20 research outputs found

    Modelo de aprendizaje de máquinas para reducir las fallas de instanciación en composiciones de servicios

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    Este artículo, presenta un modelo de aprendizaje de maquinas orientado a reducir las fallas que se generan al asumir instancias de datos incorrectas por parte del planificador al momento de realizar el proceso de composición de servicios Web. Para ello, se  enfatiza en la adquisición de información del mundo real a través de la ejecución del servicio y por medio de árboles de decisión, predecir la mejor regla de aprendizaje en función a la ejecución de un servicio.  ABSTRACT This paper, show a machine learning model to reduce failures generated by assuming incorrect information instances by the planner during Web service composition process. For it, we emphasize in the acquisition of real-world information through the Web service execution and through decision trees, predicting the best learning rule according to the execution each service.

    Learning Classical Planning Strategies with Policy Gradient

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    A common paradigm in classical planning is heuristic forward search. Forward search planners often rely on simple best-first search which remains fixed throughout the search process. In this paper, we introduce a novel search framework capable of alternating between several forward search approaches while solving a particular planning problem. Selection of the approach is performed using a trainable stochastic policy, mapping the state of the search to a probability distribution over the approaches. This enables using policy gradient to learn search strategies tailored to a specific distributions of planning problems and a selected performance metric, e.g. the IPC score. We instantiate the framework by constructing a policy space consisting of five search approaches and a two-dimensional representation of the planner's state. Then, we train the system on randomly generated problems from five IPC domains using three different performance metrics. Our experimental results show that the learner is able to discover domain-specific search strategies, improving the planner's performance relative to the baselines of plain best-first search and a uniform policy.Comment: Accepted for ICAPS 201

    Capturing (Optimal) Relaxed Plans with Stable and Supported Models of Logic Programs

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    We establish a novel relation between delete-free planning, an important task for the AI Planning community also known as relaxed planning, and logic programming. We show that given a planning problem, all subsets of actions that could be ordered to produce relaxed plans for the problem can be bijectively captured with stable models of a logic program describing the corresponding relaxed planning problem. We also consider the supported model semantics of logic programs, and introduce one causal and one diagnostic encoding of the relaxed planning problem as logic programs, both capturing relaxed plans with their supported models. Our experimental results show that these new encodings can provide major performance gain when computing optimal relaxed plans, with our diagnostic encoding outperforming state-of-the-art approaches to relaxed planning regardless of the given time limit when measured on a wide collection of STRIPS planning benchmarks.Comment: Paper presented at the 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), 14 page

    Dynamic Controllability Made Simple

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    Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty (STNUs) are a well-studied model for representing temporal constraints, where some intervals (contingent links) have an unknown but bounded duration, discovered only during execution. An STNU is dynamically controllable (DC) if there exists a strategy to execute its time-points satisfying all the constraints, regardless of the actual duration of contingent links revealed during execution. In this work we present a new system of constraint propagation rules for STNUs, which is sound-and-complete for DC checking. Our system comprises just three rules which, differently from the ones proposed in all previous works, only generate unconditioned constraints. In particular, after applying our sound rules, the network remains an STNU in all respects. Moreover, our completeness proof is short and non-algorithmic, based on the explicit construction of a valid execution strategy. This is a substantial simplification of the theory which underlies all the polynomial-time algorithms for DC-checking. Our analysis also shows: (1) the existence of late execution strategies for STNUs, (2) the equivalence of several variants of the notion of DC, (3) the existence of a fast algorithm for real-time execution of STNUs, which runs in O(KN) total time in a network with K contingent links and N time points, considerably improving the previous O(N^3)-time bound

    Interval-Based Relaxation for General Numeric Planning

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    We generalise the interval-based relaxation to sequential numeric planning problems with non-linear conditions and effects, and cyclic dependencies. This effectively removes all the limitations on the problem placed in previous work on numeric planning heuristics, and even allows us to extend the planning language with a wider set of mathematical functions. Heuristics obtained from the generalised relaxation are pruning-safe. We derive one such heuristic and use it to solve discrete-time control-like planning problems with autonomous processes. Few planners can solve such problems, and search with our new heuristic compares favourably with the

    Automated Playtesting in Collectible Card Games using Evolutionary Algorithms: a Case Study in HearthStone

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    Collectible card games have been among the most popular and profitable products of the entertainment industry since the early days of Magic: The GatheringTM in the nineties. Digital versions have also appeared, with HearthStone: Heroes of WarCraftTM being one of the most popular. In Hearthstone, every player can play as a hero, from a set of nine, and build his/her deck before the game from a big pool of available cards, including both neutral and hero-specific cards. This kind of games offers several challenges for researchers in artificial intelligence since they involve hidden information, unpredictable behaviour, and a large and rugged search space. Besides, an important part of player engagement in such games is a periodical input of new cards in the system, which mainly opens the door to new strategies for the players. Playtesting is the method used to check the new card sets for possible design flaws, and it is usually performed manually or via exhaustive search; in the case of Hearthstone, such test plays must take into account the chosen hero, with its specific kind of cards. In this paper, we present a novel idea to improve and accelerate the playtesting process, systematically exploring the space of possible decks using an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA). This EA creates HearthStone decks which are then played by an AI versus established human-designed decks. Since the space of possible combinations that are play-tested is huge, search through the space of possible decks has been shortened via a new heuristic mutation operator, which is based on the behaviour of human players modifying their decks. Results show the viability of our method for exploring the space of possible decks and automating the play-testing phase of game design. The resulting decks, that have been examined for balancedness by an expert player, outperform human-made ones when played by the AI; the introduction of the new heuristic operator helps to improve the obtained solutions, and basing the study on the whole set of heroes shows its validity through the whole range of decks

    Partial Order Temporal Plan Merging for Mobile Robot Tasks

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    For many mobile service robot applications, planning problems are based on deciding how and when to navigate to certain locations and execute certain tasks. Typically, many of these tasks are independent from one another, and the main objective is to obtain plans that efficiently take into account where these tasks can be executed and when execution is allowed. In this paper, we present an approach, based on merging of partial order plans with durative actions, that can quickly and effectively generate a plan for a set of independent goals. This plan exploits some of the synergies of the plans for each single task, such as common locations where certain actions should be executed. We evaluate our approach in benchmarking domains, comparing it with state-of-the-art planners and showing how it provides a good trade-off between the approach of sequencing the plans for each task (which is fast but produces poor results), and the approach of planning for a conjunction of all the goals (which is slow but produces good results)