5 research outputs found


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    Penyimpanan data secara digital merupakan salah satu kekurangan yang ada pada Kantor CV. Kota Baru, karena kurangnya device jaringan yang memadai untuk membangun sebuah server yang menyediakan layanan tersebut. Cloud storage merupakan salah satu layanan yang berfungsi sebagai media peyimpanan secara digital, dimana semua data tersimpan secara aman pada layanan layanan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan owncloud sebagai aplikasi dari cloud storagenya, yang mampu berjalan secara offline maupun online. Cloud storage dapat dibangun dengan jenis komputer server serta spesifikasi yang sesuai. Topologi jaringan merupakan salah satu pendukung agar sistem jaringan dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan rancangan cloud storage. Setelah dilakukan pengujian maka didapat bahwa dengan adanya cloud storage kantor CV. Kota Baru dapat meningkatkan media  penyimpanan data secara terpusat serta kontrol jaringan terpusat dari server pada Kantor CV. Kota Bar

    Using Media Independent Handover to Support PMIPv6 Inter-domain Mobility Based Vehicular Networks

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    Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) was proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a new network-based mobility protocol which does not require the involvement of MN’s in any form of mobility management. MN can handover relatively faster in PMIPv6 than in host-based mobility protocols (e.g. Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6)) because it actively uses link-layer attachment information which reduces the movement detection time, and eliminates duplicate address detection procedures. However, the current PMIPv6 cannot provide continuous mobility support for MN when roaming between different PMIPv6 domains; we introduce a novel inter-domain PMIPv6 scheme to support seamless handover for vehicle in motion to support continuous and seamless connection while roaming in the new PMIPv6 domain. In this paper we analytically evaluate our proposed scheme to support inter-domain mobility for vehicle roaming between two PMIPv6 domains by using Media Independent Handover (MIH) and Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to support the handover in addition to a continuous connection

    Protocolo Cross-Layer Proactivo Basado en Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial para Handover sin Fisuras en Ambientes Móviles WLAN

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    En este documento se presenta una nueva propuesta de protocolo predictivo basado en técnicas de inteligencia artificial para pronosticar la siguiente red a conectarse, este marco de referencia está basado en un protocolo de handover Cross-Layer y un pronosticador de siguiente red basado en cinco clasificadores: regresión logística, Bayes ingenuo, máquina de soporte vectorial, arboles de decisión y k vecinos más cercanos, obteniendo hasta un 92 % de exactitud en el pronóstico de red. Basado en este marco de referencia se obtiene un traspaso sin fisuras en ambientes móviles WLAN

    Modeling and Analysis of Location Service Management in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    Recent technological advances in wireless communication and the pervasiveness of various wireless communication devices have offered novel and promising solutions to enable vehicles to communicate with each other, establishing a decentralized communication system. An emerging solution in this area is the Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), in which vehicles cooperate in receiving and delivering messages to each other. VANETs can provide a viable alternative in situations where existing infrastructure communication systems become overloaded, fail (due for instance to natural disaster), or inconvenient to use. Nevertheless, the success of VANETs revolves around a number of key elements, an important one of which is the way messages are routed between sources and destinations. Without an effective message routing strategy VANETs' success will continue to be limited. In order for messages to be routed to a destination effectively, the location of the destination must be determined. Since vehicles move in relatively fast and in a random manner, determining the location (hence the optimal message routing path) of (to) the destination vehicle constitutes a major challenge. Recent approaches for tackling this challenge have resulted in a number of Location Service Management Protocols. Though these protocols have demonstrated good potential, they still suffer from a number of impediments, including, signaling volume (particularly in large scale VANETs), inability to deal with network voids and inability to leverage locality for communication between the network nodes. In this thesis, a Region-based Location Service Management Protocol (RLSMP) is proposed. The protocol is a self-organizing framework that uses message aggregation and geographical clustering to minimize the volume of signalling overhead. To the best of my knowledge, RLSMP is the first protocol that uses message aggregation in both updating and querying, and as such it promises scalability, locality awareness, and fault tolerance. Location service management further addresses the issue of routing location updating and querying messages. Updating and querying messages should be exchanged between the network nodes and the location servers with minimum delay. This necessity introduces a persuasive need to support Quality of Service (QoS) routing in VANETs. To mitigate the QoS routing challenge in VANETs, the thesis proposes an Adaptive Message Routing (AMR) protocol that utilizes the network's local topology information in order to find the route with minimum end-to-end delay, while maintaining the required thresholds for connectivity probability and hop count. The QoS routing problem is formulated as a constrained optimization problem for which a genetic algorithm is proposed. The thesis presents experiments to validate the proposed protocol and test its performance under various network conditions