23 research outputs found

    Understanding the complexity of #SAT using knowledge compilation

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    Two main techniques have been used so far to solve the #P-hard problem #SAT. The first one, used in practice, is based on an extension of DPLL for model counting called exhaustive DPLL. The second approach, more theoretical, exploits the structure of the input to compute the number of satisfying assignments by usually using a dynamic programming scheme on a decomposition of the formula. In this paper, we make a first step toward the separation of these two techniques by exhibiting a family of formulas that can be solved in polynomial time with the first technique but needs an exponential time with the second one. We show this by observing that both techniques implicitely construct a very specific boolean circuit equivalent to the input formula. We then show that every beta-acyclic formula can be represented by a polynomial size circuit corresponding to the first method and exhibit a family of beta-acyclic formulas which cannot be represented by polynomial size circuits corresponding to the second method. This result shed a new light on the complexity of #SAT and related problems on beta-acyclic formulas. As a byproduct, we give new handy tools to design algorithms on beta-acyclic hypergraphs

    A formal context for closures of acyclic hypergraphs

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    Database constraints in the relational database model (RDBM) can be viewed as a set of rules that apply to a dataset, or as a set of axioms that can generate a (closed) set of those constraints. In this paper, we use Formal Concept Analysis to characterize the axioms of Acyclic Hypergraphs (in the RDBM they are called Acyclic Join Dependencies). This present paper complements and generalizes previous work on FCA and databases constraints.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Constant Delay Enumeration with FPT-Preprocessing for Conjunctive Queries of Bounded Submodular Width

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    Marx (STOC 2010, J. ACM 2013) introduced the notion of submodular width of a conjunctive query (CQ) and showed that for any class Phi of Boolean CQs of bounded submodular width, the model-checking problem for Phi on the class of all finite structures is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT). Note that for non-Boolean queries, the size of the query result may be far too large to be computed entirely within FPT time. We investigate the free-connex variant of submodular width and generalise Marx\u27s result to non-Boolean queries as follows: For every class Phi of CQs of bounded free-connex submodular width, within FPT-preprocessing time we can build a data structure that allows to enumerate, without repetition and with constant delay, all tuples of the query result. Our proof builds upon Marx\u27s splitting routine to decompose the query result into a union of results; but we have to tackle the additional technical difficulty to ensure that these can be enumerated efficiently

    A polynomial-size extended formulation for the multilinear polytope of beta-acyclic hypergraphs

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    We consider the multilinear polytope defined as the convex hull of the set of binary points satisfying a collection of multilinear equations. The complexity of the facial structure of the multilinear polytope is closely related to the acyclicity degree of the underlying hypergraph. We obtain a polynomial-size extended formulation for the multilinear polytope of beta-acyclic hypergraphs, hence characterizing the acyclic hypergraphs for which such a formulation can be constructed

    Synchronisation Games on Hypergraphs

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    We study a strategic game model on hypergraphs where players, modelled by nodes, try to coordinate or anti-coordinate their choices within certain groups of players, modelled by hyperedges. We show this model to be a strict generalisation of symmetric additively separable hedonic games to the hypergraph setting and that such games always have a pure Nash equilibrium, which can be computed in pseudo-polynomial time. Moreover, in the pure coordination setting, we show that a strong equilibrium exists and can be computed in polynomial time when the game possesses a certain acyclic structure.</jats:p

    Structure and Complexity of Bag Consistency

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    Since the early days of relational databases, it was realized that acyclic hypergraphs give rise to database schemas with desirable structural and algorithmic properties. In a by-now classical paper, Beeri, Fagin, Maier, and Yannakakis established several different equivalent characterizations of acyclicity; in particular, they showed that the sets of attributes of a schema form an acyclic hypergraph if and only if the local-to-global consistency property for relations over that schema holds, which means that every collection of pairwise consistent relations over the schema is globally consistent. Even though real-life databases consist of bags (multisets), there has not been a study of the interplay between local consistency and global consistency for bags. We embark on such a study here and we first show that the sets of attributes of a schema form an acyclic hypergraph if and only if the local-to global consistency property for bags over that schema holds. After this, we explore algorithmic aspects of global consistency for bags by analyzing the computational complexity of the global consistency problem for bags: given a collection of bags, are these bags globally consistent? We show that this problem is in NP, even when the schema is part of the input. We then establish the following dichotomy theorem for fixed schemas: if the schema is acyclic, then the global consistency problem for bags is solvable in polynomial time, while if the schema is cyclic, then the global consistency problem for bags is NP-complete. The latter result contrasts sharply with the state of affairs for relations, where, for each fixed schema, the global consistency problem for relations is solvable in polynomial time

    The pseudo-Boolean polytope and polynomial-size extended formulations for binary polynomial optimization

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    With the goal of obtaining strong relaxations for binary polynomial optimization problems, we introduce the pseudo-Boolean polytope defined as the convex hull of the set of binary points satisfying a collection of equations containing pseudo-Boolean functions. By representing the pseudo-Boolean polytope via a signed hypergraph, we obtain sufficient conditions under which this polytope has a polynomial-size extended formulation. Our new framework unifies and extends all prior results on the existence of polynomial-size extended formulations for the convex hull of the feasible region of binary polynomial optimization problems of degree at least three