2,635 research outputs found

    Object Tracking

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    Object tracking consists in estimation of trajectory of moving objects in the sequence of images. Automation of the computer object tracking is a difficult task. Dynamics of multiple parameters changes representing features and motion of the objects, and temporary partial or full occlusion of the tracked objects have to be considered. This monograph presents the development of object tracking algorithms, methods and systems. Both, state of the art of object tracking methods and also the new trends in research are described in this book. Fourteen chapters are split into two sections. Section 1 presents new theoretical ideas whereas Section 2 presents real-life applications. Despite the variety of topics contained in this monograph it constitutes a consisted knowledge in the field of computer object tracking. The intention of editor was to follow up the very quick progress in the developing of methods as well as extension of the application

    Robust and Efficient Inference of Scene and Object Motion in Multi-Camera Systems

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    Multi-camera systems have the ability to overcome some of the fundamental limitations of single camera based systems. Having multiple view points of a scene goes a long way in limiting the influence of field of view, occlusion, blur and poor resolution of an individual camera. This dissertation addresses robust and efficient inference of object motion and scene in multi-camera and multi-sensor systems. The first part of the dissertation discusses the role of constraints introduced by projective imaging towards robust inference of multi-camera/sensor based object motion. We discuss the role of the homography and epipolar constraints for fusing object motion perceived by individual cameras. For planar scenes, the homography constraints provide a natural mechanism for data association. For scenes that are not planar, the epipolar constraint provides a weaker multi-view relationship. We use the epipolar constraint for tracking in multi-camera and multi-sensor networks. In particular, we show that the epipolar constraint reduces the dimensionality of the state space of the problem by introducing a ``shared'' state space for the joint tracking problem. This allows for robust tracking even when one of the sensors fail due to poor SNR or occlusion. The second part of the dissertation deals with challenges in the computational aspects of tracking algorithms that are common to such systems. Much of the inference in the multi-camera and multi-sensor networks deal with complex non-linear models corrupted with non-Gaussian noise. Particle filters provide approximate Bayesian inference in such settings. We analyze the computational drawbacks of traditional particle filtering algorithms, and present a method for implementing the particle filter using the Independent Metropolis Hastings sampler, that is highly amenable to pipelined implementations and parallelization. We analyze the implementations of the proposed algorithm, and in particular concentrate on implementations that have minimum processing times. The last part of the dissertation deals with the efficient sensing paradigm of compressing sensing (CS) applied to signals in imaging, such as natural images and reflectance fields. We propose a hybrid signal model on the assumption that most real-world signals exhibit subspace compressibility as well as sparse representations. We show that several real-world visual signals such as images, reflectance fields, videos etc., are better approximated by this hybrid of two models. We derive optimal hybrid linear projections of the signal and show that theoretical guarantees and algorithms designed for CS can be easily extended to hybrid subspace-compressive sensing. Such methods reduce the amount of information sensed by a camera, and help in reducing the so called data deluge problem in large multi-camera systems

    Application of the particle filter to tracking of fish in aquaculture research

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    The analysis of fish movement as an indicator of fish behaviour plays an important role in aquaculture research. Currently observations are carried out manually using video recordings. In this paper we describe a tracking system which can automatically detect and track two fish in a video sequence in a small aquaculture tank. The system is based on the particle filter tracking algorithm augmented by an adaptive partition scheme and using a Global Nearest Neighbour approach for data association. Results show that this method is sufficient for simple interactions where fish bypass each other without significant changes in velocity. However, more complex scenarios involving occlusions, loss of tracks and fish manoeuvres can cause ambiguity during data association

    Online Localization and Tracking of Multiple Moving Speakers in Reverberant Environments

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    We address the problem of online localization and tracking of multiple moving speakers in reverberant environments. The paper has the following contributions. We use the direct-path relative transfer function (DP-RTF), an inter-channel feature that encodes acoustic information robust against reverberation, and we propose an online algorithm well suited for estimating DP-RTFs associated with moving audio sources. Another crucial ingredient of the proposed method is its ability to properly assign DP-RTFs to audio-source directions. Towards this goal, we adopt a maximum-likelihood formulation and we propose to use an exponentiated gradient (EG) to efficiently update source-direction estimates starting from their currently available values. The problem of multiple speaker tracking is computationally intractable because the number of possible associations between observed source directions and physical speakers grows exponentially with time. We adopt a Bayesian framework and we propose a variational approximation of the posterior filtering distribution associated with multiple speaker tracking, as well as an efficient variational expectation-maximization (VEM) solver. The proposed online localization and tracking method is thoroughly evaluated using two datasets that contain recordings performed in real environments.Comment: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 201

    A robust tracking system for low frame rate video

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    Tracking in low frame rate (LFR) videos is one of the most important problems in the tracking literature. Most existing approaches treat LFR video tracking as an abrupt motion tracking problem. However, in LFR video tracking applications, LFR not only causes abrupt motions, but also large appearance changes of objects because the objects’ poses and the illumination may undergo large changes from one frame to the next. This adds extra difficulties to LFR video tracking. In this paper, we propose a robust and general tracking system for LFR videos. The tracking system consists of four major parts: dominant color-spatial based object representation, bin-ratio based similarity measure, annealed particle swarm optimization (PSO) based searching, and an integral image based parameter calculation. The first two parts are combined to provide a good solution to the appearance changes, and the abrupt motion is effectively captured by the annealed PSO based searching. Moreover, an integral image of model parameters is constructed, which provides a look-up table for parameters calculation. This greatly reduces the computational load. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed tracking system can effectively tackle the difficulties caused by LFR