386 research outputs found

    Performance Implications of NoCs on 3D-Stacked Memories: Insights from the Hybrid Memory Cube

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    Memories that exploit three-dimensional (3D)-stacking technology, which integrate memory and logic dies in a single stack, are becoming popular. These memories, such as Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC), utilize a network-on-chip (NoC) design for connecting their internal structural organizations. This novel usage of NoC, in addition to aiding processing-in-memory capabilities, enables numerous benefits such as high bandwidth and memory-level parallelism. However, the implications of NoCs on the characteristics of 3D-stacked memories in terms of memory access latency and bandwidth have not been fully explored. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by (i) characterizing an HMC prototype on the AC-510 accelerator board and revealing its access latency behaviors, and (ii) by investigating the implications of such behaviors on system and software designs

    Demystifying the Characteristics of 3D-Stacked Memories: A Case Study for Hybrid Memory Cube

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    Three-dimensional (3D)-stacking technology, which enables the integration of DRAM and logic dies, offers high bandwidth and low energy consumption. This technology also empowers new memory designs for executing tasks not traditionally associated with memories. A practical 3D-stacked memory is Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC), which provides significant access bandwidth and low power consumption in a small area. Although several studies have taken advantage of the novel architecture of HMC, its characteristics in terms of latency and bandwidth or their correlation with temperature and power consumption have not been fully explored. This paper is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to characterize the thermal behavior of HMC in a real environment using the AC-510 accelerator and to identify temperature as a new limitation for this state-of-the-art design space. Moreover, besides bandwidth studies, we deconstruct factors that contribute to latency and reveal their sources for high- and low-load accesses. The results of this paper demonstrates essential behaviors and performance bottlenecks for future explorations of packet-switched and 3D-stacked memories.Comment: EEE Catalog Number: CFP17236-USB ISBN 13: 978-1-5386-1232-

    HPC Accelerators with 3D Memory

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    Artículo invitado, publicado en las actas del congreso por IEEE Society Press. Páginas 320 a 328. ISBN: 978-1-5090-3593-9.DOI 10.1109/CSE-EUC-DCABES-2016.203After a decade evolving in the High Performance Computing arena, GPU-equipped supercomputers have con- quered the top500 and green500 lists, providing us unprecedented levels of computational power and memory bandwidth. This year, major vendors have introduced new accelerators based on 3D memory, like Xeon Phi Knights Landing by Intel and Pascal architecture by Nvidia. This paper reviews hardware features of those new HPC accelerators and unveils potential performance for scientific applications, with an emphasis on Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) and High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) used by commercial products according to roadmaps already announced.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tec

    HIPE: HMC Instruction Predication Extension Applied on Database Processing

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    The recent Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC) is a smart memory which includes functional units inside one logic layer of the 3D stacked memory design. In order to execute instructions inside the Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC), the processor needs to send instructions to be executed near data, keeping most of the pipeline complexity inside the processor. Thus, control-flow and data-flow dependencies are all managed inside the processor, in such way that only update instructions are supported by the HMC. In order to solve data-flow dependencies inside the memory, previous work proposed HMC Instruction Vector Extensions (HIVE), which embeds a high number of functional units with a interlock register bank. In this work we propose HMC Instruction Prediction Extensions (HIPE), that supports predicated execution inside the memory, in order to transform control-flow dependencies into data-flow dependencies. Our mechanism focus on removing the high latency iteration between the processor and the smart memory during the execution of branches that depends on data processed inside the memory. In this paper we evaluate a balanced design of HIVE comparing to x86 and HMC executions. After we show the HIPE mechanism results when executing a database workload, which is a strong candidate to use smart memories. We show interesting trade-offs of performance when comparing our mechanism to previous work

    Exploring the Performance Benefit of Hybrid Memory System on HPC Environments

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    Hardware accelerators have become a de-facto standard to achieve high performance on current supercomputers and there are indications that this trend will increase in the future. Modern accelerators feature high-bandwidth memory next to the computing cores. For example, the Intel Knights Landing (KNL) processor is equipped with 16 GB of high-bandwidth memory (HBM) that works together with conventional DRAM memory. Theoretically, HBM can provide 5x higher bandwidth than conventional DRAM. However, many factors impact the effective performance achieved by applications, including the application memory access pattern, the problem size, the threading level and the actual memory configuration. In this paper, we analyze the Intel KNL system and quantify the impact of the most important factors on the application performance by using a set of applications that are representative of scientific and data-analytics workloads. Our results show that applications with regular memory access benefit from MCDRAM, achieving up to 3x performance when compared to the performance obtained using only DRAM. On the contrary, applications with random memory access pattern are latency-bound and may suffer from performance degradation when using only MCDRAM. For those applications, the use of additional hardware threads may help hide latency and achieve higher aggregated bandwidth when using HBM

    Near-Memory Address Translation

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    Memory and logic integration on the same chip is becoming increasingly cost effective, creating the opportunity to offload data-intensive functionality to processing units placed inside memory chips. The introduction of memory-side processing units (MPUs) into conventional systems faces virtual memory as the first big showstopper: without efficient hardware support for address translation MPUs have highly limited applicability. Unfortunately, conventional translation mechanisms fall short of providing fast translations as contemporary memories exceed the reach of TLBs, making expensive page walks common. In this paper, we are the first to show that the historically important flexibility to map any virtual page to any page frame is unnecessary in today's servers. We find that while limiting the associativity of the virtual-to-physical mapping incurs no penalty, it can break the translate-then-fetch serialization if combined with careful data placement in the MPU's memory, allowing for translation and data fetch to proceed independently and in parallel. We propose the Distributed Inverted Page Table (DIPTA), a near-memory structure in which the smallest memory partition keeps the translation information for its data share, ensuring that the translation completes together with the data fetch. DIPTA completely eliminates the performance overhead of translation, achieving speedups of up to 3.81x and 2.13x over conventional translation using 4KB and 1GB pages respectively.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
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