23,439 research outputs found

    Towards an incremental deployment of ERN protocols: a proposal for an E2E-ERN hybrid protocol

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    We propose an architecture based on a hybrid E2E-ERN approach to allow incremental deployment of ERN (Explicit Rate Notification) protocols in heterogeneous networks. The proposed IP-ERN architecture combines E2E (End-to-End)and ERN protocols and uses the minimum between both congestion windows to perform. Without introducing complex operation, the resulting E2E-ERN protocol provides inter and intra protocol fairness and benefits from all ERN protocol advantages when possible. We detail the principle of this novel IP-ERN architecture and show that this architecture is highly adaptive to the network dynamic and is compliant with IPv4, IPv6 as well as IP-in-IP tunneling solutions

    Two Sizes of Superconducting Gaps on an Under-doped Bi2.1Sr1.9Ca2Cu3O10+δ with TC ∼ 101K by Tunneling Spectroscopy

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    AbstractWe measured tunneling conductances on an under-doped trilayer cuprate Bi2.1Sr1.9Ca2Cu3O10+≏ (Bi2223) with TC ∼ 101K by a point contact method, which has three CuO2 planes in a unit cell. The tunneling conductances on Bi2223 exhibited two sizes of gaps originated from outer and inner CuO2 plane (OP and IP). The estimated size of superconducting gap from OP ΔOP is 34 ± 6 meV, and the ΔIP from IP is 51 ± 5 meV, respectively. We also observed tunneling conductances which simultaneously displayed two superconducting peaks of OP and IP. Moreover, we propose the model of two superconductor-insulator-normal metal junctions which exhibit two sizes gaps of OP and IP

    SatERN: a PEP-less solution for satellite communications

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    In networks with very large delay like satellite IPbased networks, standard TCP is unable to correctly grab the available resources. To overcome this problem, Performance Enhancing Proxies (PEPs), which break the end-to-end connection and simulate a receiver close enough to the sender, can be placed before the links with large delay. Although splitting PEPs does not modify the transport protocol at the end nodes, they prevent the use of security protocols such as IPsec. In this paper, we propose solutions to replace the use of PEPs named SatERN. This proposal, based on Explicit Rate Notification (ERN) protocols over IP, does not split connections and is compliant with IP-in-IP tunneling solutions. Finally, we show that the SatERN solution achieves high satellite link utilization and fairness of the satellite traffic

    Essential Differences between abab and cc Axis Tunneling and Zero Bias Conductance in the Cuprates

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    The peculiarities in tunneling characteristics have been studied in the light of the controversy between s-wave and d-wave character of High TcT_c superconductivity. We show that anisotropic s-wave gap has the same low voltage power law conductance and two peak structure in the density of states as d-wave superconductors. The asymmetric tunneling conductance and zero bias conductance for the c-axis tunneling is shown to occur because of finite band splitting coming from the interlayer hopping parameter.Comment: revtex version 3.0, 13 pages 4 figures available on request from [email protected] - IP/BBSR/94-2

    Implementasi Integrasi Jaringan Ipv4 dan Jaringan Ipv6 pada Local Area Network (Lan) dengan Sistem Tunneling

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    The development of computer network technology is currently growing exponentially along with the increasing users who make use of the computer network. In a computer network is addressing systems named IP address.Public IP address in use today is IPv4; The user who added the more led to exhaustion of IPv4 addresses are available on the internet. To overcome these problems developed types of IPv6. IPv4 can not directly linked with the IPv6 tunneling system is required to integrate both the IPS in a network of computers.In this final project will design a system of tunneling in a network of computers that use IPv6 as a server and client in which IPv6 data packet takes through the network IPv4 which is still existing and there occurs the process of Christianization engkapsulasian IP address, either peng-enkapsulasian IPv6 in IPv4 packet or vice versa.When using file-sharing whereby and the webserver by doing a test upload and download by the client. Expected by the existence of this research both different IP address generation can be integrated in a network of computers

    Mobile IP

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    The Internet is growing exponentially, both in the amount of traffic carried, and in the amount of hosts connected. IP technology is becoming more and more important, in company networks (Intranets), and also in the core networks for the next generation mobile networks. Further, wireless access to IP networks is becoming mature (e.g., IEEE 802.11 networks, Irda, Bluetooth). At the same time, the existing generation of mobile (cellular) networks is evolving from voice services to networks with a rich mixture of services (e.g., GPRS and 3rd generation networks). These developments demand for mobility in IP-based networks. A first solution to this problem has been proposed as Mobile IP. This solution makes use of Home Agents and Foreign Agents to allow mobile hosts to move freely between subnetworks while communicating.\ud \ud The tutorial will describe and explain the approaches taken to provide mobility for hosts in the Internet and IP-based networks. The tutorial will start with expanding on the need for Mobile IP. It will briefly explain the main Internet principles relevant to Mobile IP. The problems Mobile IP is trying to solve will be explained. After an overview of the general operation of Mobile IP, the principal mechanisms will be discussed in more detail. The tutorial will describe the operation of advertising care-of addresses, mobile host registration, tunneling, and proxy- and gratuitous ARP. Special attention will be paid to the main problems related to Mobile IP, such as triangle routing and smooth hand-off. The tutorial will finally explain how mobility can be supported in IPv6.\u


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    ABSTRAKSI: Semakin majunya dunia Telekomunikasi, penggunaan Internet Protokol (IP) sebagai metoda pengalamatan jaringan sudah sangat luas. kehadiran Internet Protokol versi 6 (IPv6) yang jumlahnya lebih banyak dari Internet Protokol versi 4 (IPv4) karena jumlah kebutuhan akan alamat berbasis IP semakin bertambah. Dalam pergantian versi IP yang digunakan dalam pengalamatan membutuhkan suatu metode proses peralihan, karena pada jaringan sesungguhnya akan sangat sulit mengganti pengalamatan IP yang lama secara serentak. Tunneling menjadi salah satu metode untuk melakukan proses peralihan.Tugas akhir ini dibuat untuk melakukan pengujian dan analisa terhadap metode tunneling yang digunakan pada web server yang memiliki sistem redundant. Pemilihan web server yang redundant sebagai pengujian dikarenakan saat ini web server dituntut akan kehandalannya menangani request kepada server. Client akan mengakses layanan HTTP dari server. Kemudian akan dilakukan pengujian terhadap throughput, request loss, dan waktu responDari hasil pengujian diperoleh bahwa Performansi load balancing lebih baik dibandingkan dengan single server yang bekerja. Adapun pengaruh tunneling yang ada pada jaringan membuat hasil dengan konfigurasi bernilai lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan konfigurasi murni IPv4.Kata Kunci : IPv4, IPv6, HTTP, Tunneling, Web Server, Redundant, Request Loss, Waktu ResponABSTRACT: As the growth of telecommunications world, the use of Internet Protocol (IP) as a method of network addressing is very extensive. Presence of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) are more numerous than the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) as the number of IP-based addresses the need is increasing. In the turn of the IP version used in addressing the transition process requires a method, because in real networks would be very difficult to replace the old IP addressing simultaneously. Tunneling become one of the methods to make the process of transition.This final task is to perform the testing and analysis of the tunneling method used on a web server that has redundant systems. The selection of a redundant web server as the current testing because web server reliability demanded will handle requests to the server. Client will access services from the HTTP server. It will then testing the throughput, loss request, and response timeFrom the test results obtained by the Performance of load balancing is better than the single server that works. The effect of tunneling on the network configuration makes the results with a lower value when compared to pure IPv4 configuration.Keyword: IPv4, IPv6, HTTP, Tunneling, Web Server, Redundant, Request Loss, Time Respons

    Implementasi dan Analisa Performansi Mekanisme Transisi ISATAP untuk Interkoneksi Host IPv6 pada Infrastruktur IPv4

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    ABSTRAKSI: IP (Internet Protocol) merupakan salah satu dari layer model referensi TCP/IP yang berperan penting dalam perkembangan jaringan. Seperti kita ketahui Internet Protokol yang sekarang ini banyak digunakan dalam jaringan maupun Internet adalah IPv4 (IP versi 4), akan tetapi seiring dengan semakin pesatnya perkembangan jaringan beberapa dekade ini, penggunaan IPv4 dinilai sudah tidak relevan lagi karena menipisnya space address IPv4 dan makin banyaknya kebutuhan akan fitur-fitur yang disediakan oleh jaringan.IPv6 (IP versi 6) yang merupakan generasi penerus dari IPv4 sengaja didesain untuk menutupi kekurangan pendahulunya.Penggantian infrastruktur secara langsung pada seluruh jaringan IPv4 menuju ke IPv6 tidak dapat dilakukan serta merta karena beberapa hal, sehingga dibutuhkan mekanisme transisi. Mekanisme yang sering digunakan adalah model tunneling. Pada implementasinya ada banyak mekanisme transisi tunneling yang digunakan, mekanisme tadi diantaranya 6to4, Configured Tunneling, dan ISATAP. ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) adalah salah satu dari mekanisme transisi Automatic-Tunneling yang sering digunakan. Penggunaan mekanisme tunneling sebagai mekanisme transisi IPv6 tentunya akan memberi dampak pada performansi jaringan. Selain itu kemudahan dalam pengimplementasiannya juga menjadi faktor yang sangat penting bagi proses transisi IPv4 menuju IPv6. Pada tugas akhir ini akan menganalisa perbedaan mekanisme transisi 6to4, Configured Tunneling dan ISATAP dari sisi kemudahan setup sistem, kemudahan infrastruktur, mekanisme pengalamatan, dan performansi sistem.Penggunaan ISATAP sebagai mekanisme transisi pengganti 6to4 maupun Configured Tunneling sangat dimungkinkan, karena kemudahan dalam pengimplementasiannya serta perbedaan performansi jaringan tidak terlalu signifikan yaitu perbedaan throughput sebesar 0.88%(6to4) dan 1.15%(Configured Tunneling) kemudian penggunaan mekanisme tunneling seperti ISATAP menurunkan performansi sistem jika dibandingkan dengan penggunaan jaringan IPv6 murni yaitu penurunan throughput HTTP dan FTP sebesar 6.38% dan 7.10%.Internet Protokol, mekanisme transisi, tunneling, 6to4, Configured Tunneling, ISATAPKata Kunci : Internet Protocol, transition mechanism, tunneling, 6to4, ConfiguredABSTRACT: IP (Internet Protocol) is one of TCP/IP model layer references that has important roles in developing of a network. As we know, Internet Protocol which is often used in networks or internet is IPv4 (IP version 4). But in a few this decades, the developing of networks is improved rapidly. The application of IPv4 is not relevant anymore because the space address of IPv4 is limited and there are a lot of features provided by network of IPv6 (IP version 6), considered as the next generation of IPv4, that is consciously designed to cover up a shortcoming of previous version.The direct infrastructure replacement in all of IPV4 networks into IPV6 can not be done rapidly because of a few things, so we need a transition mechanism. The mechanism which is usually used is tunneling model. At the implementation of it, there are a lot of tunneling transition mechanisms that are used, such as 6to4, configure tunneling, and ISATAP. ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol) is one of Automatic Tunneling transition mechanisms that is often used. The using of tunneling mechanism as transition mechanism of IPv6 gives an effect in networking performances. Beside that, the ease of implementation also becomes very important factor in a transition process of IPv4 into IPv6. On this final project, we will analyze a differences between mechanisme transition of 6to4,configuring tunneling and ISATAP from the easy side of setup system, the easy of infrastructure, the mechanisme of address, and the performances systemThe using of ISATAP as replacement transition mechanism of 6to4 as well as Configured Tunneling is much needed because of several things. First, the ease in implementation. Second, the difference of networking performances is not too significant, that is the differences of throughput are 0.88% (6to4) and 1.15% (configured Tunneling). Third, the using of tunneling mechanism, such as ISATAP, can decrease a system performance compared with using a pre networking of IPv4 , that is the decreasing of throughput HTTP and FTP are 6.38% and 7.10%.Keyword: Internet Protocol, transition mechanism, tunneling, 6to4, Configure

    Analisis Layanan File Transfer Protocol pada Perbandingan IPv4, IPv6, dan Tunneling 6over4 Berbasis Router menggunakan Interface Ethernet

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    File Transfer Protocol (FTP) merupakan media yang digunakan untuk proses transfer file menggunakan Internet Protocol (IP). Penggunaan Internet Protocol Versi 4 (IPv4) akan mengalami masalah terkait dengan jumlah IP jika terus digunakan. Maka dari itu dirancang Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) untuk mengatasi keterbatasan jumlah IPv4. Masalah lain cara mengimplementasikan IPv6 agar dapat melewati routing IPv4 dengan menggunakan tunneling 6over4. Penelitian ini membandingkan layanan FTP pada jaringan IPv4, IPv6, dan tunneling 6over4 dengan parameter transfer time, transfer speed, dan checksum. Skenario tunneling 6over4 pada penelitian ini memiliki kualitas yang baik dibandingkan skenario IPv4 dan IPv6 karena memiliki nilai transfer time yang paling kecil, transfer speed yang paling besar, dan hasil checksum tidak mengalami corrupt file sehingga mempercepat proses transfer file.FTP is a media used to tranfer file using IP. The application of IPv4 will cause a problem when the IP is continuously being used. Therefore the IPv6 is designed in order to overcome the limited amount of IPv4. Besides, the other way to implement IPv6 which can pass through routing IPv4 is by using tunneling 6over4 by transfer time, transfer speed, and checksum, parameter. Hence, we can conclude that the FTP service on tunneling 6over4 configuration has an excellent quality compare to the IPv4 and IPv6 configuration as it has the lowest transfer time value, highest transfer speed, and checksum file is not corrupt which make faster the transfer file process