277 research outputs found

    Use of Dual Polarization Radar in Validation of Satellite Precipitation Measurements: Rationale and Opportunities

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    Dual-polarization weather radars have evolved significantly in the last three decades culminating in the operational deployment by the National Weather Service. In addition to operational applications in the weather service, dual-polarization radars have shown significant potential in contributing to the research fields of ground based remote sensing of rainfall microphysics, study of precipitation evolution and hydrometeor classification. Furthermore the dual-polarization radars have also raised the awareness of radar system aspects such as calibration. Microphysical characterization of precipitation and quantitative precipitation estimation are important applications that are critical in the validation of satellite borne precipitation measurements and also serves as a valuable tool in algorithm development. This paper presents the important role played by dual-polarization radar in validating space borne precipitation measurements. Starting from a historical evolution, the various configurations of dual-polarization radar are presented. Examples of raindrop size distribution retrievals and hydrometeor type classification are discussed. The quantitative precipitation estimation is a product of direct relevance to space borne observations. During the TRMM program substantial advancement was made with ground based polarization radars specially collecting unique observations in the tropics which are noted. The scientific accomplishments of relevance to space borne measurements of precipitation are summarized. The potential of dual-polarization radars and opportunities in the era of global precipitation measurement mission is also discussed

    Global Precipitation Measurement

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    This chapter begins with a brief history and background of microwave precipitation sensors, with a discussion of the sensitivity of both passive and active instruments, to trace the evolution of satellite-based rainfall techniques from an era of inference to an era of physical measurement. Next, the highly successful Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission will be described, followed by the goals and plans for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission and the status of precipitation retrieval algorithm development. The chapter concludes with a summary of the need for space-based precipitation measurement, current technological capabilities, near-term algorithm advancements and anticipated new sciences and societal benefits in the GPM era

    Exploring the limits of variational passive microwave retrievals

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    2017 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Passive microwave observations from satellite platforms constitute one of the most important data records of the global observing system. Operational since the late 1970s, passive microwave data underpin climate records of precipitation, sea ice extent, water vapor, and more, and contribute significantly to numerical weather prediction via data assimilation. Detailed understanding of the observation errors in these data is key to maximizing their utility for research and operational applications alike. However, the treatment of observation errors in this data record has been lacking and somewhat divergent when considering the retrieval and data assimilation communities. In this study, some limits of passive microwave imager data are considered in light of more holistic treatment of observation errors. A variational retrieval, named the CSU 1DVAR, was developed for microwave imagers and applied to the GMI and AMSR2 sensors for ocean scenes. Via an innovative method to determine forward model error, this retrieval accounts for error covariances across all channels used in the iteration. This improves validation in more complex scenes such as high wind speed and persistently cloudy regimes. In addition, it validates on par with a benchmark dataset without any tuning to in-situ observations. The algorithm yields full posterior error diagnostics and its physical forward model is applicable to other sensors, pending intercalibration. This retrieval is used to explore the viability of retrieving parameters at the limits of the available information content from a typical microwave imager. Retrieval of warm rain, marginal sea ice, and falling snow are explored with the variational retrieval. Warm rain retrieval shows some promise, with greater sensitivity than operational GPM algorithms due to leveraging CloudSat data and accounting for drop size distribution variability. Marginal sea ice is also detected with greater sensitivity than a standard operational retrieval. These studies ultimately show that while a variational algorithm maximizes the effective signal to noise ratio of these observations, hard limitations exist due to the finite information content afforded by a typical microwave imager

    Improving the quality of extreme precipitation estimates using satellite passive microwave rainfall retrievals

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    2017 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Satellite rainfall estimates are invaluable in assessing global precipitation. As a part of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, a constellation of orbiting sensors, dominated by passive microwave imagers, provides a full coverage of the planet approximately every 2-3 hours. Several decades of development have resulted in passive microwave rainfall retrievals that are indispensable in addressing global precipitation climatology. However, this prominent achievement is often overshadowed by the retrieval's performance at finer spatial and temporal scales, where large variability in cloud morphology poses an obstacle for accurate rainfall measurements. This is especially true over land, where rainfall estimates are based on an observed mean relationship between high frequency (e.g., 89 GHz) brightness temperature (Tb) depression (i.e., the ice-scattering signature) and rainfall rate. In the first part of this study, an extreme precipitation event that caused historical flooding over south-east Europe is analyzed using the GPM constellation. Performance of the rainfall retrieval is evaluated against ground radar and gage reference. It is concluded that satellite observations fully address the temporal evolution of the event but greatly underestimate total rainfall accumulation (by factor of 2.5). A primary limitation of the rainfall algorithm is found to be its inability to recognize variability in precipitating system structure. This variability is closely related to the structure of the precipitation regime and the large-scale environment. To address this influence of rainfall physics on the overall retrieval bias, the second part of this study utilizes TRMM radar (PR) and radiometer (TMI) observations to first confirm that the Tb-to-rain-rate relationship is governed by the amount of ice in the atmospheric column. Then, using the Amazon and Central African regions as testbeds, it demonstrates that the amount of ice aloft is strongly linked to a precipitation regime. A correlation found between the large-scale environment and precipitation regimes is then further examined. Variables such as Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN), wind shear, and vertical humidity profiles are found to be capable of predicting a precipitation regime and explaining up to 40% of climatological biases. Dry over moist air conditions are favorable for developing intense, well organized systems such as MCSs in West Africa and the Sahel. These systems are characterized by strong Tb depressions and above average amounts of ice aloft. As a consequence, microwave retrieval algorithms misinterpret these non-typical systems assigning them unrealistically high rainfall rates. The opposite is true in the Amazon region, where observed raining systems exhibit relatively little ice while producing high rainfall rates. Based on these findings, in the last part of the study, the GPM operational retrieval (GPROF) for the GMI sensor is modified to offer additional information on atmospheric conditions to its Bayesian-based algorithm. When forming an estimate, the modified algorithm is allowed to use this ancillary information to filter out a priori states that do not match the general environmental condition relevant to the observation and thus reduce the difference between the assumed and observed variability in ice-to-rain ratio. The results are compared to the ground Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) network over the US at various spatial and temporal scales demonstrating outstanding potentials in improving the accuracy of rainfall estimates from satellite-borne passive microwave sensors over land

    Quality Control and Calibration of the Dual-Polarization Radar at Kwajalein, RMI

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    Weather radars, recording information about precipitation around the globe, will soon be significantly upgraded. Most of today s weather radars transmit and receive microwave energy with horizontal orientation only, but upgraded systems have the capability to send and receive both horizontally and vertically oriented waves. These enhanced "dual-polarimetric" (DP) radars peer into precipitation and provide information on the size, shape, phase (liquid / frozen), and concentration of the falling particles (termed hydrometeors). This information is valuable for improved rain rate estimates, and for providing data on the release and absorption of heat in the atmosphere from condensation and evaporation (phase changes). The heating profiles in the atmosphere influence global circulation, and are a vital component in studies of Earth s changing climate. However, to provide the most accurate interpretation of radar data, the radar must be properly calibrated and data must be quality controlled (cleaned) to remove non-precipitation artifacts; both of which are challenging tasks for today s weather radar. The DP capability maximizes performance of these procedures using properties of the observed precipitation. In a notable paper published in 2005, scientists from the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) at the University of Oklahoma developed a method to calibrate radars using statistically averaged DP measurements within light rain. An additional publication by one of the same scientists at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in Norman, Oklahoma introduced several techniques to perform quality control of radar data using DP measurements. Following their lead, the Topical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Satellite Validation Office at NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center has fine-tuned these methods for specific application to the weather radar at Kwajalein Island in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, approximately 2100 miles southwest of Hawaii and 1400 miles east of Guam in the tropical North Pacific Ocean. This tropical oceanic location is important because the majority of rain, and therefore the majority of atmospheric heating, occurs in the tropics where limited ground-based radar data are available

    Surface and Atmospheric Contributions to Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures

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    Physically-based passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithms require a set of relationships between satellite observed brightness temperatures (TB) and the physical state of the underlying atmosphere and surface. These relationships are typically non-linear, such that inversions are ill-posed especially over variable land surfaces. In order to better understand these relationships, this work presents a theoretical analysis using brightness temperature weighting functions to quantify the percentage of the TB resulting from absorption/emission/reflection from the surface, absorption/emission/scattering by liquid and frozen hydrometeors in the cloud, the emission from atmospheric water vapor, and other contributors. The results are presented for frequencies from 10 to 874 GHz and for several individual precipitation profiles as well as for three cloud resolving model simulations of falling snow. As expected, low frequency channels (<89 GHz) respond to liquid hydrometeors and the surface, while the higher frequency channels become increasingly sensitive to ice hydrometeors and the water vapor sounding channels react to water vapor in the atmosphere. Low emissivity surfaces (water and snow-covered land) permit energy downwelling from clouds to be reflected at the surface thereby increasing the percentage of the TB resulting from the hydrometeors. The slant path at a 53deg viewing angle increases the hydrometeor contributions relative to nadir viewing channels and show sensitivity to surface polarization effects. The TB percentage information presented in this paper answers questions about the relative contributions to the brightness temperatures and provides a key piece of information required to develop and improve precipitation retrievals over land surfaces

    Cross-validation of active and passive microwave snowfall products over the continental United States

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    Surface snowfall rate estimates from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission’sCoreObservatorysensors and theCloudSatradar are compared to those from the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) radarcomposite product over the continental United States during the period from November 2014 to September 2020. Theanalysis includes the Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) retrieval and its single-frequency counterparts, the GPMCombined Radar Radiometer Algorithm (CORRA), theCloudSatSnow Profile product (2C-SNOW-PROFILE), and twopassive microwave retrievals, i.e., the Goddard Profiling algorithm (GPROF) and the Snow Retrieval Algorithm for GMI(SLALOM). The 2C-SNOW retrieval has the highest Heidke skill score (HSS) for detecting snowfall among the productsanalyzed. SLALOM ranks second; it outperforms GPROF and the other GPM algorithms, all detecting only 30% of thesnow events. Since SLALOM is trained with 2C-SNOW, it suggests that the optimal use of the information content in theGMI observations critically depends on the precipitation training dataset. All the retrievals underestimate snowfall ratesby a factor of 2 compared to MRMS. Large discrepancies (RMSE of 0.7–1.5 mm h21) between spaceborne and ground-based snowfall rate estimates are attributed to the complexity of the ice scattering properties and to the limitations of theremote sensing systems: the DPR instrument has low sensitivity, while the radiometric measurements are affected by theconfounding effects of the background surface emissivity and of the emission of supercooled liquid droplet layers

    Rain or Snow: Hydrologic Processes, Observations, Prediction, and Research Needs

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    The phase of precipitation when it reaches the ground is a first-order driver of hydrologic processes in a watershed. The presence of snow, rain, or mixed-phase precipitation affects the initial and boundary conditions that drive hydrological models. Despite their foundational importance to terrestrial hydrology, typical phase partitioning methods (PPMs) specify the phase based on near-surface air temperature only. Our review conveys the diversity of tools available for PPMs in hydrological modeling and the advancements needed to improve predictions in complex terrain with large spatiotemporal variations in precipitation phase. Initially, we review the processes and physics that control precipitation phase as relevant to hydrologists, focusing on the importance of processes occurring aloft. There is a wide range of options for field observations of precipitation phase, but there is a lack of a robust observation networks in complex terrain. New remote sensing observations have the potential to increase PPM fidelity, but generally require assumptions typical of other PPMs and field validation before they are operational. We review common PPMs and find that accuracy is generally increased at finer measurement intervals and by including humidity information. One important tool for PPM development is atmospheric modeling, which includes microphysical schemes that have not been effectively linked to hydrological models or validated against near-surface precipitation-phase observations. The review concludes by describing key research gaps and recommendations to improve PPMs, including better incorporation of atmospheric information, improved validation datasets, and regional-scale gridded data products. Two key points emerge from this synthesis for the hydrologic community: (1) current PPMs are too simple to capture important processes and are not well validated for most locations, (2) lack of sophisticated PPMs increases the uncertainty in estimation of hydrological sensitivity to changes in precipitation phase at local to regional scales. The advancement of PPMs is a critical research frontier in hydrology that requires scientific cooperation between hydrological and atmospheric modelers and field scientists
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