4 research outputs found

    A Bloom Filter-Based Monitoring Station for a Lawful Interception Platform

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    Lawful Interception (LI) is a fundamental tool in today's Police investigations.Therefore, it is important to make it as quickly and securely as possible as well as a reasonable cost per suspect. This makes traffic capture in aggregation links quite attractive, although this implies high wirespeeds which require the use of specific hardware-based architectures. This paper proposes a novel Bloom Filter-based monitoring station architecture for efficient packet capture in aggregation links. With said Bloom filter, we filter out most of the packets in the link and capture only those belonging to lawful interception wiretaps. Next, we present an FPGA-based implementation of said architecture and obtain the maximum capture rate achievable by injecting traffic through four parallel Gigabit Ethernet lines. Finally, we identify the limitations of our current design and suggest the possibility of further extending it to higher wirespeeds.- Best Paper AwardThe work presented in this paper has been funded by the INDECT project grant number FP7-ICT-218086, and the Spanish CramNet project (grant no. TEC2012-38362-C03-01).European Community's Seventh Framework Progra

    HTPCP: GNSS-R multi-channel correlation waveforms post-process solution for GOLD-RTR Instrument

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    Global navigation satellite system reflectometry (GNSS-R) remote sensing is a new remote sensing technique of satellite navigation application. Essentially, it entails a method of remote sensing that receives and processes microwave signals reflected from various surfaces to extract useful information about those surfaces. The GPS open-loop differential real-time receiver (GOLD-RTR) instrument was designed by the ICE (IEEC-CSIC)1 to gather global positioning satellite system signals after they have been reflected from suitable surfaces (e.g. sea, ice and ground). In this paper, the problem of real-time postprocessing design is addressed in order to process the multichannel cross correlations waveform. This work is to realize real time single correlation integration algorithm (SCI) on the proposed novel platform, named as Heterogeneous Transmission and Parallel Computing Platform (HTPCP). The numerical results show that system throughput can reach up to about 1.669MB/sec. Comparing with the state-of-the-art serial SW solution, the processing time of SCI algorithm can improve about 19%. The coherent integration time can improve 8.17 times comparing with the conventional Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP). And the parallel computing speed of HTPCP outperforms SMP

    Algoritmos paralelos e eficientes para consultas IP no Intel(R) Xeon Phi(tm) e CPUs Multi-Core

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2017.Roteadores em software são uma solução promissora para lidar com o encaminhamento de pacotes devido ao seu bom custo-benefício e flexibilidade. Contudo, é desafiador o desenvolvimento de roteadores em software capazes de atingir as taxas de encaminhamento de pacotes necessárias. O uso de sistemas e técnicas de computação paralela pode ser uma abordagem viável para melhorar o desempenho dessas soluções. A fase de consulta IP constitui uma operação central no encaminhamento de pacotes, que é implementada através de um algoritmo de Casamento de Maior Prefixo (CMP). Assim, este trabalho propõe e avalia o uso de técnicas e processadores paralelos no desenvolvimento de um algoritmo otimizado que emprega filtros de Bloom (BFs) e tabelas hash para a execução de consultas IP. Especificamente, tem-se como alvo a implementação desse algoritmo no coprocessador many-core Intel® Xeon Phi™ (Intel Phi), mas também avalia-se o seu desempenho em CPUs multi-core e em um modelo de execução cooperativa que usa ambos os processadores com várias otimizações. Os resultados experimentais mostram que foi possível atingir altas taxas de consultas IP — até 182,7 Mlps (milhões de pacotes por segundo) ou 119,9 Gbps para pacotes IPv6 de 84B — em um único Intel Phi. Este desempenho indica que o Intel Phi é uma plataforma promissora para a implantação de algoritmos de consultas IP. Além disso, comparou-se o desempenho do algoritmo BFs com uma abordagem eficiente baseada na Multi-Index Hybrid Trie (MIHT), na qual o algoritmo BFs foi até 5,39x mais rápido. Esta comparação mostra que o algoritmo sequencial mais eficiente pode não ser a melhor opção em uma configuração paralela. Alternativamente, é necessário avaliar as características dos processadores, as demandas de computação/dados dos algoritmos e as estruturas de dados empregadas para analisar como os algoritmos podem se beneficiar de um dispositivo de computação paralelo, potenciais limitações na escalabilidade e oportunidades de otimização. Estas descobertas também são importantes para novos esforços no desenvolvimento de algoritmos nessa área, os quais têm sido, em sua maioria, focados em soluções sequenciais.Software routers are a promising solution to deal with packet forwarding because of their good cost benefit and flexibility. However, it is challenging to develop software routers that can attain the required packet forwarding rates. The use of parallel computing systems and techniques may be a viable approach to improve the performance of these solutions. The IP lookup phase is a core operation in packet forwarding, which is implemented via a Longest Prefix Matching (LPM) algorithm to find the next hop address for every input packet. Therefore, this work proposes and evaluates the use of parallel processors and techniques in the development of an optimized algorithm that employs Bloom filters (BFs) and hash tables to the IP lookup problem. Specifically, we target the implementation on the Intel® Xeon Phi™ (Intel Phi) many-core coprocessor, but we also evaluate its performance on multi-core CPUs and on a cooperative execution model that uses both processors with several optimizations. The experimental results show that we were able to attain high IP lookup throughputs — up to 182.7 Mlps (million packets per second) or 119.9 Gbps for 84B IPv6 packets — on a single Intel Phi. This performance indicates that the Intel Phi is a very promising platform for deployment of IP lookup algorithms. We have also compared the BFs algorithm to an efficient approach based on the Multi-Index Hybrid Trie (MIHT) in which the BFs algorithm was up to 5.39x faster. This comparison shows that the most efficient sequential algorithm may not be the best option in a parallel setting. Instead, it is necessary to evaluate the processors characteristics, algorithms compute/data demands, and data structures employed to analyze how the algorithms will benefit from parallel computing devices, potential limitations on scalability and opportunities for optimizations. These findings are also important to new efforts in algorithmic developments in the topic, which have been highly focused on sequential solutions

    IP routing processing with graphic processors

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