69,848 research outputs found

    Evaluation of mid trimester abortion (13-20 weeks) using newer regimen of mifepristone with misoprostol versus misoprostol alone

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    Background: Termination of pregnancy in second trimester continues to be a challenge in developing countries especially in rural areas. There is an exponential rise in complications of abortion along with advancing gestational age. The search is on for an ideal method of abortion which is reliable, safe and cheap. This study was conducted in Tata main hospital, Jamshedpur from 15th November 2012 to 14th November 2014, with the aim of finding an effective method to induce second trimester abortion within reasonable time with fewer complications.Methods: A total of 80 patients were studied to compare combination of mifepristone and misoprostol, with single drug misoprostol alone for second trimester abortion. The induction abortion interval (IAI), success rate and side effects were compared between the two groups.   .Results: There was a significant difference in the IAI in both the groups. The mean IAI was 196.28 minutes in study group whereas in control group IAI was 318.92 minutes. The success rate (complete abortion) was 97.5% in study group and 92.5% in control group, but this was not statistically significant. More side effects were observed in the control group.Conclusions: Mifepristone followed by misoprostol was more effective than misoprostol alone as it had a shorter IAI and fewer side effects.

    Calprotectin levels in amniotic fluid in relation to intra-amniotic inflammation and infection in women with preterm labor with intact membranes: A retrospective cohort study

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    Objective: To evaluate the concentrations of calprotectin in amniotic fluid with respect to intra-amniotic inflammation and infection and to assess the presence or absence of bacteria in the amnio-chorionic niche with respect to presence or absence of intra-amniotic inflammation. Study design: Seventy-nine women with singleton pregnancies and preterm labor with intact membranes (PTL) were included in the study. Amniotic fluid was collected at the time of admission by amniocentesis and calprotectin levels were analyzed from frozen/thawed samples using ELISA. Interleukin (IL)-6 concentration was measured by point-of-care test. Samples from amniotic fluid and the amnio-chorionic niche (space between amniotic and chorionic membranes) were microbiologically analyzed. Microbial invasion of the amniotic cavity (MIAC) was diagnosed based on a positive PCR result for Ureaplasma species, Mycoplasma hominis, 16S rRNA or positive culture. Intra-amniotic inflammation (IAI) was defined as amniotic fluid point-of-care IL-6 concentration ≄ 745 pg/mL. The cohort of included women was divided into 4 subgroups based on the presence or absence of IAI/MIAC; i) intra-amniotic infection, ii) sterile IAI, iii) intra-amniotic colonization and iv) neither MIAC nor IAI. Results: Women with intra-amniotic infection had a significantly higher intra-amniotic calprotectin concentration (median; 101.6 \ub5g/mL) compared with women with sterile IAI (median; 9.2 \ub5g/mL), women with intra-amniotic colonization (median; 2.6 \ub5g/mL) and women with neither MIAC nor IAI (median 4.6 \ub5g/mL) (p = 0.001). Moreover, significantly higher amniotic fluid calprotectin concentration was seen in women who delivered within 7 days (p = 0.003). A significant negative correlation was found between amniotic fluid calprotectin and gestational age at delivery (rho = 0.32, p = 0.003). Relatively more bacteria in the amnio-chorionic niche were found in the sterile IAI group compared with the other groups. Conclusions: Calprotectin concentrations in amniotic fluid were significantly higher in the intra-amniotic infection group compared with the other groups. Moreover, the bacterial presence in the amnio-chorionic niche was higher in IAI group

    Effects of two exercise programmes on joint position sense, dynamic balance and countermovement jump in male amateur football players. A randomised controlled trial.

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    Introduction: The injury prevention and warm-up exercises programmes improve physical performance and injury ratio, but it is poorly investigated in amateur football. Objectives: To assess the effects of two warm-up multi-station programmes (IAI-Programme and FIFA11+) through JPS, LSDT and CMJ. Study design: Randomised controlled trial. Methods: 36 football players were randomised into 2 groups: IAI-Programme (n = 18) and FIFA11+ (n = 18) and performed the intervention protocol for 6 weeks. JPS, LSDT and CMJ were measured at baseline, after 6, 10 and 18 weeks (from baseline). The inter-group and intra-group differences were assessed by repeated-measures analysis of variance test (ANOVA). Results: Significant differences between groups were found after 18 weeks in the absolute angular error (-2.18[-4.33,-0.047], d = 0.69, p < 0.05) of the JPS and in the CMJ (p = 0.001, ?2p=,0.298) in favour of IAI-Programme when compared to FIFA11 +. No significant differences between groups were found in the LSDT. There were also intra-group differences observed in the LSDT in both groups. Conclusions: IAI-Programme can provide sensitive benefits with respect to the proprioceptive ability of knee flexion and CMJ than FIFA11 +. Both IAI-Programme and FIFA11+ present improvements in the dynamic postural control measured by the LSDT

    Comparison of Extended Versus Brief Treatments for Marijuana Use

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    Adult marijuana users (N = 291) seeking treatment were randomly assigned to an extended 14-session Cognitive–behavioral group treatment (relapse prevention support group; RPSG), a brief 2-session individual treatment using motivational interviewing (individualized assessment and intervention; IAI), or a 4-month delayed treatment control (DTC) condition. Results indicated that marijuana use, dependence symptoms, and negative consequences were reduced significantly in relation to pretreatment levels at l-, 4-, 7-, 13-, and 16-month follow-ups. Participants in the RPSG and IAI treatments showed significantly and substantially greater improvement than DTC participants at the 4-month follow-up. There were no significant differences between RPSG and IAI outcomes at any follow-up. The relative efficacy of brief versus extended interventions for chronic marijuana-using adults is discussed

    Salivary bacterial leakage into implant-abutment connections: preliminary results of an in vitro study

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    OBJECTIVE: The occurrence of bacterial leakage in the internal surface of implants, through implant-abutment interface (IAI), is one of the parameters for analyzing the fabrication quality of the connections. The aim of this in vitro study is to evaluate two different types of implant-abutment connections: the screwed connection (Group 1) and the cemented connection (Group 2), analyzing the permeability of the IAI to bacterial colonization, using human saliva as culture medium. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of twelve implants were tested, six in each experimental group. Five healthy patients were enrolled in this study. Two milliliters of non-stimulated saliva were collected from each subject and mixed in a test tube. After 14 days of incubation of the bacteria sample in the implant fixtures, a PCR-Real Time analysis was performed. Fisher's exact test was used to compare the proportions of implant-abutment assembled structures detected with bacterial leakage. Differences in the bacterial counts of the two groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test. A p value < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: The results showed a decreased stability with the screwed implant-abutment connections compared to the cemented implant-abutment connections. A mean total bacterial count of 1.2E+07 (± 0.25E+07) for Group 1 and of 7.2E+04 (± 14.4E+04) for Group 2 was found, with a high level of significance, p = .0001. CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study it can be concluded that bacterial species from human saliva may penetrate along the implant-abutment interface in both connections, however the cemented connection implants showed the lowest amount of bacterial colonization

    Randomized control trial to compare the effectiveness of mifepristone followed by misoprostol at 12 hours interval versus misoprostol alone in second trimester medical termination of pregnancy

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    Background: Mifepristone priming in second trimester abortions not only decreases the induction-abortion interval (IAI) but also lessens the total misoprostol dose required and hence reduces adverse effects. The present study aims to compare the role of mifepristone priming 12 hours before misoprostol administration so as to increase patient compliance and shorten the duration of hospital stay.Methods: This prospective study was conducted over a period of one year, on 50 patients requiring second trimester abortion, at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Government Medical College, Amritsar. The patients were divided into two groups with 1:1 randomization. In Group A, 25 women were given tablet mifepristone 200 mg orally followed 12 hours later by tablet misoprostol 400 ”g per vaginum followed by the same dose 3 hourly for a maximum of five doses per 24 hours. In group B, 25 women received only tablet misoprostol 400 ”g vaginally in the posterior fornix followed by the same dose 3 hourly for a maximum of five doses per 24 hours. Primary outcome was to compare the completeness of expulsion of products of conception by pelvic ultrasound after 48 hours of the last dose administered. Secondary outcome was to compare the Induction abortion interval (IAI), mean dose of misoprostol required, side effects, effect of parity, gestational age and cervical dilatation on IAI with both the regimens used.Results: The success rate was 76% in group A and 64% in group B. The mean induction abortion interval in group A was 8.9±4.70 hours whereas in group B, it was 13.14±6.03 hours and this difference was statistically significant (p = 0.008). A statistically significant difference was also observed in mean dose of misoprostol required in group A and B being 1232.00±398.60 ”g and 1584.00±423.94 ”g respectively (p=0.004). The side effects were less in group A. Parity and cervical dilatation hold an inverse relation with the mean IAI whereas it has a direct relation with the gestational age.Conclusions: Regimen involving mifepristone priming 12 hours before misoprostol is better than misoprostol alone regimen with significant reduction in IAI, mean dose of misoprostol and less side effects.

    An extremal problem on group connectivity of graphs

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    Let A be an Abelian group, n \u3e 3 be an integer, and ex(n, A) be the maximum integer such that every n-vertex simple graph with at most ex(n, A) edges is not A-connected. In this paper, we study ex(n, A) for IAI \u3e 3 and present lower and upper bounds for 3 \u3c IAI 5. 0 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Intra-articular triamcinolone hexacetonide injections in hands osteoarthritis ‒ A double-blinded randomized controlled trial with a one year follow-up

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    Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of triamcinolone Hexacetonide (TH) Intra-Articular Injection (IAI) in hand Interphalangeal Joints (IP) of Osteoarthritis (OA) patients to improve pain and joint swelling; improve function, goniometry, and grasping force, and assess IAI influence on radiographic evolution over&nbsp;1-year. Methods: A randomized, double-blind study. 60&nbsp;patients who underwent IAI at the most symptomatic IP joint were randomly assigned to receive TH+Lidocaine (LD) (TH/LD group) or just LD (LD group). Patients were assessed blindly for&nbsp;1-year, at baseline and&nbsp;1,&nbsp;4,&nbsp;8,&nbsp;12, and&nbsp;48&nbsp;weeks. The following variables were assessed: articular pain and swelling, AUSCAN and COCHIN functional questionnaires, grip and pinch strength, goniometry, perception of improvement, acetaminophen consumption, and simple radiography. Repeated-measures ANOVA test was used to analyze the intervention response. Results: Sixty patients completed the follow-up. There were nine missed assessments. 97%&nbsp;were women; mean age&nbsp;of 61-years (SD&nbsp;=&nbsp;8.2), and approximately&nbsp;5-years of disease (SD&nbsp;=&nbsp;3.6). Half of the patients present radiographic classification Kellgren and Lawrence (KL) grades&nbsp;I&nbsp;and&nbsp;II, and the other half grades&nbsp;III&nbsp;and&nbsp;IV. The two groups evolved similarly at&nbsp;48-weeks. TH/LD group had a better evaluation in joint swelling and acetaminophen consumption (p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.04 and p &lt; 0.001, respectively) at&nbsp;48-weeks. Radiographically there was no statistical difference between groups (KL, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.564; erosive OA, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.999; worsening, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.573). Conclusion: The IAI IP hands OA is effective for the improvement of joint swelling and decrease of analgesic consumption and does not influence the radiographic evolution of the injected joint

    Obesity Is Not Associated with Antimicrobial Treatment Failure for Intra-Abdominal Infection

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    Background: Obesity and commonly associated comorbidities are known risk factors for the development of infections. However, the intensity and duration of antimicrobial treatment are rarely conditioned on body mass index (BMI). In particular, the influence of obesity on failure of antimicrobial treatment for intra-abdominal infection (IAI) remains unknown. We hypothesized that obesity is associated with recurrent infectious complications in patients treated for IAI. Methods: Five hundred eighteen patients randomized to treatment in the Surgical Infection Society Study to Optimize Peritoneal Infection Therapy (STOP-IT) trial were evaluated. Patients were stratified by obese (BMI ≄30) versus non-obese (BMI≄30) status. Descriptive comparisons were performed using Chi-square test, Fisher exact test, or Wilcoxon rank-sum tests as appropriate. Multivariable logistic regression using a priori selected variables was performed to assess the independent association between obesity and treatment failure in patients with IAI. Results: Overall, 198 (38.3%) of patients were obese (BMI ≄30) versus 319 (61.7%) who were non-obese. Mean antibiotic d and total hospital d were similar between both groups. Unadjusted outcomes of surgical site infection (9.1% vs. 6.9%, p?=?0.36), recurrent intra-abdominal infection (16.2% vs. 13.8, p?=?0.46), death (1.0% vs. 0.9%, p?=?1.0), and a composite of all complications (25.3% vs. 19.8%, p?=?0.14) were also similar between both groups. After controlling for appropriate demographics, comorbidities, severity of illness, treatment group, and duration of antimicrobial therapy, obesity was not independently associated with treatment failure (c-statistic: 0.64). Conclusions: Obesity is not associated with antimicrobial treatment failure among patients with IAI. These results suggest that obesity may not independently influence the need for longer duration of antimicrobial therapy in treatment of IAI versus non-obese patients.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140219/1/sur.2015.213.pd

    An empirical study on customers’ behavior of passive and active resistance to innovation

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    Previous studies reveal that the failure rate of innovation in enterprises is higher than expected. The reason for innovation failures is due to not only the customers’ resistance towards innovation, subsequent changes and ignored factors that promote customer acceptance, but also the other disregarded factors that motivates the resistance towards innovation adaptation. The literature proved the customers’ innovation resistance (CIR) consists of two categories. Passive innovation resistance (PIR) described as initial resistance behavior before evaluating the new product; and active innovation resistance (AIR) introduced as the resistant behavior after evaluating innovative products. However, few studies have investigated the simultaneous influence of both PIR and AIR, especially using the empirical methods. The main purposes of this study are (1) to construct a model that reflects on both PIR and AIR as two categories of CIR; (2) to provide empirical evidences to highlight the influences and correlation of PIR and AIR. The method used in this paper is partial least squares path modeling (PLS-PM) method to test our model and the hypotheses. The results from this research mainly indicate that (1) PIR is negatively influenced AIR; (2) PIR (including both cognitive and situational PIR) has negative effect on customers’ innovation adoption intention (IAI) while (3) the correlation between AIR and IAI is opposite; (4) the degree of customers’ IAI with high-perceived stimulation group and low-perceived stimulation group will reverse according to the changes of PIR and AIR. This paper is helpful for enterprises to improve their innovation success rate by analyzing users’ resistance to innovatio
