34 research outputs found

    Digital library : a bibliography of major information sources

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    Bibliografia internacional anotada sobre as principais fontes de informação lançadas a partir de 2000, relacionadas à biblioteca digital. Os tópicos cobertos são as bibliografias mais recentes, os livros e manuais, os periódicos especializados, os eventos específicos, as listas de discussão, os grupos e centros de pesquisa, os cursos e treinamentos e as principais organizações. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTInternational annotated bibliography about the major information sources related to digital library. The topics covered are: most recent bibliographies, books and manuals, specialized journals, specialized conferences, discussion lists, research groups and centers, training courses and major organizations

    The Development and Usage of the Greenstone Digital Library Software

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    The Greenstone software has helped spread the practical impact of digital library technology throughout the world-particularly in developing countries. This article reviews the project’s origins, usage, and the development of support mechanisms for Greenstone users. We begin with a brief summary of salient aspects of this open source software package and its user population. Next we describe how its international, humanitarian focus arose. We then review the special requirements imposed by the conditions that prevail in developing courtiers. Finally we discuss efforts to establish regional support organizations for Greenstone in India and Africa

    A study of XML in the library science curriculum in Taiwan and South East Asia

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    This paper aims to investigate the current XML-related courses available in 96 LIS schools in South East Asia and Taiwan’s 9 LIS schools. Also, this study investigates the linkage of library school graduates in Taiwan who took different levels of XML-related education (that is XML arranged as an individual course or XML arranged as a section unit in courses) and their professional qualification. Research questions include what is the availability of XML-related courses in countries in Taiwan and South East Asia? What are Taiwan LIS graduates’ views on degree of XML-related courses satisfaction, cognition of learning XML technology, and views of XML-related courses? What is the linkage of Taiwan LIS graduates who studied different levels of XML-related education and their professional qualifications? This study applies 3 research methodologies: information gathering from the internet; questionnaire surveys; in-depth interviews. Results of the analysis show that LIS schools should provide optional XML-related courses with practical sessions, and library associations should provide regular XML-related continuing education to enhance LIS students’ professional qualifications

    Biblioteca digital: bibliografia das principais fontes de informação

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    Bibliografia internacional anotada sobre as principais fontes de informação lançadas a partir de 2000, relacionadas à biblioteca digital. Os tópicos cobertos são as bibliografias mais recentes, os livros e manuais, os periódicos especializados, os eventos específicos, as listas de discussão, os grupos e centros de pesquisa, os cursos e treinamentos e as principais organizações. Palavras-chave Bibliografia. Biblioteca digital.   Digital library: a bibliography of major information sources   Abstract International annotated bibliography about the major information sources related to digital library. The topics covered are: most recent bibliographies, books and manuals, specialized journals, specialized conferences, discussion lists, research groups and centers, training courses and major organizations. Keywords Bibliography. Digital library

    Google Scholar, Sci-Hub and LibGen: Could they be our New Partners?

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    How is Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) Implemented by Senior High School English Teachers?

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    Abstract: Implementing Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is one way to develop language teaching practices. Finding out how MALL is implemented by English teachers could provide insights to the future of MALL. Three high school English teachers were chosen as the subjects of the study representing three degrees of implementation–high, medium and low. It was revealed that the teachers recognized the potentials and practices of mobile devices for language learning. However, their familiarity with MALL does not automatically make them able or willing to employ MALL. Their application is limited in the range of mobile applications and learning activities.Key Words: degree of implementation, MALLAbstrak: Menerapkan Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) merupakan sebuah cara untuk mengembangkan praktik pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Mengetahui bagaimana MALL diterapkan oleh guru bahasa Inggris dapat memberikan gambaran tentang masa depan MALL. Tiga guru bahasa Inggris dipilih sebagai subjek penelitian yang masing-masing mewakili tiga tingkat penerapan MALL, yakni tinggi, menengah dan rendah. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru menyadari akan potensi dan penggunaan perangkat mobile untuk pembelajaran bahasa. Namun, hal itu tidak menjamin kemampuan dan kemauan mereka dalam menerapkan MALL. Faktanya, penerapannya masih terbatas dalam hal aplikasi perangkat mobile yang digunakan dan kegiatan pembelajaran. Kata kunci: tingkat implementasi, MAL

    National Library of Malaysia Annual Report 2001

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    This Annual Report reflects the PNM activities during 2001, to support their vision,"The National Library of Malaysia aspires to be a world class library in the provision of excellent information services towards the realization of Malaysia's vision of becoming an industrialised and developed nation by the year 2020." and mission,"To ensure that all Malaysians have equal access to library services and facilities as well the ability to utilise Malaysian and universal intellectual heritage knowledge through a national infrastructure of integrated electronic libraries.

    Integrated Filtered Web-Search Engine

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    WWW has become one of the most important sources of information. WWW is not an indexed information warehouse where people easily look for specifieddata; it is instead a large collection of network of computers that contains the information. Finding informationin the WWWcan be as easy as it can be hard. Search engine was developed to assist users in searching information on the net. There exist a number of available effective search engine in the market nowadays but where human are concerns they always have something that they are not satisfied with. Mass information supplied to the users might get them exhausted as they browse through eachand every oneofthe results returned. Even so, there were users who have the habits of only look at the top 10 of the results page and will go to another search engine if there still not satisfied with the information. This project aims to reduce users dilemma on mass information supplied as well as to combine the major search engines normally used by most users nowadays. The benefits are that users can have more results from various search engines with one single click without any redundant results