15 research outputs found

    Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis sp. n. (Teleostei, Characidae) una nueva especie para el Alto Cauca, Colombia

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    Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis n. sp. (Teleostei, Characidae) a new species from the Alto Cauca, Colombia Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis n. sp. (Characiformes, Characidae) from heterorhabdus group (Gery, 1977) is described from the upper Cauca River in Colombia. The new species is distinguished from all other known species by the following combination of characters: three unbranched and eight branched fins in the dorsal fin; short maxillary bone with one or no teeth; four small foramens in the maxillary bone, and five in the premaxillary; 5-17 scales with pores in the lateral line, six between the lateral line and anal-fin origin, six between the lateral line and pelvic-fin origin, and nine predorsals; depth of the caudal peduncle has a mean of 16.7% in standard length; interorbital width 50.6% in head; a dark spot on caudal peduncle and a dark lateral band that extends vertically from the dorsal–fin origin to the tips of the middle caudal fin rays. Physical and chemical data of their habitat are included

    Hyphessobrycon natagaima (Characiformes: Characidae) a new species from Colombia, with a key to the Magdalena Basin Hyphessobrycon species

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    A new species, Hyphessobrycon natagaima, is described from the upper Magdalena River Basin in Colombia. It differs from all other species of Hyphessobrycon with a dark lateral stripe inhabiting the Magdalena River Basin: H. poecilioides, H. proteus and H. ocasoensis, by having eight to twelve pored lateral-line scales (vs. 14-26); four scales between the lateral line and the pelvic-fin insertions (vs. five or six); one tooth on the maxilla (vs. zero in H. poecilioides, and two to five in H. proteus; except H. ocasoensis, with one), a dark, interrupted, lateral stripe that is not in contact with the caudal peduncle spot (vs. absence of caudal spot in H. poecilioides, lateral stripe continued that is in contact with the caudal peduncle spot in H. ocasoensis). It has a rhomboid shaped caudal-peduncle spot that continues on to middle caudal-fin rays (vs. absence of caudal peduncle spot in H. poecilioides and caudal peduncle spot round and not continued on to middle caudal-fin rays in H. ocasoensis); and presence of hooks on all fins in mature males (vs. males with hooks on anal, pelvic and pectoral fins). Hyphessobrycon natagaima differs from H. ocasoensis, in addition to the above characters, by having four scale rows between the lateral line and the anal-fin origin (vs. six); three or four scale rows between the lateral line and the pelvic-fin insertions (vs. six); ten or eleven predorsal scales (vs. nine); i,9,i dorsal-fin rays (vs. ii,8,i); 18-20 branched anal-fin rays (vs. 21-22) and eleven branched pectoral-fin rays (vs. twelve). A key for the identification of Hyphessobrycon species present in the Magdalena River Basin is provided


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    Hemibrycon brevispini is a Neotropical characid fish endemic in La Venada Creek, a headwater tributary of the Quindío River of Colombia (Cauca River drainage). It is mainly a diurnal insectivore with a diet dominated by benthic dipterans (Chironomidae, Simuliidae, Psychodidae, Culicidae, Calliphoridae, Dixidae and Muscidae), hymenopterans (Formicidae and Vespidae) and ephemeropterans (Baetidae), as well as allochthonous prey and items eaten accidentally. Microhabitats of mountain streams with lower water velocity tend to have more riparian vegetation and the associated terrestrial arthropods that are consumed by H. brevispini. It has three peaks in reproduction: December, April and August. Average fecundity was 776 mature oocytes per female

    Evaluación del impacto de las medidas de conservación del Libro Rojo de peces dulceacuícolas (2002-2012) en Colombia

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    During the last 30 years published books and red lists have been used to draw attention about threatened species at the global, regional and national levels. From the 1980âs Colombia has elaborated books and red lists of species including two assessments for freshwater fish in 2002 and 2012. The first assessment proposed a series of conservation measurements to increase knowledge and to improve speciesâ conditions. Of the 45 species listed in 2002, 23 remain the same category of threat or evaluation, three species increase in the threat category and 19 species decrease their category. Here we analyze the impact and development of those proposals and the evolution of the conservation status of freshwater fish in Colombia. We evaluate the change of threatened species categories and calculate the Red List Index (RLI) for the group.Las publicaciones de libros y listas rojas han sido utilizadas durante los últimos 30 años para llamar la atención sobre las especies que se encuentran amenazadas de extinción en el ámbito mundial, regional o nacional. Colombia ha elaborado listas y libros rojos desde la década de los 80 y el grupo de peces dulceacuícolas cuenta actualmente con dos evaluaciones (2002 y 2012). En la primera evaluación se propusieron una serie de medidas de conservación en pro de aumentar el conocimiento sobre las especies y en busca de mejorar sus condiciones. De las 45 especies listadas en el 2002, 23 mantienen la misma categoría de amenaza o evaluación, tres especies aumentan en su categoría de amenaza y 19 especies disminuyen su categoría. En este artículo se analiza el impacto y desarrollo de dichas propuestas, la evolución del estado de conservación de las especies de peces dulceacuícolas del país, el cambio en las categorías de amenaza y se calcula el índice de las listas rojas (RLI)

    Peces del departamento de Caldas, Colombia

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    The Caldas Department has a rich natural environment, diversity of altitudes above sea level, climates and landscape that provide the region with abundant biotic resources. The presence of Central and Western Andean ranges determines the distribution of water that flows into the two main hydrographic drainages of the department, the Magdalena River basin and the basin of the Cauca River. Based on published studies the ichthyological department drew up for the first time, a list of fish species present in the Department of Caldas. This extensive literature review includes studies of the drainages found in all of the 27 counties of Caldas. This list recorded 133 species, 28 families and nine orders, of which 18 species are classified as endangered or threatened , 11 species are endemic to Colombia, and one new species is recorded for the country. Also listed are 17 species of fish used in pisciculture and 14 introduced species. It is possible that as research of fish resources progresses in the region, the inventory will significantly increase. It is hoped that this study will serve as a starting point for taxonomic, ecological and conservation of the fish fauna of the department

    Evaluación del impacto de las medidas de conservación del Libro Rojo de peces dulceacuícolas (2002-2012) en Colombia

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    During the last 30 years published books and red lists have been used to draw attention about threatened species at the global, regional and national levels. From the 1980âs Colombia has elaborated books and red lists of species including two assessments for freshwater fish in 2002 and 2012. The first assessment proposed a series of conservation measurements to increase knowledge and to improve speciesâ conditions. Of the 45 species listed in 2002, 23 remain the same category of threat or evaluation, three species increase in the threat category and 19 species decrease their category. Here we analyze the impact and development of those proposals and the evolution of the conservation status of freshwater fish in Colombia. We evaluate the change of threatened species categories and calculate the Red List Index (RLI) for the group

    Checklist of the freshwater fishes of Colombia

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    Data derived from the literature supplemented by examination of specimens in collections show that 1435 species of native fishes live in the freshwaters of Colombia. These species represent 14 orders and 47 families. Orders with the largest numbers of species in the Colombian continental ichthyofauna are the Characiformes (637 species), Siluriformes (524 species), Perciformes (124 species), and Gymnotiformes (74 species), with the remaining 10 orders having from 1 to 35 species. At the family level, the Characidae has the greatest number of species (399 species), with this followed by the Loricariidae (166 species), Cichlidae (114 species), Pimelodidae (54 species), and Trichomycteridae (54 species); the remaining 42 families having 1 to 52 species. Present data indicate that 311 of the species occur solely at locations within Colombia. Continued descriptions of new species from the continental waters of Colombia demonstrate that the present total underestimates the species-level diversity of the ichthyofauna. The 1435 species living in Colombian freshwaters represent approximately 5% of all freshwater and marine fish species now recognized worldwide and approximately 29% of the freshwater fish species known to inhabit the drainages across the expanse from the southern border of Mexico through to Chile and Argentina. Various historical and ecological factors potentially contributing to the species-level richness of the Colombian freshwater fish fauna are discussed (e.g. geology, climate, physiography, water chemistry)

    Composición y diversidad de la comunidad de peces de la quebrada cristales, afluente del río la vieja, Alto Cauca, Colombia

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    Un factor importante de la dinámica de las quebradas, es evaluar la diversidad en función de los cambios en la composición de las especies en cada sistema biológico, basado en la evaluación de las diversidades alfa, beta y gamma, lo cual resulta particularmente útil para el entendimiento de la comunidad a escala del paisaje, en este trabajo se estudió la composición y diversidad de la comunidad de peces de la quebrada Cristales, afluente río La Vieja, Alto Cauca, fueron colectadas 5573 ejemplares, pertenecientes a 16 especies agrupadas en cuatro ordenes y cinco familias, siendo Brycon henni (39,47%), Poecilia caucana (20,26%) y Argopleura magdalenensis (8,25%) los taxones mas abundantes, el muestreo fue altamente significativo de acuerdo a los estimadores de abundancia ACE, ICE, CHAO1 y CHAO2.1. Resumen 2. Introducción 2 3. Objetivos 5 3.1. Objetivo general 5 3.2. Objetivos específicos 5 4. Estado del arte 6 5. Marco teórico 8 5.1. Comunidades 8 5.2. Diversidad biológica 8 6. Materiales y métodos 13 6.1. Descripción del área de estudio 13 6.2. Fase de campo 13 6.3. Fase de laboratorio 13 6.4. Análisis estadístico 16 7. Resultados y discusión 23 7.1. Características del hábitat 23 7.2. Variables fisicoquímicas 26 7.3. Comunidad de peces 27 7.4. Constancia de ocurrencia. 28 7.5. Índices de diversidad biológica 34 7.6. Lista de las especies encontradas en la quebrada cristales 43 7.7. Características biológicas de las especies ícticas 44PregradoLicenciado en Biología y Educación Ambienta