101 research outputs found

    Cost Simulation and Performance Optimization of Web-based Applications on Mobile Channels

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    When considering the addition of a mobile presentation channel to an existing web-based application, a key question that has to be answered even before development begins is how the mobile channel's characteristics will impact the user experience and the cost of using the application. If either of these factors is outside acceptable limits, economical considerations may forbid adding the channels, even if it would be feasible from a purely technical perspective. Both of these factors depend considerably on two metrics: The time required to transmit data over the mobile network, and the volume transmitted. The PETTICOAT method presented in this paper uses the dialog flow model and web server log files of an existing application to identify typical interaction sequences and to compile volume statistics, which are then run through a tool that simulates the volume and time that would be incurred by executing the interaction sequences on a mobile channel. From the simulated volume and time data, we can then calculate the cost of accessing the application on a mobile channel, and derive suitable approaches for optimizing cost and response times

    An OCL-Based approach to derive constraint test cases for database applications

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    The development of database applications in most CASE tools has been insufficient because most of these tools do not provide the software necessary to validate these appli-cations. Validation means ensuring whether a given application fulfils the user require-ments. We suggest validation of database applications by using the functional testing technique, which is a fundamental black-box testing technique for checking the software without being concerned about its implementation and structure. Our main contribu-tion to this work is in providing a MDA approach for deriving testing software from the OCL specification of the integrity constraints. This testing software is used to validate the database applications, which are used to enforce these constraints. The generated testing software includes three components: validation queries, test cases and initial data inserted before the testing process. Our approach is implemented as an add-in tool in Rational Rose called OCL2TestSW.This work has been partially supported by the project Thuban: Natural Interaction Platform for Virtual Attending in Real Environments (TIN2008-02711), and also by the Spanish research projects: MA2VICMR: Improving the access, analysis and visibility of the multilingual and multimedia information in web for the Region of Madrid (S2009/TIC-1542).Publicad

    Quantity versus impact of software engineering papers: a quantitative study

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    According to the data from the Scopus publication database, as analyzed in several recent studies, more than 70,000 papers have been published in the area of Software Engineering (SE) since late 1960’s. According to our recent work, 43% of those papers have received no citations at all. Since citations are the most commonly used metric for measuring research (academic) impact, these figures raise questions (doubts) about the (non-existing) impact of such a large set of papers. It is a reality that typical academic reward systems encourage researchers to publish more papers and do not place a major emphasis on research impact. To shed light on the issue of volume (quantity) versus citation-based impact of SE research papers, we conduct and report in this paper a quantitative bibliometrics assessment in four aspects: (1) quantity versus impact of different paper types (e.g., conference versus journal papers), (2) ratios of uncited (non-impactful) papers, (3) quantity versus impact of papers originating from different countries, and (4) quantity versus impact of papers by each of the top-10 authors (in terms of number of papers). To achieve the above objective, we conducted a quantitative exploratory bibliometrics assessment, comprised of four research questions, to assess quantity versus impact of SE papers with respect to the aspects discussed above. We extracted the data through a systematic, automated and repeatable process from the Scopus paper database, which we also used in two previous papers. Our results show that the distribution of SE publications has a major inequality in terms of impact overall, and also when categorized in terms of the above four aspects. The situation in the SE literature is similar to the other areas of science as studied by previous bibliometrics studies. Also, among our results is the fact that journal articles and conference papers have been cited 12.6 and 3.6 times on average, confirming the expectation that journal articles have more impact, in general, than conference papers. Also, papers originated from English-speaking countries have in general more visibility and impact (and consequently citations) when compared to papers originated from non-English-speaking countries. Our results have implications for improvement of academic reward systems, which nowadays mainly encourage researchers to publish more papers and usually neglect research impact. Also, our results can help researchers in non-English-speaking countries to consider improvements to increase their research impact of their upcoming papers.Vahid Garousi was partially supported by several internal grants provided by the Hacettepe University and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). Joao M. Fernandes was supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Crowd Sourcing Rules in Agile Software Engineering to Improve Efficiency Using Ontological Framework

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    Business Rule Management System provides the necessary seeds for the planning, implementing, verifying and validating the Agile Requirements. The BRMS model needs to be modified in a way that organizational growth runs parallel with the intrinsic expansion in the number of User Requirements in Agile Development. This growth in Requirements or Rules in Agile Software Development is an obvious overhead that needs to be managed properly considering its sprint nature. A Semantic approach is followed by design and maintenance of an Ontology called RAgile. The ontology is developed in ‘Protégé 5 having inherent capability of Ontology Merging in case of disparate Rule files. User requirements that are drawn into the Rules or Policies depend upon the features users expect of the Agile System

    Aspect Oriented Behavioral Synthesis

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    Modern modularization techniques such as Aspect Orientation require powerful and expressive enough specification languages in order to conceive the development of a system as the combination of the different views it is composed of. In this work we present FVS as an aspect oriented language where the composition of individual aspects is achieved employing behavioral synthesis. As a distinctive feature, our approach can handle properties denoted by non deterministic Büchi automata. A case of study is introduced to show our approach in action.XVI Workshop Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    NG Augmented Ontology on shared cloud attack dimension Proceedings of the Seventeenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Detroit, Michigan August 4th-7th 2011 1 Americas Conference on Information Systems AMCIS 2011 Detroit “Augmented Ontology to discover Shared Attack Dimension in Cloud Computing for Information Warfare Prediction”

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    There are several small countries adjacent to Russia. One is Estonia on the west and Georgia on the south east. The nationalcomputer network incident in Estonia dated 2007, and Georgia dated 2008 sparkled an rising concern in both Europe Counciland Interpol on the vulnerabilities, integrity and sustainability of any government totally relying on computers and network,especially, opening up the whole national information assets to the global public information network. This paper takes adiscovery journey from the allegation against China Telecom Internet traffic hijacked in April 2010, which later revoked byInvestigation Committee in US Congress, to sparkle the gradual adoption of “METHONTOLOGY”, a special format ofOntology, in North American Internet traffic surveillance and Extensible Messaging Presence Protocol, or XMPP real timecommunication in North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO , to counteract major weaknesses in global Internet structure,says Border Gateway Protocol or BGP Leaking. This distillation of auto ontology exchange evolves shared attack dimensionsfor ongoing cyber warfare incidents. This paper attempts to shrine the rising role of semantic technology in Cyber Securitycradle

    Aspect Oriented Behavioral Synthesis

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    Modern modularization techniques such as Aspect Orientation require powerful and expressive enough specification languages in order to conceive the development of a system as the combination of the different views it is composed of. In this work we present FVS as an aspect oriented language where the composition of individual aspects is achieved employing behavioral synthesis. As a distinctive feature, our approach can handle properties denoted by non deterministic Büchi automata. A case of study is introduced to show our approach in action.XVI Workshop Ingeniería de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic