130,072 research outputs found

    Membangun Server Multicast Berbasis Streaming Menggunakan Centos

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    The development of IP-based technology contribute to the development of telecomunication and information technology.  One of  IP-based technology application is streaming multicast, as part of broadcasting. The streaming  process is made by accessing  Telkom-2 broadcast  through AKATEL LAN network, then  server forward it to clients using multicast IP system. Multicast IP is D-class IP, which is able to send data package in realtime. In multicast system, server only send one data package to  some clients with same speed transmition. The Telkom-2 broadcast is already accessed before   sent as data package. Server will access Telkom-2 broadcast using parabola antenna and Hughes modem, then forward it to clients through AKATEL LAN network. Clients must conect to server via AKATEL LAN network and already  instaled VLC player, in order to be able to access the Telkom-2 broadcas


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    IP-based internet technology develops very rapidly and has become the standard for global data communication systems. IP that is very good in making scalability of internet technology is cheap enough and can handle the growing internet needs. However, problems may occur when the streaming server is currently only able to send RTP packets from one video source only. So the existing streaming server currently can�t be the foundation to develop IPTV. Multi-source Streaming Server (MSS) is the concept of video streaming that has several sources. The concept of Multi-Source Streaming Server is expected to be a reference to develop IPTV. Key Word : Streaming server, Multi-Source Streaming Server, IPT

    Ip Spoofing Mitigation Procedure In The Communication Between Two Computers

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    This paper disclosures a method to mitigate ip spoofing in the communication between two computers. Two computing devices: a client type computer and a server type computer communicate with each other. The client type computer does not have a static ip address and can communicate from an arbitrary geographical location. And the server type computer has a static ip address and is stationary. The client type computer has the static ip address of the server type computer built into its memory. The server type computer does not know the ip address of the client type computer in advance. It will only know this when the client type computer sends a request to the server type computer from its ip address. Whenever one computer gets a request from the other it sends a randomly generated byte sequence page to the computing device who send the request. Also, the request received computing device sends a message to the request send computing device. That message is about prompting the sender of the request to send back the exact copy of the randomly generated byte sequence page that was sent to it. Depending on the resulting event, it will be determined whether it was an ip spoofing attempt or not. This communication system uses communication networks that exclude public free Wi-Fi access networks

    A Novel Approach to Reduce the Unicast Bandwidth of an IPTV System in a High-Speed Access Network

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    Channel change time is a critical quality of experience (QOE) metric for IP-based video delivery systems such as Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). An interesting channel change acceleration scheme based on peer-assisted delivery was recently proposed, which consists of deploying one FCC server (Fast Channel Change Server) in the IP backbone in order to send the unicast stream to the STB (Set-Top Box) before sending the normal multicast stream after each channel change. However, deploying such a solution will cause high bandwidth usage in the network because of the huge unicast traffic sent by the FCC server to the STBs. In this paper, we propose a new solution to reduce the bandwidth occupancy of the unicast traffic, by deploying the FCC server capabilities on the user STB. This means that, after each channel change request, the STB will receive the unicast traffic from another STB instead of the central server. By using this method, the unicast traffic will not pass through the IP network; it will be a peer-to-peer communication via the Access Network only. Extensive simulation results are presented to demonstrate the robustness of our new solution


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    In the computer network, an administrator should monitors the services that is running on each computer server by running the monitoring application. But the problem is, when the number of server that will monitor is more than one and the other side the administrator has to run the application on each server. So, to solve the problem, need an application that can monitors all the server on the network only from a computer. That application will be built use the java socket programming in order to created an desktop application that is connect to a network. Application will send an IP Address by the socket to choose the server that will be monitored. Then, the server that is has the same IP Address will send the reply and shows the list of services that is running on that server. Besides that, administrator can also controls or make a decision of the service that is monitored

    Membuat Web Server Menggunakan Dinamic Domain Name System Pada Ip Dinamis

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    Web server is a device used to be a server is not limited only to the publication of a web site on the World Wide Web , in practice the web server being used in hardware devices such as printers , routers provide access http services in the local network . To have a web server that can be accessed over a network needs an address or IP Addressthat can be accessed via the internet in the form of the Domain Name System. Dynamic Domain Name System is the solution for those who mengiginkan own address via the internet


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    The positioning of servo motor is controlled by sourcing the servo with PWM signal of varying pulse width. The pulse width of the PWM signal can be manipulated through a web interface hosted on ARM board programmed as an embedded HTTP server where control application by an embedded system can be monitored and managed remotely. Embedded HTTP server network stack is based on modified TCP/IP protocol suite where only important features are used. A web server for user interface is created using HTML and JavaScript is hosted together with the network stack. The ARM board is equipped with RTOS to enable real time control response between the interface and the servo motor. Two tasks namely PWM and TCP/IP task are configured to enable execution from RTOS based on their priorities. Under executions, a slider inside web interface controls the turning of servo motor with the degree of rotation is displayed on the web interface

    Packet Resonance Strategy: A Spoof Attack Detection and Prevention Mechanism in Cloud Computing Environment

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    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a major threat to server availability. The attackers hide from view by impersonating their IP addresses as the legitimate users. This Spoofed IP helps the attacker to pass through the authentication phase and to launch the attack. Surviving spoof detection techniques could not resolve different styles of attacks. Packet Resonance Strategy (PRS) armed to detect various types of spoof attacks that destruct the server resources or data theft at Datacenter. PRS ensembles to any Cloud Service Provider (CSP) as they are exclusively responsible for any data leakage and sensitive information hack. PRS uses two-level detection scheme, allows the clients to access Datacenter only when they surpass initial authentication at both levels. PRS provides faster data transmission and time sensitiveness of cloud computing tasks to the authenticated clients. Experimental results proved that the proposed methodology is a better light-weight solution and deployable at server-end


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    ABSTRAKSI: Availability link adalah hal yang sangat penting diperhatikan karena berkaitan dengan ketersediaan sebuah layanan. Hal ini dikarenakan ketika server mengalami kerusakan link maka akan mengganggu layanan yang diberikan, sehingga dapat menurunkan kepercayaan konsumen kepada perusahaan penyedia layanan (provider). Mengingat pentingnya availability link maka banyak provider yang menekankan konsep “zerodowntime” untuk menambah kepercayaan konsumen.IP Multipath merupakan salah satu teknologi backup yang berupa aplikasi yang menambah kemampuan availability link server dengan menerapkan sistem load sharing (pembagi beban) dan redundant (cadangan) interface. Implementasi IP Multipath pada tugas akhir ini akan menggunakan 3 link yang terhubung dengan server, dimana 2 link utama berfungsi sebagai pembagi beban server dan 1 link lainnya berfungsi sebagai cadangan Hasil dari implementasi dan pengujian diperoleh bahwa implementasi IP Multipath sistem redundant-load sharing memiliki kinerja lebih baik daripada IP Multipath sistem redundant dan IP Multipath sistem load sharing. Pada saat terjadi failover, IP Multipath sistem redundant-load sharing mengalami penurunan throughput hanya sebesar 0.98%, sedangkan IP multipath sistem load sharing penurunan throughput terjadi sebesar 26.03%, dan untuk IP multipath sistem redundant mengalami penurunan throughput mencapai 46.24%. Selain itu, IP Multipath sistem redundant-load sharing dan IP Multipath sistem load sharing memiliki waktu respon 64.43% lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan IP Multipath sistem redundant. Implementasi IP Multipath sistem redundant-load sharing terbukti lebih meningkatkan availability server dibandingkan dengan IP multipath sistem redundant dan IP Multipath sistem load sharing. Dalam waktu pengamatan selama 1 jam IP Multipath sistem redundant-load sharing dapat meningkatkan availability server hingga mendekati 99,999999999% Kata Kunci : IP Multipath, Load sharing, Redundant, SolarisABSTRACT: Availability link is very important because it is related to the availability of a service. This happen when the link server was broken; it will interfere the services provided and decrease the consumer credibility to the service provider company (provider). Considering how importance the availability link, many providers emphasize the concept of "zerodowntime" to increase the consumer credibilityIP multipath is one of backup technologies to increase the capabilities of availability link server by implementing Load sharing (dividing the load) and Redundant (backup) interface system. This Final Task would implementation the IP Multipath using 3 links that connect to the server, which are 2 main links as load server dividers and 1 other link functions as a backup.The result of the implementation of IP Multipath Redundant-Load sharing system has better performance than IP Multipath Redundant system and IP Multipath Load sharing system. When the failover occured, throughput of IP Multipath Redundant-Load sharing system decreased by only 0.98%, whereas IP Multipath Load sharing system decreased throughput 26.03%, and IP Multipath Redundant system decreased throughput reached 46.24%. Moreover, IP Multipath Load sharing system has response time 64.43% faster than IP Multipath Redundant system.Implementation of IP Multipath Redundant-Load sharing system can increase the server availability compared with IP Multipath Redundant system. Within 1 hour of observation IP Multipath Redundant-Load sharing system can improve server availability approaching to 99.999999999%.Keyword: IP Multipath, Load sharing, Redundant, Solari