109,303 research outputs found

    IS 2010 Curriculum Model Adoption in the United States

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    An Analysis of Undergraduate Information Systems Curricula: Adoption of the IS 2010 Curriculum Guidelines

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    The IS 2010: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems were published as a model to help academic IS programs establish a consistent curriculum that meets the needs of a global information economy. However, to-date, no study has examined the degree to which the IS 2010 model curriculum is being adopted and utilized in contemporary IS curricula. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of program adoption of the IS 2010 curriculum guidelines. Curriculum data were collected from 127 AACSB-accredited undergraduate information systems programs across the United States via a direct survey and interviews with department heads and undergraduate program directors. These data were then compared with the IS 2010 recommendations. Results indicate that: (1) IS programs exhibit a wide range of adherence to the IS 2010 core curriculum guidelines; (2) perceived adherence to IS 2010 guidelines among program administrators is higher than calculated adherence; (3) several non-IS 2010 core topics are still included as required components in many IS programs; (4) although few IS programs have formally implemented IS 2010 career tracks, perceptions of career tracks are generally favorable; (5) resource constraints and program enrollments/class sizes are commonly described barriers to developing career tracks

    A Case Study of the Development of a Career Academy: Good Intentions Not Enough?

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    The purpose of this study was to explore how a career academy featuring an information technology (IT) theme approached the adoption of the model and the particular curricular focus. We used a case study design to explore the experiences of school personnel and community partners associated with the implementation of the career academy. We found that growing enrollment in the local district was a major driver to pursue small school designs as an alternative to the traditional high school comprehensive model. The small school size associated with small learning communities was valued by stakeholders and used to adopt and implement a career academy around a technology curricular theme. Another factor in the adoption decision was the availability of existing building infrastructure in the community. While the premises of the career academy model appeared to be a good fit in the district and community, we also found that good intentions are not enough to guarantee consistent fidelity throughout the career academy implementation. When new crises arise, input from all stakeholders may be shortchanged and decisions can turn into a top-down approach

    BIMing the architectural curricula: integrating Building Information Modelling (BIM) in architectural education

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) reflects the current heightened transformation within the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry and the Facilities and Management (FM) sector, offering a host of benefits from increased efficiency, accuracy, speed, co-ordination, consistency, energy analysis, project cost reduction etc to various stake holders from owners to architects, engineers, contractors and other built environment professionals. Many countries around the world are responding to this paradigm shift including the United Kingdom (UK). The Cabinet office took the decision in 2011 to make the use of collaborative 3D BIM technology mandatory for all public sector construction contracts by 2016 (Cabinet Office, 2011). According to Smith and Tardif, despite certain myths and misconceptions surrounding BIM, its rate of implementation has been much faster in comparison to the availability of professionals skilled in use of BIM, thus creating a skill gap in the design and construction industry (Smith and Tardif, cited in Barison and Santos, 2010a). This article aims at bridging the gap between the graduate skill sets and the changing needs of the profession. The research methodology adopted consists of thoroughly reviewing the existing literature in this subject area coupled with carrying out a survey of accredited Schools of Architecture in the UK. The analysis of the survey questionnaire results shows the extent to which BIM is currently being taught and identifies the barriers where its implementation has either been slow or not yet started. The paper highlights the fact that there has been considerable delay in the successful integration of BIM in the Schools of Architecture in the UK, thus emphasising the need for expeditiously training and preparing students in the use of BIM making them ready to effectively perform in a BIM enabled work arena

    Training Faculty to Adopt the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm, IPP and its Influence on Teaching and Learning: Process and Outcomes

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    This is the second of two articles describing the action research undertaken by the three trainees and their trainer (author of this article). After formal training, the training team integrated the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP) into their undergraduate courses from fall of 2010 through May 2013 in the College of Professional Studies (CPS) at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The first article was published in this journal in fall 2012 and provided a narrative describing the faculty development process, predicated on the five constructs of the IPP: Context, Experience, Reflection, Action and Evaluation. This article includes a full description of the training protocol, data collection process, and the qualitative data analysis methods. This training team used an Action Research model put forth by Reil over two years and nine months to determine the influence of the IPP on their teaching. This study seeks to provide others who teach at Jesuit Colleges and Universities a rationale for using the IPP both as pedagogy, a curriculum guide along with specific instructional practices, and learning activities. In addition, a replicable IPP training protocol is provided that is based on best practices derived from analogous research in the fields of contemporary learning, cognitive, and educational research. The study also provides the outcomes related to the impact the infusion of the IPP had on the instructors’ curricula, pedagogies, instructional strategies, learning activities, and assessment practices, as well as the student-teacher learning relationship

    Practical heutagogy: Promoting personalised learning in management education

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    The purpose of this article is to highlight the benefits to both organizations and individuals in adopting heutagogy within management education to develop individual capability. This conceptual paper is based on a systematic review of the literature relating to heutagogy and learning theory. This article calls for the adoption of heutagogic learning within management education alongside traditional pedagogy and andragogy. It provides a number of practical examples of how heutagogy may be implemented in a variety of contexts, ranging from undergraduate study to senior leadership positions within organizations. This article contributes to the growing interest and literature related to new forms of student-centered learning and, in particular, heutagogy. This article is an original contribution to the discourse on student-centered learning and the contribution that heutagogy may make to the professional development of individuals

    Attachment Style: How Pre-Adoptive Trauma Influences International Adoptees

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    An individual’s attachment style influences many aspects of his life, including emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and social development. Attachment style is largely dependent upon both the quality and quantity of care a child receives from a caregiver in the earliest stages of life. Children who have been adopted internationally may have been exposed to challenges posed by inadequate caregiving or resources, which includes malnutrition, poor medical attention, and instances of abuse, neglect, or deprivation. Because of these adverse experiences, international adoptees may be at risk of developing attachment disorders, experiencing behavioral issues, and struggling socially and psychologically. However, many of these challenges can be overcome with parental sensitivity and positive familial relationships

    Playing catch-up: investigating public and institutional policies for OER practices in Australia

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    This article explores many of the most well-known Open Educational Resource (OER) initiatives worldwide and then reports on OER developments in Australia. It also discusses a current research project funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), including its design and methods of data collection and analysis. Although the study reported here is ongoing, a survey of the tertiary sector to establish current 'state of play' of OERs in Australia has been completed. The authors examine a preliminary analysis that focuses mostly on OER policies at governmental and institutional levels. The analysis shows that the OER movement remains relatively immature in Australia. Also, according to the survey's participants, the government and educational institutions need to give much greater consideration to a regulatory framework in which the use of OER and Open Educational Practices (OEP) can be fostered and encouraged. Isolated OER activities exist, but there appears to be a great deal of catching up required if Australia is to have coordinated initiatives to foster innovation and a culture of more OEPs
