14,331 research outputs found

    LIMES M/R: Parallelization of the LInk discovery framework for MEtric Spaces using the Map/Reduce paradigm

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    The World Wide Web is the most important information space in the world. With the change of the web during the last decade, today’sWeb 2.0 offers everybody the possibility to easily publish information on the web. For instance, everyone can have his own blog, write Wikipedia articles, publish photos on Flickr or post status messages via Twitter. All these services on the web offer users all around the world the opportunity to interchange information and interconnect themselves with other users. However, the information, as it is usually published today, does not offer enough semantics to be machine-processable. As an example, Wikipedia articles are created using the lightweight Wiki markup language and then published as HyperText Markup Language (HTML) files whose semantics can easily be captured by humans, but not machines


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    Application of Web-based E-bussinness 2.0 is an application which is an online sales, where buyers and sellers can meet face to face without the need for direct, all transactions done on the website as well as providing user convenience in access. The method used in this application development methodology is Fast, in the form of applications using the programming language HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and PHP (HypertextPrepocessor) with crayd framework. The results of the application design is expected to provide ease in processing or process data into information with quick, precise, and accurate and provide user convenience and security in the transaction process

    Toward 2^W beyond Web 2.0

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    From its inception as a global hypertext system, the Web has evolved into a universal platform for deploying loosely coupled distributed applications. 2^W is a result of the exponentially growing Web building on itself to move from a Web of content to a Web of applications

    HTML Macros -- Easing the Construction and Maintenance of Web Texts

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    Authoring and maintaining large collections of Web texts is a cumbersome, error-prone and time-consuming business. Ongoing development of courseware for the High Performance Computing Consortium (HPCC) TLTP has only helped to emphasise these problems. Courseware requires the application of a coherent document layout (templates) for each page, and also the use of standard icons with a consistent functionality, in order to create a constant look and feel throughout the material. This provides the user with an environment where he or she can access new pages, and instantly recognise the format used, making the extraction of the information on the page much quicker, and less immediately confusing. This paper describes a system that was developed at UKC to provide a solution to the above problems via the introduction of HTML macros. These macros can be used to provide a standard document layout with a consistent look and feel, as well as tools to ease user navigation. The software is written in Perl, and achieves macro expansion and replacement using the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and filtering the HTML source. Using macros in your HTML results in your document source code being shorter, more robust, and more powerful. Webs of documents can be built extremely fast and maintenance is made much simpler. Keywords: Authoring, Automation Tools, Perl filters for HTML, Teaching and learning on the We

    RDF, the semantic web, Jordan, Jordan and Jordan

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    This collection is addressed to archivists and library professionals, and so has a slight focus on implications implications for them. This chapter is nonetheless intended to be a more-or-less generic introduction to the Semantic Web and RDF, which isn't specific to that domain

    Perspectives for Electronic Books in the World Wide Web Age

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    While the World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is steadily expanding, electronic books (e-books) remain a niche market. In this article, it is first postulated that specialized contents and device independence can make Web-based e-books compete with paper prints; and that adaptive features that can be implemented by client-side computing are relevant for e-books, while more complex forms of adaptation requiring server-side computations are not. Then, enhancements of the WWW standards (specifically of XML, XHTML, of the style-sheet languages CSS and XSL, and of the linking language XLink) are proposed for a better support of client-side adaptation and device independent content modeling. Finally, advanced browsing functionalities desirable for e-books as well as their implementation in the WWW context are described


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    Tujuan dari Pembangunan aplikasi E-marketplace berbasis web 2.0 ini adalah membuat corak baru dari bentuk layanan E-marketplace yang sudah ada. Dengan bentuk transaksi yang lebih dinamis, dimana pembeli dapat membeli barang dari banyak penjual dan hanya melakukan satu kali transaksi pembayaran serta fitur-fitur yang tersedia untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam penggunaanya. Aplikasi E-marketplace berbasis web 2.0 adalah sebuah aplikasi yang merupakan sebuah pasar online, dimana pembeli dan penjual dapat bertemu tanpa perlu bertatap muka secara langsung, dan aplikasi ini menjembatani semua transaksi yang dilakukan oleh buyer dan seller, serta menyediakan environment yang user friendly sehingga memberikan kemudahan user dalam mengaksesnya. Metodologi dan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah metode analisis, metode pengumpulan data, metode perancangan sistem. Metode analisis untuk menganalisis kebutuhan akan sistem yang akan dibuat pada aplikasi Emarketplace. Metode perancangan dilakukan untuk merancang suatu sistem yang menyediakan environment serta fitur-fitur yang ada pada E-marketplace. Dalam bentuk aplikasi, pembangunan E-marketplace berbasis web 2.0 ini menggunakan bahasa pemograman HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) dan PHP (Hypertext Prepocessor) dengan crayd framework. Hasil dari perancangan aplikasi ini dapat memberikan kemudahan untuk bergabung dalam E-marketplace, kemudahan bagi seller untuk memasarkan barang dagangannya dan memberikan proses transaksi yang aman dan nyaman bagi buyer maupun seller