4 research outputs found

    Hybrid paradigm for Spanish Sign Language synthesis

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10209-011-0245-9This work presents a hybrid approach to sign language synthesis. This approach allows the hand-tuning of the phonetic description of the signs, which focuses on the time aspect of the sign. Therefore, the approach retains the capacity for the performing of morpho-phonological operations, like notation-based approaches, and improves the synthetic signing performance, such as the hand-tuned animations approach. The proposed approach simplifies the input message description using a new high-level notation and storage of sign phonetic descriptions in a relational database. Such relational database allows for more flexible sign phonetic descriptions; it also allows for a description of sign timing and the synchronization between sign phonemes. The new notation, named HLSML, is a gloss-based notation focusing on message description in it. HLSML introduces several tags that allow for the modification of the signs in the message that defines dialect and mood variations, both of which are defined in the relational database, and message timing, including transition durations and pauses. A new avatar design is also proposed that simplifies the development of the synthesizer and avoids any interference with the independence of the sign language phonemes during animation. The obtained results showed an increase of the sign recognition rate compared to other approaches. This improvement was based on the active role that the sign language experts had in the description of signs, which was the result of the flexibility of the sign storage approach. The approach will simplify the description of synthesizable signed messages, thus facilitating the creation of multimedia-signed contents

    Integration of a Spanish-to-LSE machine translation system into an e-learning platform

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21657-2_61This paper presents the first results of the integration of a Spanish-to-LSE Machine Translation (MT) system into an e-learning platform. Most e-learning platforms provide speech-based contents, which makes them inaccessible to the Deaf. To solve this issue, we have developed a MT system that translates Spanish speech-based contents into LSE. To test our MT system, we have integrated it into an e-learning tool. The e-learning tool sends the audio to our platform. The platform sends back the subtitles and a video stream with the signed translation to the e-learning tool. Preliminary results, evaluating the sign language synthesis module, show an isolated sign recognition accuracy of 97%. The sentence recognition accuracy was of 93%.Authors would like to acknowledge the FPU-UAM grant program for its financial support. Authors are grateful to the FCNSE linguistic department for sharing their knowledge in LSE and performing the evaluations. Many thanks go to María Chulvi and Benjamín Nogal for providing help during the imple-mentation of this system. This work was partially supported by the Telefónica Móviles España S.A. project number 10-047158-TE-Ed-01-1

    Arquitectura de desambiguación lingüística guiada por dominios de conocimiento distribuidos para traducción automática de lengua española a LESCO

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Ingeniería en Computación) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación, 2017.Current statistical methods necessity of large sets of phrase examples between two languages and the increasing research in sign languages, implies the search of new strategies to make more flexible inclusion of new vocabulary and produce it correctly according to the speech context. This thesis introduces the design and implementation of a distributed architecture of semantic threads for a Spanish language to Costa Rican Sign Language (LESCO) translation. It is showed the effectiveness of a contextual recognition algorithm proposed for this architecture through tests of informative texts and the use of linguistically validated corpora