1,604 research outputs found

    3D printing of an instrumented DMT: design, development and initial testing

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    This paper describes the design, fabrication and initial testing of an instrumented Flat Dilatometer Test (iDMT) device. Compared to the DMT test involving pressure readings at two-fixed displacements, this device is designed to have a direct displacement-measuring system and a larger-displacement range to evaluate the continuous pressure-displacement relation of a soil, which may afford an opportunity to improve the interpretation to take non-linear soil behaviors into account rather than using linear elasticity in the DMT analysis. However, technical constraints are encountered in the iDMT blade machining using traditional technologies, alternatively, a 3D printing technology is successfully applied to fabricate the iDMT blade. Then, the calibrations of the iDMT device are performed, followed by an iDMT test in conjunction with a DMT test in a calibration chamber, demonstrating that the new iDMT device can be used to investigate non-linear soil behaviors, and the 3D printing technology is proved not only to be an expedient solution but also to be used as a routine tool in improving geotechnical testing apparatus

    Evaluating the impact of superconducting fault current limiters on distribution network protection schemes

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    Rising fault levels are becoming increasingly problematic in the UK distribution network, with large sections of the network operating near to its designed fault level capability. With the increase in penetration of distributed generation that is expected in the coming years, this situation is becoming more pressing. Traditional methods of dealing with the issue may not be appropriate - upgrading plant is expensive and disruptive, while network reconfiguration can compromise security of supply. Superconducting Fault Current Limiters (SFCLs) are emerging as a potential solution, with installations now taking place in several locations worldwide. The integration of an SFCL into a network involves a number of challenges, particularly concerning the coordination of protection systems. The operation of existing protection schemes may be compromised due to the increased resistance in the network during a fault (in the case of a resistive SFCL). Furthermore, the reduction in fault levels, although desirable, can have a detrimental impact on protection operating times. This paper will consider an existing medium voltage network in the UK, which incorporates distributed generation capacity. The performance of IDMT overcurrent and distance protection schemes will be examined when an SFCL is installed in this network. In particular, the increased operating time of overcurrent relays will be discussed along with grading implications. The impact on distance protection reach will also be examined. A variety of network operational scenarios including SFCL placement and fault conditions will be considered and compared. Recommendations will be made in terms of protection settings and SFCL placement in order to mitigate the aforementioned issues

    Movement patterns of cheetahs ( Acinonyx jubatus ) in farmlands in Botswana

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    Botswana has the second highest population of cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) with most living outside protected areas. As a result, many cheetahs are found in farming areas which occasionally results in human-wildlife conflict. This study aimed to look at movement patterns of cheetahs in farming environments to determine whether cheetahs have adapted their movements in these human-dominated landscapes. We fitted high-time resolution GPS collars to cheetahs in the Ghanzi farmlands of Botswana. GPS locations were used to calculate home range sizes as well as number and duration of visits to landscape features using a time-based local convex hull method. Cheetahs had medium-sized home ranges compared to previously studied cheetah in similar farming environments. Results showed that cheetahs actively visited scent marking trees and avoided visiting homesteads. A slight preference for visiting game farms over cattle farms was found, but there was no difference in duration of visits between farm types. We conclude that cheetahs selected for areas that are important for their dietary and social needs and prefer to avoid human-occupied areas. Improved knowledge of how cheetahs use farmlands can allow farmers to make informed decisions when developing management practices and can be an important tool for reducing human-wildlife conflict

    The Effects of Market Reform on Maize Marketing Margins in South Africa: An Empirical Study

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    This paper determines the effect of market reform and price decontrol on the size of maize milling/retail margins in South Africa. Regression models of monthly milling/retail margins are run over the period May 1976 to September 2003. To assess the robustness of our findings, we estimate several different model specifications for representing structural change, vary the sample period to examine the sensitivity of findings to unusual weather and market conditions in the region during the 2001-2003 period, and use different estimation techniques, OLS with Newey-West robust estimators and Feasible General Least Squares. In virtually all models, the results indicate that real maize milling/retailing margins in South Africa have increased since the market deregulation in 1997. Controlling for disturbances in weather, wages, exchange rate levels and volatility, inflation-adjusted margins accruing to millers and retailers have risen 29 to 42 percent between 1997 and 2003. Unlike experiences elsewhere in the region, maize market reform in South Africa has not benefited consumers.Maize milling/retailing marketing margins, Market Reform, Ordinary Least Squares, Feasible General Least Squares., Crop Production/Industries, Marketing,

    CHORUS Deliverable 4.3: Report from CHORUS workshops on national initiatives and metadata

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    Minutes of the following Workshops: • National Initiatives on Multimedia Content Description and Retrieval, Geneva, October 10th, 2007. • Metadata in Audio-Visual/Multimedia production and archiving, Munich, IRT, 21st – 22nd November 2007 Workshop in Geneva 10/10/2007 This highly successful workshop was organised in cooperation with the European Commission. The event brought together the technical, administrative and financial representatives of the various national initiatives, which have been established recently in some European countries to support research and technical development in the area of audio-visual content processing, indexing and searching for the next generation Internet using semantic technologies, and which may lead to an internet-based knowledge infrastructure. The objective of this workshop was to provide a platform for mutual information and exchange between these initiatives, the European Commission and the participants. Top speakers were present from each of the national initiatives. There was time for discussions with the audience and amongst the European National Initiatives. The challenges, communalities, difficulties, targeted/expected impact, success criteria, etc. were tackled. This workshop addressed how these national initiatives could work together and benefit from each other. Workshop in Munich 11/21-22/2007 Numerous EU and national research projects are working on the automatic or semi-automatic generation of descriptive and functional metadata derived from analysing audio-visual content. The owners of AV archives and production facilities are eagerly awaiting such methods which would help them to better exploit their assets.Hand in hand with the digitization of analogue archives and the archiving of digital AV material, metadatashould be generated on an as high semantic level as possible, preferably fully automatically. All users of metadata rely on a certain metadata model. All AV/multimedia search engines, developed or under current development, would have to respect some compatibility or compliance with the metadata models in use. The purpose of this workshop is to draw attention to the specific problem of metadata models in the context of (semi)-automatic multimedia search

    Current–time characteristics of resistive superconducting fault current limiters

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    Superconducting fault current limiters (SFCLs) may play an important role in power-dense electrical systems. Therefore, it is important to understand the dynamic characteristics of SFCLs. This will allow the behavior of multiple SFCLs in a system to be fully understood during faults and other transient conditions, which will consequently permit the coordination of the SFCL devices to ensure that only the device(s) closest to the fault location will operate. It will also allow SFCL behavior and impact to be taken into account when coordinating network protection systems. This paper demonstrates that resistive SFCLs have an inverse current-time characteristic: They will quench (become resistive) in a time that inversely depends upon the initial fault current magnitude. The timescales are shown to be much shorter than those typical of inverse overcurrent protection. A generic equation has been derived, which allows the quench time to be estimated for a given prospective fault current magnitude and initial superconductor temperature and for various superconducting device and material properties. This information will be of value to system designers in understanding the impact of SFCLs on network protection systems during faults and in planning the relative positions of multiple SFCLs