69 research outputs found

    Applications of aerospace technology in industry: A technology transfer profile. Visual display systems

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    The growth of common as well as emerging visual display technologies are surveyed. The major inference is that contemporary society is rapidly growing evermore reliant on visual display for a variety of purposes. Because of its unique mission requirements, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has contributed in an important and specific way to the growth of visual display technology. These contributions are characterized by the use of computer-driven visual displays to provide an enormous amount of information concisely, rapidly and accurately

    User participation in standardisation processes: impact, problems and benefits

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    Research into the design of distributed directory services

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    Distributed, computer based communication is becoming established within many working environments. Furthermore, the near future is likely to see an increase in the scale, complexity and usage of telecommunications services and distributed applications. As a result, there is a critical need for a global Directory service to store and manage communication information and therefore support the emerging world-wide telecommunications environment. This thesis describes research into the design of distributed Directory services. It addresses a number of Directory issues ranging from the abstract structure of information to the concrete implementation of a prototype system. In particular, it examines a number of management related issues concerning the management of communication information and the management of the Directory service itself. The following work develops models describing different aspects of Directory services. These include data access control and data integrity control models concerning the abstract structure and management of information as well as knowledge management, distributed operation and replication models concerning the realisation of the Directory as a distributed system. In order to clarify the relationships between these models, a layered directory architecture is proposed. This architecture provides a framework for the discussion of directory issues and defines the overall structure of this thesis. This thesis also describes the implementation of a prototype Directory service, supported by software tools typical of those currently available within many environments. It should be noted that, although this thesis emphasises the design of abstract directory models, development of the prototype consumed a large amount of time and effort and prototyping activities accounted for a substantial portion of this research. Finally, this thesis reaches a number of conclusions which are applied to the emerging ISO/CCITT X. 500 standard for Directory services, resulting in possible input for the 1988-92 study period

    The Trinity College Handbook, 1976-77

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    Research into the design of distributed directory services

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    Distributed, computer based communication is becoming established within many working environments. Furthermore, the near future is likely to see an increase in the scale, complexity and usage of telecommunications services and distributed applications. As a result, there is a critical need for a global Directory service to store and manage communication information and therefore support the emerging world-wide telecommunications environment. This thesis describes research into the design of distributed Directory services. It addresses a number of Directory issues ranging from the abstract structure of information to the concrete implementation of a prototype system. In particular, it examines a number of management related issues concerning the management of communication information and the management of the Directory service itself. The following work develops models describing different aspects of Directory services. These include data access control and data integrity control models concerning the abstract structure and management of information as well as knowledge management, distributed operation and replication models concerning the realisation of the Directory as a distributed system. In order to clarify the relationships between these models, a layered directory architecture is proposed. This architecture provides a framework for the discussion of directory issues and defines the overall structure of this thesis. This thesis also describes the implementation of a prototype Directory service, supported by software tools typical of those currently available within many environments. It should be noted that, although this thesis emphasises the design of abstract directory models, development of the prototype consumed a large amount of time and effort and prototyping activities accounted for a substantial portion of this research. Finally, this thesis reaches a number of conclusions which are applied to the emerging ISO/CCITT X. 500 standard for Directory services, resulting in possible input for the 1988-92 study period

    A Study of Teaching Methods in Tertiary Chemical Education

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    A study of the aims and objectives of courses in science (but more particularly chemistry) at tertiary level has been carried out. Trends in thought have been traced historically over the past fifty years, with particular emphasis being placed on current opinions on the importance of non-cognitive outcomes of chemistry courses, and the broader educational potential of chemistry, apart from purely vocational considerations. An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of traditional and more novel teaching methods in tertiary education has been made, and the aims and objectives of chemistry courses have been related to the methods through which they can best be achieved, A range of self-instructional and simulation techniques have been surveyed together with a critical assessment of measurement procedures which have been devised to measure both cognitive and non-cognitive changes in students as a result of using such teaching techniques. The chemistry courses at a typical tertiary establishment have been examined, and teaching materials produced to complement and supplement present teaching procedures. A series of audio visual programs utilising tapes, workbooks, models and a construction kit has been produced on Transition Metal Chemistry, Many of the concepts involved are of a three dimensional nature with which the lecture, in isolation, cannot cope adequately. Assessment of the short and longer term effects of the programs has been reported. To achieve the broader educational aims of an education in chemistry, three simulation exercises have been / been produced. Each exercise has been written in a different simulation style, and each has been directed at different undergraduate levels. The content and rationale for each exercise has been described, along with the results of evaluations of each exercise using a range of assessment procedures. Suggestions for further work have been proposed which are considered not only logical progressions from this work, but essential if the potential contribution of chemistry to the general education and development of the individual is to be fully realised

    Background Examples of Literature Searches on Topics of Interest

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    A zip file of various literature searches & some resources related to our work related to exposure after the Chernobyl accident and as we began looking at helping in Semey Kazakhstan----a collection of literature reviews on various topics we were interested in... eg. establishing a registry of those exposed for longterm follow-up, what we knew about certain areas like genetics and some resources like A Guide to Environmental Resources on the Internet by Carol Briggs-Erickson and Toni Murphy which could be found on the Internet and was written to be used by researchers, environmentalists, teachers and any person who is interested in knowing and doing something about the health of our planet. See more at https://archives.library.tmc.edu/dm-ms211-012-0060

    Research and technology, 1993. Salute to Skylab and Spacelab: Two decades of discovery

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    A summary description of Skylab and Spacelab is presented. The section on Advanced Studies includes projects in space science, space systems, commercial use of space, and transportation systems. Within the Research Programs area, programs are listed under earth systems science, space physics, astrophysics, and microgravity science and applications. Technology Programs include avionics, materials and manufacturing processes, mission operations, propellant and fluid management, structures and dynamics, and systems analysis and integration. Technology transfer opportunities and success are briefly described. A glossary of abbreviations and acronyms is appended as is a list of contract personnel within the program areas
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