6 research outputs found

    LoRa-Based System for Tracking Runners in Cross Country Races

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    [EN] In recent years, there is an important trend in the organization of cross country races and popular races where hundred people usually participate. In these events, runners usually subject the body to extreme situations that can lead to various types of indisposition and they can also suffer falls. Currently, the electronic systems used in this type of racing refer only to whether a runner has passed through a checkpoint. However, it is necessary to implement systems that allow controlling the population of runners knowing their status all the time. For this reason, this paper proposes the design of a low-cost system for monitoring and controlling runners in this type of event. The system is formed by a network architecture in infrastructure mode based on Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technology. Each runner will carry an electronic device that will give their position and vital signs to be monitored. Likewise, it will incorporate an S.O.S. button that will allow sending a warning to the organization in order to help the person. All these data will be sent through the network to a database that will allow the organization and the public attending the race to check where the runner is and the history of their vital signs. This paper shows the proposed design to our system. Therefore, the paper will show the different practical experiments we have been carried out with the devices that have allowed proposing this design.This work has been partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades through the Ayudas para la adquisición de equipamiento científico-técnico, Subprograma estatal de infraestructuras de investigación y equipamiento científico-técnico (plan Estatal I+D+i 2017-2020) (project EQC2018-004988-P).Sendra, S.; Romero-Díaz, P.; García-Navas, JL.; Lloret, J. (2019). LoRa-Based System for Tracking Runners in Cross Country Races. MDPI. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.3390/ecsa-6-066291

    Transactional migration of inhomogeneous composite cloud applications

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    For various motives such as routing around scheduled downtimes or escaping price surges, operations engineers of cloud applications are occasionally conducting zero-downtime live migrations. For monolithic virtual machine-based applications, this process has been studied extensively. In contrast, for composite microservice applications new challenges arise due to the need for a transactional migration of all constituent microservice implementations such as platform-specific light-weight containers and volumes. This paper outlines the challenges in the general heterogeneous case and solves them partially for a specialised inhomogeneous case based on the OpenShift and Kubernetes application models. Specifically, the paper describes our contributions in terms of tangible application models, tool designs, and migration evaluation. From the results, we reason about possible solutions for the general heterogeneous case

    Approach for GDPR Compliant Detection of COVID-19 Infection Chains

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    While prospect of tracking mobile devices' users is widely discussed all over European countries to counteract COVID-19 propagation, we propose a Bloom filter based construction providing users' location privacy and preventing mass surveillance. We apply a solution based on Bloom filters data structure that allows a third party, a government agency, to perform some privacy-preserving set relations on a mobile telco's access logfile. By computing set relations, the government agency, given the knowledge of two identified persons, has an instrument that provides a (possible) infection chain from the initial to the final infected user no matter at which location on a worldwide scale they are. The benefit of our approach is that intermediate possible infected users can be identified and subsequently contacted by the agency. With such approach, we state that solely identities of possible infected users will be revealed and location privacy of others will be preserved. To this extent, it meets General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)requirements in this area

    Efficient Discovery and Utilization of Radio Information in Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous 3D Wireless Networks

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    Emergence of new applications, industrial automation and the explosive boost of smart concepts have led to an environment with rapidly increasing device densification and service diversification. This revolutionary upward trend has led the upcoming 6th-Generation (6G) and beyond communication systems to be globally available communication, computing and intelligent systems seamlessly connecting devices, services and infrastructure facilities. In this kind of environment, scarcity of radio resources would be upshot to an unimaginably high level compelling them to be very efficiently utilized. In this case, timely action is taken to deviate from approximate site-specific 2-Dimensional (2D) network concepts in radio resource utilization and network planning replacing them with more accurate 3-Dimensional (3D) network concepts while utilizing spatially distributed location-specific radio characteristics. Empowering this initiative, initially a framework is developed to accurately estimate the location-specific path loss parameters under dynamic environmental conditions in a 3D small cell (SC) heterogeneous networks (HetNets) facilitating efficient radio resource management schemes using crowdsensing data collection principle together with Linear Algebra (LA) and machine learning (ML) techniques. According to the results, the gradient descent technique is with the highest path loss parameter estimation accuracy which is over 98%. At a latter stage, receive signal power is calculated at a slightly extended 3D communication distances from the cluster boundaries based on already estimated propagation parameters with an accuracy of over 74% for certain distances. Coordination in both device-network and network-network interactions is also a critical factor in efficient radio resource utilization while meeting Quality of Service (QoS) requirements in heavily congested future 3D SCs HetNets. Then, overall communication performance enhancement through better utilization of spatially distributed opportunistic radio resources in a 3D SC is addressed with the device and network coordination, ML and Slotted-ALOHA principles together with scheduling, power control and access prioritization schemes. Within this solution, several communication related factors like 3D spatial positions and QoS requirements of the devices in two co-located networks operated in licensed band (LB) and unlicensed band (UB) are considered. To overcome the challenge of maintaining QoS under ongoing network densification and with limited radio resources cellular network traffic is offloaded to UB. Approximately, 70% better overall coordination efficiency is achieved at initial network access with the device network coordinated weighting factor based prioritization scheme powered with the Q-learning (QL) principle over conventional schemes. Subsequently, coverage information of nearby dense NR-Unlicensed (NR-U) base stations (BSs) is investigated for better allocation and utilization of common location-specific spatially distributed radio resources in UB. Firstly, the problem of determining the receive signal power at a given location due to a transmission done by a neighbor NR-U BS is addressed with a solution based on a deep regression neural network algorithm enabling to predict receive signal or interference power of a neighbor BS at a given location of a 3D cell. Subsequently, the problem of efficient radio resource management is considered while dynamically utilizing UB spectrum for NR-U transmissions through an algorithm based on the double Q-learning (DQL) principle and device collaboration. Over 200% faster algorithm convergence is achieved by the DQL based method over conventional solutions with estimated path loss parameters