5,642 research outputs found

    Vibration suppression in multi-body systems by means of disturbance filter design methods

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    This paper addresses the problem of interaction in mechanical multi-body systems and shows that subsystem interaction can be considerably minimized while increasing performance if an efficient disturbance model is used. In order to illustrate the advantage of the proposed intelligent disturbance filter, two linear model based techniques are considered: IMC and the model based predictive (MPC) approach. As an illustrative example, multivariable mass-spring-damper and quarter car systems are presented. An adaptation mechanism is introduced to account for linear parameter varying LPV conditions. In this paper we show that, even if the IMC control strategy was not designed for MIMO systems, if a proper filter is used, IMC can successfully deal with disturbance rejection in a multivariable system, and the results obtained are comparable with those obtained by a MIMO predictive control approach. The results suggest that both methods perform equally well, with similar numerical complexity and implementation effort

    Heat metering: socio-technical challenges in district-heated social housing

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    Individual heat metering and charging (IMC) are seen as promising methods to reduce domestic heating and hot water use through the provision of financial incentives. The heat consumption measured by meters is influenced by both the dwelling characteristics and the behaviour of the occupant, but heating charges would ideally relate to occupant behaviour only. This dilemma can be especially relevant under two circumstances: if the thermal performance of the dwelling is poor and/or if heating costs represent a substantial part of the occupants’ income, i.e. in social housing. The case of a district-heated council block in London is presented where the installation of individual heat meters was planned in 2010 but had to be suspended due to concerns about implications for occupant heating costs in light of the thermal performance of the building. It illustrates a technically and socially complex environment where fairness in allocating heating costs is an important concern. The case also shows how lack of funding or other issues on the infrastructure side can hinder behaviour-orientated measures such as IMC. A holistic energy conservation strategy addressing both physical building properties and occupant behaviour is therefore essential and should be supported by policy

    Reducing backaction when measuring temporal correlations in quantum systems

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    Dynamic correlations of quantum observables are challenging to measure due to measurement backaction incurred at early times. Recent work [P. Uhrich et al., Phys. Rev. A, 96:022127 (2017)] has shown that ancilla-based noninvasive measurements are able to reduce this backaction, allowing for dynamic correlations of single-site spin observables to be measured. We generalise this result to correlations of arbitrary spin observables and extend the measurement protocol to simultaneous noninvasive measurements which allow for real and imaginary parts of correlations to be extracted from a single set of measurements. We use positive operator-valued measures to analyse the dynamics generated by the ancilla-based measurements. Using this framework we prove that special observables exist for which measurement backaction is of no concern, so that dynamic correlations of these can be obtained without making use of ancillas.Comment: 13 page

    The Informational Model of Consciousness: Mechanisms of Embodiment/Disembodiment of Information

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    It was shown recently that information is the central concept which it is to be considered to understand consciousness and its properties. Arguing that consciousness is a consequence of the operational activity of the informational system of the human body, it was shown that this system is composed by seven informational components, reflected in consciousness by corresponding cognitive centers. It was argued also that consciousness can be connected to the environment not only by the common senses, but also by a special connection pole to the bipolar properties of the universe, allowing to explain the associated phenomena of the near-death experiences and other special phenomena. Starting from the characteristics of this model, defined as the Informational Model of Consciousness and to complete the info-communication panorama, in this paper it is analyzed the info-connectivity of the informational system with the body itself. The brain areas where the activity of each informational component are identified, and a definition of consciousness in terms of information is proposed. As the electrical connectivity by means of the nervous system was already proved, allowing the application of the analysis and developing tools of the information science, a particular attention is paid to the non-electrical mechanisms implied in the internal communication. For this, it is shown that the key mechanisms consists in embodiment/disembodiment processes of information during the inter and intra communication of the cells. This process can be modeled also by means of, and in correlation with specific concepts of the science and technology of information, referred to network communication structures, and is represented by epigenetic mechanisms, allowing the acquired trait transmission to the offspring generation. From the perspective of the informational model of consciousness, the human organism appears therefore as a dynamic reactive informational system, actuating in correlation with matter for adaptation, by embodiment/disembodiment processes of information

    A novel technique for load frequency control of multi-area power systems

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    In this paper, an adaptive type-2 fuzzy controller is proposed to control the load frequency of a two-area power system based on descending gradient training and error back-propagation. The dynamics of the system are completely uncertain. The multilayer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network structure is used to extract Jacobian and estimate the system model, and then, the estimated model is applied to the controller, online. A proportional–derivative (PD) controller is added to the type-2 fuzzy controller, which increases the stability and robustness of the system against disturbances. The adaptation, being real-time and independency of the system parameters are new features of the proposed controller. Carrying out simulations on New England 39-bus power system, the performance of the proposed controller is compared with the conventional PI, PID and internal model control based on PID (IMC-PID) controllers. Simulation results indicate that our proposed controller method outperforms the conventional controllers in terms of transient response and stability

    In situ imaging of microstructure formation in electronic interconnections

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    The development of microstructure during melting, reactive wetting and solidification of solder pastes on Cu-plated printed circuit boards has been studied by synchrotron radiography. Using Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu and Sn-0.7Cu/Cu as examples, we show that the interfacial Cu6Sn5 layer is present within 0.05 s of wetting, and explore the kinetics of flux void formation at the interface between the liquid and the Cu6Sn5 layer. Quantification of the nucleation locations and anisotropic growth kinetics of primary Cu6Sn5 crystals reveals a competition between the nucleation of Cu6Sn5 in the liquid versus growth of Cu6Sn5 from the existing Cu6Sn5 layer. Direct imaging confirms that the β-Sn nucleates at/near the Cu6Sn5 layer in Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints

    Communicating sustainability practices and values: a case study approach of a micro-organisation in the UK

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    This article investigates sustainability communication through the lens of integrated marketing communication (IMC) by focusing on one case organisation that sees aspects of sustainability at the heart of its operations. This qualitative inquiry utilises a case study approach and a variety of methodological tools, including in-depth semi-structure interviews and semiotic analysis of online and offline media. Findings highlight although the case organisation seeks to use an IMC approach across their multiple communication channels the same message cannot always be conveyed as, especially social media channels, have restricted formatting settings. As a result the encoded message is confusing and leads to a loss of meaning. Although this research is based on a single case study, it allows for an in-depth investigation of a phenomenon and practical recommendations on how to overcome challenges with online platforms. This research is of value as it investigates IMC in and under researched context micro-organisations, as well as combines it with challenges of effectively broadcasting sustainability messages to an end-consumer