4 research outputs found

    an automatic aw som vhdl ip core generator

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    In this paper, the authors present a MATLAB IP generator for hardware accelerators of All-Winner Self-Organizing Maps (AW-SOM). AW-SOM is a modified version of Kohonen's Self Organizing Maps (SOM) algorithm, which is one of the most used Machine Learning algorithms for data clustering, and vector quantization. The architecture of the AW-SOM method is meant for hardware implementations, and its main feature is a processing speed almost independent to the number of neurons since each of them is processed in a parallel way; the parallelization can be easily exploited by hardware custom hardware designs. The IP generator is built-in MATLAB and provides the user with the possibility to design a custom and efficient hardware accelerator. Several settings can be set such as the number of features and the number of neurons. The target language is the VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL). The generated IP cores can be used for the training of the model and a built-in function of the software can also check the clustering performances using its inference capabilities. The accelerators produced by the software have been also characterized in terms of max frequency, hardware resources, and power consumption. The authors performed the hardware implementations on a XILINX Virtex 7 xc7vx690t FPGA

    A Feature Extractor IC for Acoustic Emission Non-destructive Testing

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    In this paper, we present the design and the implementation of a digital Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) for Acoustic Emission (AE) non-destructive testing. The AE non-destructive testing method is a diagnostic method used to detect faults in mechanically loaded structures and components. If a structure is subjected to mechanical load or stress, the presence of structural discontinuities releases energy in the form of acoustic emissions through the constituting material. The analysis of these acoustic emissions can be used to determine the presence of faults in several structures. The proposed circuit has been designed for IoT (Internet of Things) applications, and it can be used to simplify the existing procedures adopted for structural integrity verifications of pressurized metal tanks that, in some countries, they are based on periodic checks. The proposed ASIC is provided of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) capabilities for the extraction of the main four parameters used in the AE analysis that are the energy of the signal, the duration of the event, the number of the crossing of a certain threshold and finally the maximum value reached by the AE signal. The circuit is provided of an SPI interface capable of sending and receiving data to/from wireless transceivers to share information on the web. The DSP circuit has been coded in VHDL and synthesized in 90 nm technology using Synopsys. The circuit has been characterized in terms of area, speed, and power consumption. Experimental results show that the proposed circuit presents very low power consumption properties and low area requirements