en que se relacionan la sociedad y las empresas. No obstante, existe hoy en día una alarmante falta de vocación en nuestros jóvenes para ser ingenieros, y en particular para estudiar ingenierías relacionadas con las tecnologías de la información. Los actuales alumnos de secundaria y bachillerato reciben formación en el uso de herramientas informáticas, pero apenas se forman en la informática como ciencia. Por si fuera poco, desde la aparición de la LOMCE, las competencias relacionadas con la tecnología (en general) son adquiridas en asignaturas optativas cuya impartición los centros pueden optar por no ofertar. Sin embargo, la adquisición de competencias en ciencia y tecnología informática es fundamental si queremos que estos estudiantes contribuyan a transformar la sociedad del futuro y ejerzan como catalizadores del cambio de modelo productivo que necesita nuestro país. Por ello, presentamos esta declaración que incluye las recomendaciones que consideramos deben ser tenidas en cuenta por las autoridades educativas con objeto de incluir la ciencia y la tecnología informática en los planes de estudios del bachillerato y de la enseñanza secundaria.Currently computing is omnipresent, being a source of innovation for any scientific or technological field. Moreover, it is a fundamental part of current society. Neither any discipline evolved so much in such a short period of time, nor did it have such a huge influence on our lives. Probably computing is, jointly with mathematics, the most traversal of all sciences. Consequently, in the same way as mathematics do, computing science and technology must be present in any educational level. Information technologies, i.e. the practical side of computing, are nowadays the source of most jobs on demand in the world. People who design and construct computing systems define social and working relationships and habits. However, youngsters exhibit a worrying lack of vocations to become engineers, in particular to become computing engineers. Current high-school students are instructed in the use of computing tools, but they hardly know anything about computing as a science. Moreover, since the approval of the LOMCE, skills on technology (in a broad sense) are acquired in elective courses that schools are not forced to offer. However, acquiring skills on computing is fundamental if we expect students to contribute to transform future society, and to serve as catalysts of change in the productive model our country needs. For these reasons, we present a manifest on offering computing in high-school curricula, that we claim Spanish educational authorities should consider

    Factors of Sustainability for S.T.E.M. Themed Magnet Schools

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    The STEM concept is a means of providing an alternative, interdisciplinary program using inquiry and project based learning or other forms of advanced learning methodology. According to Thomas & Williams (2010), an educational concentration on the sciences and technology is not a new initiative; it was first introduced during the second half of the twentieth century. By the 1980s, it quickly became an educational trend that prompted governmental support for STEM programs (Thomas & Williams, 2010). As recently as 2009, President Obama promoted his goal of moving United States students to a top international ranking among comparable nations by providing 100 million dollars to train STEM teachers in content understanding and teaching skills that give students a competitive edge (The President’s Math and Science Teachers Initiative, 2011). STEM supporters are convinced that with quality K-12 educational programming in mathematics & science, including the integration of technology and engineering, United States students will surpass other nations as leaders in the global market for jobs in STEM related fields (Brown, Brown, Reardon & Merrill, 2011). Although the literature is replete with research studies and reports that outline the history, implementation, and characteristics of magnet schools, as well as the evolution of the STEM movement, little was found on sustainability of STEM programs operating as magnet schools across the nation. Successful implementation and public reporting of school improvements specific to student performance and enrollment are important, but do not ensure sustainability of a program (U.S. Department of Education, 2008). This study examined multiple program elements identified from the literature that school administrators report lead to sustainability of STEM themed magnet schools. Study results reported on the current impact and predicted future impact that select program elements have on sustainability of specialized, STEM themed magnet programs. This study was designed to support the importance of sustaining STEM themed programs in schools. Whether the program is offered as a magnet school with integration goals or as a specialized school program, specifically for choice options, the concept needs to be continued to address the academic needs of students in the 21st century. “It is time to move beyond slogans and make STEM literacy a reality for all students” (Bybee, 2013, p. 102)

    A Study Of Urban Principals’ Perceptions Of Technology Implementation And STEM Program Sustainability

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    STEM careers are becoming more prominent in today’s workforce. The platform of today’s industries derives from science, technology, engineering, and math, the study of which ultimately provides students and stakeholders with the foundation to function in a globally diverse society. Due to the recent budget shortfalls, the existence of STEM programs within this Texas Urban School District was threatened. District principals were directed to review their respective budgets to determine where potential cuts could be made. The purpose of this qualitative phenomenological study was to describe the perceptions of urban district principals regarding technology implementation and identify recommendations for the sustainability of STEM programs within this Texas Urban School District. This research study consisted of six STEM principals, with two of each representing the elementary, middle, and high school levels. The research questions that guide this study are: (1) What are the perceptions of principals regarding the implementation of technology within urban schools? (2) What are the perceptions of principals regarding the sustainability of STEM programs within urban schools? (3) How do urban principals develop knowledge about STEM education? (4) What are the perceptions of principals regarding barriers to learning for STEM students? The results of this study revealed that technology implementation is indeed a vital component in urban education. Collectively, implementation of the technology needed for STEM learning apparently cannot be fully realized if principals lack access due to funding or other circumstances that repress its utilization. Technology implementation and STEM program sustainability can be increased through programs and businesses that consistently provide STEM resources, higher education contacts, and career pathway opportunities. Continuous professional development and training is needed for STEM instructors, as they educate students as technology evolves and as they strive to support a growing workforce. This study found that STEM learning and teachers’ technology implementation are interwoven and work together to build a bridge to prepare students for today’s workforce