4,308 research outputs found

    A tag recommendation hybrid model for social annotation systems

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    El etiquetado social consiste en clasificar recursos web, con el uso de palabras o etiquetas libremente elegidas por los usuarios. La simplicidad y apertura de los sistemas de etiquetado social para organizar recursos, es la clave de su éxito en Internet. Existen numerosos enfoques para facilitar al usuario el proceso de etiquetado, permitiéndole reutilizar etiquetas y optimizando así su limitado tiempo de lectura y escritura. Este documento propone un enfoque híbrido diferente, que resuelve de forma sencilla el problema de las recomendaciones basadas únicamente en el contenido del recurso, fusionando la lista de recomendaciones con las etiquetas más populares del historial de etiquetas del usuario, permitiéndole así reutilizar los términos asignados a otros recursos.Social tagging consists of classifying web resources using words or tags freely chosen by users. The simplicity and openness of social tagging systems to organize resources is the key to your success on the internet. There are numerous approaches to facilitate the user the labeling process, allowing them to reuse labels and thus optimizing their limited reading and writing time. This document proposes a different hybrid approach that simply solves the problem of recommendations based solely on the content of the resource, merging the list of recommendations with the most popular tags in the user’s tag history, thus allowing them to reuse terms assigned to others resources.Fil: Portilla Olvera, Elías. Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo; EcuadorFil: Godoy, Daniela Lis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; Argentin

    Enriching ontological user profiles with tagging history for multi-domain recommendations

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    Many advanced recommendation frameworks employ ontologies of various complexities to model individuals and items, providing a mechanism for the expression of user interests and the representation of item attributes. As a result, complex matching techniques can be applied to support individuals in the discovery of items according to explicit and implicit user preferences. Recently, the rapid adoption of Web2.0, and the proliferation of social networking sites, has resulted in more and more users providing an increasing amount of information about themselves that could be exploited for recommendation purposes. However, the unification of personal information with ontologies using the contemporary knowledge representation methods often associated with Web2.0 applications, such as community tagging, is a non-trivial task. In this paper, we propose a method for the unification of tags with ontologies by grounding tags to a shared representation in the form of Wordnet and Wikipedia. We incorporate individuals' tagging history into their ontological profiles by matching tags with ontology concepts. This approach is preliminary evaluated by extending an existing news recommendation system with user tagging histories harvested from popular social networking sites

    Ask the GRU: Multi-Task Learning for Deep Text Recommendations

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    In a variety of application domains the content to be recommended to users is associated with text. This includes research papers, movies with associated plot summaries, news articles, blog posts, etc. Recommendation approaches based on latent factor models can be extended naturally to leverage text by employing an explicit mapping from text to factors. This enables recommendations for new, unseen content, and may generalize better, since the factors for all items are produced by a compactly-parametrized model. Previous work has used topic models or averages of word embeddings for this mapping. In this paper we present a method leveraging deep recurrent neural networks to encode the text sequence into a latent vector, specifically gated recurrent units (GRUs) trained end-to-end on the collaborative filtering task. For the task of scientific paper recommendation, this yields models with significantly higher accuracy. In cold-start scenarios, we beat the previous state-of-the-art, all of which ignore word order. Performance is further improved by multi-task learning, where the text encoder network is trained for a combination of content recommendation and item metadata prediction. This regularizes the collaborative filtering model, ameliorating the problem of sparsity of the observed rating matrix.Comment: 8 page

    Tag-Aware Recommender Systems: A State-of-the-art Survey

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    In the past decade, Social Tagging Systems have attracted increasing attention from both physical and computer science communities. Besides the underlying structure and dynamics of tagging systems, many efforts have been addressed to unify tagging information to reveal user behaviors and preferences, extract the latent semantic relations among items, make recommendations, and so on. Specifically, this article summarizes recent progress about tag-aware recommender systems, emphasizing on the contributions from three mainstream perspectives and approaches: network-based methods, tensor-based methods, and the topic-based methods. Finally, we outline some other tag-related works and future challenges of tag-aware recommendation algorithms.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Learning to Hash-tag Videos with Tag2Vec

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    User-given tags or labels are valuable resources for semantic understanding of visual media such as images and videos. Recently, a new type of labeling mechanism known as hash-tags have become increasingly popular on social media sites. In this paper, we study the problem of generating relevant and useful hash-tags for short video clips. Traditional data-driven approaches for tag enrichment and recommendation use direct visual similarity for label transfer and propagation. We attempt to learn a direct low-cost mapping from video to hash-tags using a two step training process. We first employ a natural language processing (NLP) technique, skip-gram models with neural network training to learn a low-dimensional vector representation of hash-tags (Tag2Vec) using a corpus of 10 million hash-tags. We then train an embedding function to map video features to the low-dimensional Tag2vec space. We learn this embedding for 29 categories of short video clips with hash-tags. A query video without any tag-information can then be directly mapped to the vector space of tags using the learned embedding and relevant tags can be found by performing a simple nearest-neighbor retrieval in the Tag2Vec space. We validate the relevance of the tags suggested by our system qualitatively and quantitatively with a user study