547 research outputs found

    A survey of electromagnetic influence on uavs from an ehv power converter stations and possible countermeasures

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    National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11872148, U1908217, 61801034).It is inevitable that high-intensity, wide-spectrum electromagnetic emissions are generated by the power electronic equipment of the Extra High Voltage (EHV) power converter station. The surveillance flight of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is thus, situated in a complex electromagnetic environment. The ubiquitous electromagnetic interference demands higher electromagnetic protection requirements from the UAV construction and operation. This article is related to the UAVs patrol inspections of the power line in the vicinity of the EHV converter station. The article analyzes the electromagnetic interference characteristics of the converter station equipment in the surrounding space and the impact of the electromagnetic emission on the communication circuits of the UAV. The anti-electromagnetic interference countermeasures strive to eliminate or reduce the threats of electromagnetic emissions on the UAV’s hardware and its communication network.publishersversionpublishe

    Space Shuttle program communication and tracking systems interface analysis

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    The Space Shuttle Program Communications and Tracking Systems Interface Analysis began April 18, 1983. During this time, the shuttle communication and tracking systems began flight testing. Two areas of analysis documented were a result of observations made during flight tests. These analyses involved the Ku-band communication system. First, there was a detailed analysis of the interface between the solar max data format and the Ku-band communication system including the TDRSS ground station. The second analysis involving the Ku-band communication system was an analysis of the frequency lock loop of the Gunn oscillator used to generate the transmit frequency. The stability of the frequency lock loop was investigated and changes to the design were reviewed to alleviate the potential loss of data due the loop losing lock and entering the reacquisition mode. Other areas of investigation were the S-band antenna analysis and RF coverage analysis

    A Novel Chirp Slope Keying Modulation Scheme for Underwater Communication

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    A digital modulation method using Chirp-Slope Keying (CSK) is developed for coherent underwater acoustic communications. Effective signal detection is a critical stage in the implementation of any communications system; we will see that CSK solves some significant challenges to reliable detection. This thesis is primarily based on analyzing the effectiveness of CSK through simulations using Matlab\u27s Simulink for underwater communications. The procedure begins with modulating a chirp\u27s slope by random binary data with a linear-down-slope chirp representing a 0, and a linear-up-slope chirp representing a 1. Each received symbol is demodulated by multiplying it with the exact linear-up-slope chirp and then integrating over a whole period (i.e., integrate and dump). This slope-detection technique reduces the need for the extensive recognition of the magnitude and/or the frequencies of the signal. Simulations demonstrate that CSK offers sturdy performance in the modeled ocean environment, even at very low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). CSK is first tested using the fundamental communication channel, Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel. Simulation results show excellent BER vs. SNR performance, implying CSK is a promising method. Further extensive analysis and simulations are performed to evaluate the quality of CSK in more realistic channels including Rayleigh amplitude fading channel and multipath

    Spread Spectrum Receiver Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Test Guide

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    The objective of this test guide is to document appropriate unit level test methods and techniques for the performance of EMI testing of Direct Sequence (DS) spread spectrum receivers. Consideration of EMI test methods tailored for spread spectrum receivers utilizing frequency spreading, techniques other than direct sequence (such as frequency hopping, frequency chirping, and various hybrid methods) is beyond the scope of this test guide development program and is not addressed as part of this document EMI test requirements for NASA programs are primarily developed based on the requirements contained in MIL-STD-46 1 D (or earlier revisions of MIL-STD-46 1). The corresponding test method guidelines for the MIL-STD-461 D tests are provided in MIL-STD-462D. These test methods are well documented with the exception of the receiver antenna port susceptibility tests (intermodulation, cross modulation, and rejection of undesired signals) which must be tailored to the specific type of receiver that is being tested. Thus, test methods addressed in this guide consist only of antenna port tests designed to evaluate receiver susceptibility characteristics. MIL-STD-462D should be referred for guidance pertaining to test methods for EMI tests other than the antenna port tests. The scope of this test guide includes: (1) a discussion of generic DS receiver performance characteristics; (2) a summary of S-band TDRSS receiver operation; (3) a discussion of DS receiver EMI susceptibility mechanisms and characteristics; (4) a summary of military standard test guidelines; (5) recommended test approach and methods; and (6) general conclusions and recommendations for future studies in the area of spread spectrum receiver testing

    Payload/orbiter signal-processing and data-handling system evaluation

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    Incompatibilities between orbiter subsystems and payload communication systems to assure that acceptable and to end system performamce will be achieved are identified. The potential incompatabilities are associated with either payloads in the cargo bay or detached payloads communicating with the orbiter via an RF link. The payload signal processing and data handling systems are assessed by investigating interface problems experienced between the inertial upper stage and the orbiter since similar problems are expected for other payloads

    Application of advanced on-board processing concepts to future satellite communications systems: Bibliography

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    Abstracts are presented of a literature survey of reports concerning the application of signal processing concepts. Approximately 300 references are included

    Orbital operations study. Volume 2: Interfacing activities analyses. Part 3: Data management activity group

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    A summary of the findings of the data management group of the orbital operations study is presented. Element interfaces, alternate approaches, design concepts, operational procedures, functional requirements, design influences, and approach selection are described. The following interfacing activities are considered: (1) communications, (2) rendezvous, (3) stationkeeping, and (4) detached element operations

    Underwater Acoustic Communication Network Node Research based on Spread Spectrum

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    海洋是人类社会可持续发展的最后空间和宝贵财富,人类于海洋开发研究的一系列活动,都与水下通信技术密切相关。水声通信及网络化技术是当代海洋资源开发和国家安全保障的重要组成部分,同时也是我国海洋高新技术产业中亟待解决的关键技术之一。 随着现代海洋资源开发的深入和国家海洋安全的迫切需求,水声通信及在此基础上构建的水声通信网络技术的研究和应用日益受到人们的重视。但是,由于水声信道是时-空-频变的随机多径信道,存在着高噪、窄带、传输速率低、起伏和传输时延大等诸多不利因素,因而成为迄今最为复杂的无线信道之一,同时水下特殊的环境条件也带来水声通信网络拓扑结构不稳定、节点能量受限等制约因素。因此,要构建一套以...The ocean is the last space and the precious treasure that could be used in the sustainable development of the human society. A series of researches and explorations of the ocean have a close connection with the underwater communication. Underwater acoustic communication and network techniques are the vital parts of the exploration of the ocean resources and the safety of the whole country. Meanwh...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋物理学号:2242007115087

    Multipath/modulation study for the tracking and data relay satellite system Final report, 14 Apr. 1969 - 12 Jan. 1970

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    Multipath modulation study of tracking and data relay satellite syste

    Model-Based Adaptive Behavior Framework for Optimal Acoustic Communication and Sensing by Marine Robots

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    In this paper, a hybrid data- and model-based autonomous environmental adaptation framework is presented which allows autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) with acoustic sensors to follow a path which optimizes their ability to maintain connectivity with an acoustic contact for optimal sensing or communication. The adaptation framework is implemented within the behavior-based mission-oriented operating suite-interval programming (MOOS-IvP) marine autonomy architecture and uses a new embedded high-fidelity acoustic modeling infrastructure, the generic robotic acoustic model (GRAM), to provide real-time estimates of the acoustic environment under changing environmental and situational scenarios. A set of behaviors that combine adaptation to the current acoustic environment with strategies that extend the decision horizon beyond that of typical behavior-based systems have been developed, implemented, and demonstrated in a series of field experiments and virtual experiments in a MOOS-IvP simulation.United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-08-1-0011)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-08-1-0013)NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC