1,154 research outputs found

    HardIDX: Practical and Secure Index with SGX

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    Software-based approaches for search over encrypted data are still either challenged by lack of proper, low-leakage encryption or slow performance. Existing hardware-based approaches do not scale well due to hardware limitations and software designs that are not specifically tailored to the hardware architecture, and are rarely well analyzed for their security (e.g., the impact of side channels). Additionally, existing hardware-based solutions often have a large code footprint in the trusted environment susceptible to software compromises. In this paper we present HardIDX: a hardware-based approach, leveraging Intel's SGX, for search over encrypted data. It implements only the security critical core, i.e., the search functionality, in the trusted environment and resorts to untrusted software for the remainder. HardIDX is deployable as a highly performant encrypted database index: it is logarithmic in the size of the index and searches are performed within a few milliseconds rather than seconds. We formally model and prove the security of our scheme showing that its leakage is equivalent to the best known searchable encryption schemes. Our implementation has a very small code and memory footprint yet still scales to virtually unlimited search index sizes, i.e., size is limited only by the general - non-secure - hardware resources

    Systems Support for Trusted Execution Environments

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    Cloud computing has become a default choice for data processing by both large corporations and individuals due to its economy of scale and ease of system management. However, the question of trust and trustoworthy computing inside the Cloud environments has been long neglected in practice and further exacerbated by the proliferation of AI and its use for processing of sensitive user data. Attempts to implement the mechanisms for trustworthy computing in the cloud have previously remained theoretical due to lack of hardware primitives in the commodity CPUs, while a combination of Secure Boot, TPMs, and virtualization has seen only limited adoption. The situation has changed in 2016, when Intel introduced the Software Guard Extensions (SGX) and its enclaves to the x86 ISA CPUs: for the first time, it became possible to build trustworthy applications relying on a commonly available technology. However, Intel SGX posed challenges to the practitioners who discovered the limitations of this technology, from the limited support of legacy applications and integration of SGX enclaves into the existing system, to the performance bottlenecks on communication, startup, and memory utilization. In this thesis, our goal is enable trustworthy computing in the cloud by relying on the imperfect SGX promitives. To this end, we develop and evaluate solutions to issues stemming from limited systems support of Intel SGX: we investigate the mechanisms for runtime support of POSIX applications with SCONE, an efficient SGX runtime library developed with performance limitations of SGX in mind. We further develop this topic with FFQ, which is a concurrent queue for SCONE's asynchronous system call interface. ShieldBox is our study of interplay of kernel bypass and trusted execution technologies for NFV, which also tackles the problem of low-latency clocks inside enclave. The two last systems, Clemmys and T-Lease are built on a more recent SGXv2 ISA extension. In Clemmys, SGXv2 allows us to significantly reduce the startup time of SGX-enabled functions inside a Function-as-a-Service platform. Finally, in T-Lease we solve the problem of trusted time by introducing a trusted lease primitive for distributed systems. We perform evaluation of all of these systems and prove that they can be practically utilized in existing systems with minimal overhead, and can be combined with both legacy systems and other SGX-based solutions. In the course of the thesis, we enable trusted computing for individual applications, high-performance network functions, and distributed computing framework, making a <vision of trusted cloud computing a reality

    Spons & shields: practical isolation for trusted execution

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    Trusted execution environments (TEEs) promise a cost-effective, “lift-and-shift” solution for deploying security-sensitive applications in untrusted clouds. For this, they must support rich, multi-component applications, but a large trusted computing base (TCB) inside the TEE risks that attackers can compromise application security. Fine-grained compartmentalisation can increase security through defense-in-depth, but current solutions either run all software components unprotected in the same TEE, lack efficient shared memory support, or isolate application processes using separate TEEs, impacting performance and compatibility. We describe the Spons & Shields framework (SSF) for Intel SGX TEEs, which offers intra-TEE compartmentalisation using two new abstraction, Spons and Shields. Spons and Shields generalise process, library and user/kernel isolation inside the TEE while allowing for efficient memory sharing. When users deploy unmodified multi-component applications in a TEE, SSF dynamically creates Spons (one per POSIX process or library) and Shields (to enforce a given security policy for memory accesses). Applications can be hardened with minor code changes, e.g., by using a separate Shield to isolate an SSL library. SSF uses compiler instrumentation to protect Shield boundaries, exploiting MPX instructions if available. We evaluate SSF using a complex application service (NGINX, PHP interpreter and PostgreSQL) and show that its overhead is comparable to process isolation

    Spons &amp; Shields:practical isolation for trusted execution

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