4,201 research outputs found

    Mobile IP: state of the art report

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    Due to roaming, a mobile device may change its network attachment each time it moves to a new link. This might cause a disruption for the Internet data packets that have to reach the mobile node. Mobile IP is a protocol, developed by the Mobile IP Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working group, that is able to inform the network about this change in network attachment such that the Internet data packets will be delivered in a seamless way to the new point of attachment. This document presents current developments and research activities in the Mobile IP area

    Multicast-Based Mobile Ipv6 Join/Leave Mechanism Software

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    Increasing demand for mobility in the Internet has created the need for a routing protocol that allows a host to roam in the network. Mobile IP is a solution that enables an IP host to leave its home link while transparently maintaining all of its present connections and remaining reachable to the rest of the Internet. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has standardized Mobile IPv4. Mobile IPv6 is a work in progress in the IETF, offering support for IPv6 mobile nodes. Although it is not yet standardized, every IPv6 node is required to implement Mobile IPv6, which means that mobility must be widely supported. IP-multicast provides efficient algorithms for multiple packet delivery. It also provides location-independent group addressing. The receiver-initiated approach for IP-multicast enables new receivers to join to a nearby branch of an already established multicast tree. Hence, IP-multicast provides a scalable infrastructure for efficient, location-independent, packet delivery.The recent advances in wireless communication technology and the growth of the Internet have paved the way for wireless networking and IP mobility. Unlike conventional wired networks, wireless networks possess different channel characteristics and mobility dynamics that render network design and analysis more cha1lenging. Performance during handoff where the mobile moves from one cell, or coverage area, to another is a significant factor in evaluating wireless networks

    On the security of the Mobile IP protocol family

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    The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has worked on\ud network layer mobility for more than 10 years and a number\ud of RFCs are available by now. Although the IETF mobility\ud protocols are not present in the Internet infrastructure as of\ud today, deployment seems to be imminent since a number\ud of organizations, including 3GPP, 3GPP2 and Wimax, have\ud realized the need to incorporate these protocols into their architectures.\ud Deployment scenarios reach from mobility support\ud within the network of a single provider to mobility support\ud between different providers and technologies. Current Wimax\ud specifications, for example, already support Mobile IPv4,\ud Proxy Mobile IPv4 and Mobile IPv6. Future specifications will\ud also support Proxy Mobile IPv6. Upcoming specifications in\ud the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC) will include the use of\ud Mobile IPv4, Dual Stack MIPv6 and Proxy Mobile IPv6 for\ud interworking between 3GPP and non 3GPP networks.\ud This paper provides an overview on the state-of-the-art\ud in IETF mobility protocols as they are being considered by\ud standardization organizations outside the IETF and focusing\ud on security aspects

    MIPv6 Experimental Evaluation using Overlay Networks

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    The commercial deployment of Mobile IPv6 has been hastened by the concepts of Integrated Wireless Networks and Overlay Networks, which are present in the notion of the forthcoming generation of wireless communications. Individual wireless access networks show limitations that can be overcome through the integration of different technologies into a single unified platform (i.e., 4G systems). This paper summarises practical experiments performed to evaluate the impact of inter-networking (i.e. vertical handovers) on the Network and Transport layers. Based on our observations, we propose and evaluate a number of inter-technology handover optimisation techniques, e.g., Router Advertisements frequency values, Binding Update simulcasting, Router Advertisement caching, and Soft Handovers. The paper concludes with the description of a policy-based mobility support middleware (PROTON) that hides 4G networking complexities from mobile users, provides informed handover-related decisions, and enables the application of different vertical handover methods and optimisations according to context.Publicad

    Practical Evaluation of a Network Mobility Solution

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    IFIP International Workshop on Networked Applications, Colmenarejo, Madrid/Spain, 6–8 July, 2005As the demand of ubiquitous Internet access and the current trend of all-IP communications keep growing, the necessity of a protocol that provides mobility management increases. The IETF has specified protocols to provide mobility support to individual nodes and networks. The Network Mobility (NEMO) Basic Support protocol is designed for providing mobility at IP level to complete networks, allowing a Mobile Network to change its point of attachment to the Internet, while maintaining ongoing sessions of the nodes of the network. All the mobility management is done by the mobile router whilst the nodes of the network are not even aware of the mobility. The main aim of this article is evaluating the performance of the NEMO Basic Support protocol by using our implementation. We also discuss the design of an implementation of the NEMO Basic Support protocol.Publicad

    IPv6 Network Mobility

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    Network Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting has been used since before the days of the Internet as we know it today. Authentication asks the question, “Who or what are you?” Authorization asks, “What are you allowed to do?” And fi nally, accounting wants to know, “What did you do?” These fundamental security building blocks are being used in expanded ways today. The fi rst part of this two-part series focused on the overall concepts of AAA, the elements involved in AAA communications, and highlevel approaches to achieving specifi c AAA goals. It was published in IPJ Volume 10, No. 1[0]. This second part of the series discusses the protocols involved, specifi c applications of AAA, and considerations for the future of AAA
