11 research outputs found

    Hybrid Relations in Isabelle/UTP

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    We describe our UTP theory of hybrid relations, which extends the relational calculus with continuous variables and differential equations. This enables the use of UTP in modelling and verification of hybrid systems, supported by our mechanisation in Isabelle/UTP. The hybrid relational calculus is built upon the same foundation as the UTP’s theory of reactive processes, which is accomplished through a generalised trace algebra and a model of piecewise-continuous functions. From this foundation, we give semantics to hybrid programs, including ordinary differential equations and preemption, and show how the theory can be used to reason about sequential hybrid systems

    Differential Hoare Logics and Refinement Calculi for Hybrid Systems with Isabelle/HOL

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    We present simple new Hoare logics and refinement calculi for hybrid systems in the style of differential dynamic logic. (Refinement) Kleene algebra with tests is used for reasoning about the program structure and generating verification conditions at this level. Lenses capture hybrid program stores in a generic algebraic way. The approach has been formalised with the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant. A number of examples explains the workflow with the resulting verification components

    Automated Algebraic Reasoning for Collections and Local Variables with Lenses

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    Lenses are a useful algebraic structure for giving a unifying semantics to program variables in a variety of store models. They support efficient automated proof in the Isabelle/UTP verification framework. In this paper, we expand our lens library with (1) dynamic lenses, that support mutable indexed collections, such as arrays, and (2) symmetric lenses, that allow partitioning of a state space into disjoint local and global regions to support variable scopes. From this basis, we provide an enriched program model in Isabelle/UTP for collection variables and variable blocks. For the latter, we adopt an approach first used by Back and von Wright, and derive weakest precondition and Hoare calculi. We demonstrate several examples, including verification of insertion sor

    Hybrid Systems Verification with Isabelle/HOL: Simpler Syntax, Better Models, Faster Proofs

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    We extend a semantic verification framework for hybrid systems with the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant by an algebraic model for hybrid program stores, a shallow expression model for hybrid programs and their correctness specifications, and domain-specific deductive and calculational support. The new store model yields clean separations and dynamic local views of variables, e.g. discrete/continuous, mutable/immutable, program/logical, and enhanced ways of manipulating them using combinators, projections and framing. This leads to more local inference rules, procedures and tactics for reasoning with invariant sets, certifying solutions of hybrid specifications or calculating derivatives with increased proof automation and scalability. The new expression model provides more user-friendly syntax, better control of name spaces and interfaces connecting the framework with real-world modelling languages.Comment: 18 pages, submitted to FM 202

    A Unary Semigroup Trace Algebra

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    The Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) of Hoare and He promote the unification of semantics catering for different concerns, such as, termination, data modelling, concurrency and time. Process calculi like Circus and CSP can be given semantics in the UTP using reactive designs whose traces can be abstractly specified using a monoid trace algebra. The prefix order over traces is defined in terms of the monoid operator. This order, however, is inadequate to characterise a broader family of timed process algebras whose traces are preordered instead. To accommodate these, we propose a unary semigroup trace algebra that is weaker than the monoid algebra. This structure satisfies some of the axioms of restriction semigroups and is a right P-Ehresmann semigroup. Reactive designs specified using it satisfy core laws that have been mechanised so far in Isabelle/UTP. More importantly, our results improve the support for unifying trace models in the UTP

    Formal Model-Based Assurance Cases in Isabelle/SACM : An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Case Study

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    Isabelle/SACM is a tool for automated construction of model-based assurance cases with integrated formal methods, based on the Isabelle proof assistant. Assurance cases show how a system is safe to operate, through a human comprehensible argument demonstrating that the requirements are satisfied, using evidence of various provenances. They are usually required for certification of critical systems, often with evidence that originates from formal methods. Automating assurance cases increases rigour, and helps with maintenance and evolution. In this paper we apply Isabelle/SACM to a fragment of the assurance case for an autonomous underwater vehicle demonstrator. We encode the metric unit system (SI) in Isabelle, to allow modelling requirements and state spaces using physical units. We develop a behavioural model in the graphical RoboChart state machine language, embed the artifacts into Isabelle/SACM, and use it to demonstrate satisfaction of the requirements

    Formally Verified Simulations of State-Rich Processes using Interaction Trees in Isabelle/HOL

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    Simulation and formal verification are important complementary techniques necessary in high assurance model-based systems development. In order to support coherent results, it is necessary to provide unifying semantics and automation for both activities. In this paper we apply Interaction Trees in Isabelle/HOL to produce a verification and simulation framework for state-rich process languages. We develop the core theory and verification techniques for Interaction Trees, use them to give a semantics to the CSP and Circus languages, and formally link our new semantics with the failures-divergences semantic model. We also show how the Isabelle code generator can be used to generate verified executable simulations for reactive and concurrent programs

    Integration of Formal Proof into Unified Assurance Cases with Isabelle/SACM

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    Assurance cases are often required to certify critical systems. The use of formal methods in assurance can improve automation, increase confidence, and overcome errant reasoning. However, assurance cases can never be fully formalised, as the use of formal methods is contingent on models that are validated by informal processes. Consequently, assurance techniques should support both formal and informal artifacts, with explicated inferential links between them. In this paper, we contribute a formal machine-checked interactive language, called Isabelle/SACM, supporting the computer-assisted construction of assurance cases compliant with the OMG Structured Assurance Case Meta-Model. The use of Isabelle/SACM guarantees well-formedness, consistency, and traceability of assurance cases, and allows a tight integration of formal and informal evidence of various provenance. In particular, Isabelle brings a diverse range of automated verification techniques that can provide evidence. To validate our approach, we present a substantial case study based on the Tokeneer secure entry system benchmark. We embed its functional specification into Isabelle, verify its security requirements, and form a modular security case in Isabelle/SACM that combines the heterogeneous artifacts. We thus show that Isabelle is a suitable platform for critical systems assurance

    UTP, Circus, and Isabelle

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    We dedicate this paper with great respect and friendship to He Jifeng on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Our research group owes much to him. The authors have over 150 publications on unifying theories of programming (UTP), a research topic Jifeng created with Tony Hoare. Our objective is to recount the history of Circus (a combination of Z, CSP, Dijkstra’s guarded command language, and Morgan’s refinement calculus) and the development of Isabelle/UTP. Our paper is in two parts. (1) We first discuss the activities needed to model systems: we need to formalise data models and their behaviours. We survey our work on these two aspects in the context of Circus. (2) Secondly, we describe our practical implementation of UTP in Isabelle/HOL. Mechanising UTP theories is the basis of novel verification tools. We also discuss ongoing and future work related to (1) and (2). Many colleagues have contributed to these works, and we acknowledge their support

    Unifying Semantic Foundations for Automated Verification Tools in Isabelle/UTP

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    The growing complexity and diversity of models used for engineering dependable systems implies that a variety of formal methods, across differing abstractions, paradigms, and presentations, must be integrated. Such an integration requires unified semantic foundations for the various notations, and co-ordination of a variety of automated verification tools. The contribution of this paper is Isabelle/UTP, an implementation of Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming, a framework for unification of formal semantics. Isabelle/UTP permits the mechanisation of computational theories for diverse paradigms, and their use in constructing formalised semantics. These can be further applied in the development of verification tools, harnessing Isabelle’s proof automation facilities. Several layers of mathematical foundations are developed, including lenses to model variables and state spaces as algebraic objects, alphabetised predicates and relations to model programs, algebraic and axiomatic semantics, proof tools for Hoare logic and refinement calculus, and UTP theories to encode computational paradigms