1,187 research outputs found

    Relaxed ISS Small-Gain Theorems for Discrete-Time Systems

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    In this paper ISS small-gain theorems for discrete-time systems are stated, which do not require input-to-state stability (ISS) of each subsystem. This approach weakens conservatism in ISS small-gain theory, and for the class of exponentially ISS systems we are able to prove that the proposed relaxed small-gain theorems are non-conservative in a sense to be made precise. The proofs of the small-gain theorems rely on the construction of a dissipative finite-step ISS Lyapunov function which is introduced in this work. Furthermore, dissipative finite-step ISS Lyapunov functions, as relaxations of ISS Lyapunov functions, are shown to be sufficient and necessary to conclude ISS of the overall system.Comment: input-to-state stability, Lyapunov methods, small-gain conditions, discrete-time non-linear systems, large-scale interconnection

    Robust distributed linear programming

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    This paper presents a robust, distributed algorithm to solve general linear programs. The algorithm design builds on the characterization of the solutions of the linear program as saddle points of a modified Lagrangian function. We show that the resulting continuous-time saddle-point algorithm is provably correct but, in general, not distributed because of a global parameter associated with the nonsmooth exact penalty function employed to encode the inequality constraints of the linear program. This motivates the design of a discontinuous saddle-point dynamics that, while enjoying the same convergence guarantees, is fully distributed and scalable with the dimension of the solution vector. We also characterize the robustness against disturbances and link failures of the proposed dynamics. Specifically, we show that it is integral-input-to-state stable but not input-to-state stable. The latter fact is a consequence of a more general result, that we also establish, which states that no algorithmic solution for linear programming is input-to-state stable when uncertainty in the problem data affects the dynamics as a disturbance. Our results allow us to establish the resilience of the proposed distributed dynamics to disturbances of finite variation and recurrently disconnected communication among the agents. Simulations in an optimal control application illustrate the results

    Stability of interconnected impulsive systems with and without time-delays using Lyapunov methods

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    In this paper we consider input-to-state stability (ISS) of impulsive control systems with and without time-delays. We prove that if the time-delay system possesses an exponential Lyapunov-Razumikhin function or an exponential Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, then the system is uniformly ISS provided that the average dwell-time condition is satisfied. Then, we consider large-scale networks of impulsive systems with and without time-delays and we prove that the whole network is uniformly ISS under a small-gain and a dwell-time condition. Moreover, these theorems provide us with tools to construct a Lyapunov function (for time-delay systems - a Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional or a Lyapunov-Razumikhin function) and the corresponding gains of the whole system, using the Lyapunov functions of the subsystems and the internal gains, which are linear and satisfy the small-gain condition. We illustrate the application of the main results on examples

    Control-theoretic forward error analysis of iterative numerical algorithms

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    Networked control systems in the presence of scheduling protocols and communication delays

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    This paper develops the time-delay approach to Networked Control Systems (NCSs) in the presence of variable transmission delays, sampling intervals and communication constraints. The system sensor nodes are supposed to be distributed over a network. Due to communication constraints only one node output is transmitted through the communication channel at once. The scheduling of sensor information towards the controller is ruled by a weighted Try-Once-Discard (TOD) or by Round-Robin (RR) protocols. Differently from the existing results on NCSs in the presence of scheduling protocols (in the frameworks of hybrid and discrete-time systems), we allow the communication delays to be greater than the sampling intervals. A novel hybrid system model for the closed-loop system is presented that contains {\it time-varying delays in the continuous dynamics and in the reset conditions}. A new Lyapunov-Krasovskii method, which is based on discontinuous in time Lyapunov functionals is introduced for the stability analysis of the delayed hybrid systems. Polytopic type uncertainties in the system model can be easily included in the analysis. The efficiency of the time-delay approach is illustrated on the examples of uncertain cart-pendulum and of batch reactor
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