898 research outputs found

    Wild oscillations in a nonlinear neuron model with resets: (II) Mixed-mode oscillations

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    This work continues the analysis of complex dynamics in a class of bidimensional nonlinear hybrid dynamical systems with resets modeling neuronal voltage dynamics with adaptation and spike emission. We show that these models can generically display a form of mixed-mode oscillations (MMOs), which are trajectories featuring an alternation of small oscillations with spikes or bursts (multiple consecutive spikes). The mechanism by which these are generated relies fundamentally on the hybrid structure of the flow: invariant manifolds of the continuous dynamics govern small oscillations, while discrete resets govern the emission of spikes or bursts, contrasting with classical MMO mechanisms in ordinary differential equations involving more than three dimensions and generally relying on a timescale separation. The decomposition of mechanisms reveals the geometrical origin of MMOs, allowing a relatively simple classification of points on the reset manifold associated to specific numbers of small oscillations. We show that the MMO pattern can be described through the study of orbits of a discrete adaptation map, which is singular as it features discrete discontinuities with unbounded left- and right-derivatives. We study orbits of the map via rotation theory for discontinuous circle maps and elucidate in detail complex behaviors arising in the case where MMOs display at most one small oscillation between each consecutive pair of spikes

    Synchronous Behavior of Two Coupled Electronic Neurons

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    We report on experimental studies of synchronization phenomena in a pair of analog electronic neurons (ENs). The ENs were designed to reproduce the observed membrane voltage oscillations of isolated biological neurons from the stomatogastric ganglion of the California spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus. The ENs are simple analog circuits which integrate four dimensional differential equations representing fast and slow subcellular mechanisms that produce the characteristic regular/chaotic spiking-bursting behavior of these cells. In this paper we study their dynamical behavior as we couple them in the same configurations as we have done for their counterpart biological neurons. The interconnections we use for these neural oscillators are both direct electrical connections and excitatory and inhibitory chemical connections: each realized by analog circuitry and suggested by biological examples. We provide here quantitative evidence that the ENs and the biological neurons behave similarly when coupled in the same manner. They each display well defined bifurcations in their mutual synchronization and regularization. We report briefly on an experiment on coupled biological neurons and four dimensional ENs which provides further ground for testing the validity of our numerical and electronic models of individual neural behavior. Our experiments as a whole present interesting new examples of regularization and synchronization in coupled nonlinear oscillators.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Conductance-Based Refractory Density Approach for a Population of Bursting Neurons

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    The conductance-based refractory density (CBRD) approach is a parsimonious mathematical-computational framework for modeling interact- ing populations of regular spiking neurons, which, however, has not been yet extended for a population of bursting neurons. The canonical CBRD method allows to describe the firing activity of a statistical ensemble of uncoupled Hodgkin-Huxley-like neurons (differentiated by noise) and has demonstrated its validity against experimental data. The present manuscript generalises the CBRD for a population of bursting neurons; however, in this pilot computational study we consider the simplest setting in which each individual neuron is governed by a piecewise linear bursting dynamics. The resulting popula- tion model makes use of slow-fast analysis, which leads to a novel method- ology that combines CBRD with the theory of multiple timescale dynamics. The main prospect is that it opens novel avenues for mathematical explo- rations, as well as, the derivation of more sophisticated population activity from Hodgkin-Huxley-like bursting neurons, which will allow to capture the activity of synchronised bursting activity in hyper-excitable brain states (e.g. onset of epilepsy).Russian Science Foundation grant (project 16-15- 10201) Spanish grant MINECO-FEDER-UE MTM-2015-71509-C2-2-R Catalan Grant number 2017SGR104

    Mechanism, dynamics, and biological existence of multistability in a large class of bursting neurons

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    Multistability, the coexistence of multiple attractors in a dynamical system, is explored in bursting nerve cells. A modeling study is performed to show that a large class of bursting systems, as defined by a shared topology when represented as dynamical systems, is inherently suited to support multistability. We derive the bifurcation structure and parametric trends leading to multistability in these systems. Evidence for the existence of multirhythmic behavior in neurons of the aquatic mollusc Aplysia californica that is consistent with our proposed mechanism is presented. Although these experimental results are preliminary, they indicate that single neurons may be capable of dynamically storing information for longer time scales than typically attributed to nonsynaptic mechanisms.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure
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