181 research outputs found

    Rich probabilistic models for semantic labeling

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    Das Ziel dieser Monographie ist es die Methoden und Anwendungen des semantischen Labelings zu erforschen. Unsere Beiträge zu diesem sich rasch entwickelten Thema sind bestimmte Aspekte der Modellierung und der Inferenz in probabilistischen Modellen und ihre Anwendungen in den interdisziplinären Bereichen der Computer Vision sowie medizinischer Bildverarbeitung und Fernerkundung

    Novel segmented stacked autoencoder for effective dimensionality reduction and feature extraction in hyperspectral imaging

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    Stacked autoencoders (SAEs), as part of the deep learning (DL) framework, have been recently proposed for feature extraction in hyperspectral remote sensing. With the help of hidden nodes in deep layers, a high-level abstraction is achieved for data reduction whilst maintaining the key information of the data. As hidden nodes in SAEs have to deal simultaneously with hundreds of features from hypercubes as inputs, this increases the complexity of the process and leads to limited abstraction and performance. As such, segmented SAE (S-SAE) is proposed by confronting the original features into smaller data segments, which are separately processed by different smaller SAEs. This has resulted in reduced complexity but improved efficacy of data abstraction and accuracy of data classification

    A Hybrid DBN and CRF Model for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images

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    Electronic products are becoming obsolete at a very high rate due to rapid changes in consumer demand and technological advancements. However, on other hand End-of-Life (EOL) management of electronic products is not effectively approached while these products offer huge opportunities for effective recycling. In this context, this thesis has highlighted the current practices and issues related to EOL management of electronic products focusing on their different material compositions, the uses of their raw materials in the circular economy perspective. The thesis proposes the introduction of digital technologies into the recycling process to improve efficiency. More specifically, this thesis has focused on the corona electrostatic separation process and the improvement of efficiency based on the simulation of the particle trajectories to identify the most effective parameters. Thus, in this frame, a numerical model to predict the particle trajectories in a corona electrostatic separator is developed using COMSOL Multiphysics and MATLAB software and validated with experimental trials. The recycling of electronic waste is becoming challenging due to its diverse and constantly changing material composition. In this regard, this thesis illustrates the use of non-destructive visible near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (VNIR-HSI) technique to identify material accurately; the effectiveness of VNIR-HSI is demonstrated through an experimental campaign combined with machine learning models, such as Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors and Neural Network.Nonostante i prodotti elettronici diventino obsoleti ad un ritmo molto elevato, a causa dei rapidi cambiamenti nella domanda dei consumatori e dei progressi tecnologici, la gestione del loro fine vita (End-of-Life (EOL)) non viene affrontata in modo efficace benché offra, invece, grandi opportunità di riciclo. In questo contesto, questa tesi ha evidenziato le attuali pratiche e problematiche relative alla gestione del fine vita dei prodotti elettronici concentrandosi sulla loro diversa composizione, l’utilizzo delle materie prime seconde ricavabili in una prospettiva di economia circolare. La tesi propone l’introduzione di tecnologie digitali nel processo di riciclo per migliorarne l'efficienza. In particolare, questa tesi si è concentrata sul processo di separazione elettrostatica a corona e sul miglioramento dell'efficienza grazie alla simulazione delle traiettorie delle particelle per identificare i parametri più efficaci. Pertanto, in questo studio, utilizzando i software COMSOL Multiphysics e MATLAB, è stato sviluppato un modello numerico per prevedere le traiettorie delle particelle in un separatore elettrostatico a corona; il modello è stato poi validato con prove sperimentali. Il riciclo dei rifiuti elettronici sta diventando sempre più complesso a causa della presenza di mix di materiali diversificati e in continua evoluzione. A questo proposito, la tecnologia di visione iperspettrale non distruttiva basata su lunghezze d’onda nel visibile e nel vicino infrarosso (VNIR-HSI) è stata utilizzata in questo lavoro di tesi per identificare il materiale in modo preciso; l'efficacia di VNIR-HSI, combinato con modelli di apprendimento automatico, come la Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors e Neural Network, viene dimostrata attraverso una campagna sperimentale

    When Machine Learning Meets 2D Materials:A Review

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    The availability of an ever-expanding portfolio of 2D materials with rich internal degrees of freedom (spin, excitonic, valley, sublattice, and layer pseudospin) together with the unique ability to tailor heterostructures made layer by layer in a precisely chosen stacking sequence and relative crystallographic alignments, offers an unprecedented platform for realizing materials by design. However, the breadth of multi-dimensional parameter space and massive data sets involved is emblematic of complex, resource-intensive experimentation, which not only challenges the current state of the art but also renders exhaustive sampling untenable. To this end, machine learning, a very powerful data-driven approach and subset of artificial intelligence, is a potential game-changer, enabling a cheaper – yet more efficient – alternative to traditional computational strategies. It is also a new paradigm for autonomous experimentation for accelerated discovery and machine-assisted design of functional 2D materials and heterostructures. Here, the study reviews the recent progress and challenges of such endeavors, and highlight various emerging opportunities in this frontier research area.</p

    Denoising Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images of Graphene with Supervised Machine Learning

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    Machine learning (ML) methods are extraordinarily successful at denoising photographic images. The application of such denoising methods to scientific images is, however, often complicated by the difficulty in experimentally obtaining a suitable expected result as an input to training the ML network. Here, we propose and demonstrate a simulation-based approach to address this challenge for denoising atomic-scale scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images, which consists of training a convolutional neural network on STM images simulated based on a tight-binding electronic structure model. As model materials, we consider graphite and its mono- and few-layer counterpart, graphene. With the goal of applying it to any experimental STM image obtained on graphitic systems, the network was trained on a set of simulated images with varying characteristics such as tip height, sample bias, atomic-scale defects, and non-linear background. Denoising of both simulated and experimental images with this approach is compared to that of commonly-used filters, revealing a superior outcome of the ML method in the removal of noise as well as scanning artifacts - including on features not simulated in the training set. An extension to larger STM images is further discussed, along with intrinsic limitations arising from training set biases that discourage application to fundamentally unknown surface features. The approach demonstrated here provides an effective way to remove noise and artifacts from typical STM images, yielding the basis for further feature discernment and automated processing.Comment: Includes S
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