620 research outputs found

    ToGouR: Tour Guide Robot Visualization using Shape Recognition Pattern for Automatic Navigation

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    The invention of autonomous robots with an increasing demand for industrial used has been caught attention from researchers and inventors. In this new sophisticated era, various types of robots and systems have been developed and bring significant contribution to the industries, economy, and infrastructure. Thus in this project, we have develop an application for PIC based Tour Guide Robot (ToGouR) where the PIC16F877A has been chosen as the main microcontroller. The application has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) has allows the user to interact in interactive ways between ToGouR and the images for navigation systems. The application also has an ability to perform shape recognition for path planning and automatically make alternative ways when various shapes that have been recognized are put in the way. Various alternatives have been used to make sure this project is successful carried out. This tour guide robot is suitable to be commercialized with numerous robotics companies that would like collaborate in delivering this project as a product and can be used for military or during any unexpected catastrophe such as one that occurred in Japan

    Enabling Mobile Service Continuity across Orchestrated Edge Networks

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    Edge networking has become an important technology for providing low-latency services to end users. However, deploying an edge network does not guarantee continuous service for mobile users. Mobility can cause frequent interruptions and network delays as users leave the initial serving edge. In this paper, we propose a solution to provide transparent service continuity for mobile users in large-scale WiFi networks. The contribution of this work has three parts. First, we propose ARNAB architecture to achieve mobile service continuity. The term ARNAB means rabbit in Arabic, which represents an Architecture for Transparent Service Continuity via Double-tier Migration. The first tier migrates user connectivity, while the second tier migrates user containerized applications. ARNAB provides mobile services just like rabbits hop through the WiFi infrastructure. Second, we identify the root-causes for prolonged container migration downtime. Finally, we enhance the container migration scheme by improving system response time. Our experimental results show that the downtime of ARNAB container migration solution is 50% shorter than that of the state-of-the-art migration.This work has been partially funded by the H2020 Europe/Taiwan joint action 5G-DIVE (Grant #859881) and also partially funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, under the Grant Number MOST 108-2634-F-009-006 - through Pervasive Artificial Intelligence Research (PAIR) Labs, Taiwan

    Rollback recovery with low overhead for fault tolerance in mobile ad hoc networks

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    AbstractMobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have significantly enhanced the wireless networks by eliminating the need for any fixed infrastructure. Hence, these are increasingly being used for expanding the computing capacity of existing networks or for implementation of autonomous mobile computing Grids. However, the fragile nature of MANETs makes the constituent nodes susceptible to failures and the computing potential of these networks can be utilized only if they are fault tolerant. The technique of checkpointing based rollback recovery has been used effectively for fault tolerance in static and cellular mobile systems; yet, the implementation of existing protocols for MANETs is not straightforward. The paper presents a novel rollback recovery protocol for handling the failures of mobile nodes in a MANET using checkpointing and sender based message logging. The proposed protocol utilizes the routing protocol existing in the network for implementing a low overhead recovery mechanism. The presented recovery procedure at a node is completely domino-free and asynchronous. The protocol is resilient to the dynamic characteristics of the MANET; allowing a distributed application to be executed independently without access to any wired Grid or cellular network access points. We also present an algorithm to record a consistent global snapshot of the MANET


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    Checkpointing and rollback recovery are well-known techniques for coping with failures in distributed systems. Future generation Supercomputers will be message passing distributed systems consisting of millions of processors. As the number of processors grow, failure rate also grows. Thus, designing efficient checkpointing and recovery algorithms for coping with failures in such large systems is important for these systems to be fully utilized. We presented a novel communication-induced checkpointing algorithm which helps in reducing contention for accessing stable storage to store checkpoints. Under our algorithm, a process involved in a distributed computation can independently initiate consistent global checkpointing by saving its current state, called a tentative checkpoint. Other processes involved in the computation come to know about the consistent global checkpoint initiation through information piggy-backed with the application messages or limited control messages if necessary. When a process comes to know about a new consistent global checkpoint initiation, it takes a tentative checkpoint after processing the message. The tentative checkpoints taken can be flushed to stable storage when there is no contention for accessing stable storage. The tentative checkpoints together with the message logs stored in the stable storage form a consistent global checkpoint. Ad hoc networks consist of a set of nodes that can form a network for communication with each other without the aid of any infrastructure or human intervention. Nodes are energy-constrained and hence routing algorithm designed for these networks should take this into consideration. We proposed two routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks which prevent nodes from broadcasting route requests unnecessarily during the route discovery phase and hence conserve energy and prevent contention in the network. One is called Triangle Based Routing (TBR) protocol. The other routing protocol we designed is called Routing Protocol with Selective Forwarding (RPSF). Both of the routing protocols greatly reduce the number of control packets which are needed to establish routes between pairs of source nodes and destination nodes. As a result, they reduce the energy consumed for route discovery. Moreover, these protocols reduce congestion and collision of packets due to limited number of nodes retransmitting the route requests

    Live migration of virtual machine and container based mobile core network components: A comprehensive study

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    With the increasing demand for openness, flexibility, and monetization, the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) of mobile network functions has become the embracing factor for most mobile network operators. Early reported field deployments of virtualized Evolved Packet Core (EPC) - the core network (CN) component of 4G LTE and 5G non-standalone mobile networks - reflect this growing trend. To best meet the requirements of power management, load balancing, and fault tolerance in the cloud environment, the need for live migration of these virtualized components cannot be shunned. Virtualization platforms of interest include both Virtual Machines (VMs) and Containers, with the latter option offering more lightweight characteristics. This paper's first contribution is the proposal of a framework that enables migration of containerised virtual EPC components using an open-source migration solution which does not fully support the mobile network protocol stack yet. The second contribution is an experimental-based comprehensive analysis of live migration in two virtualization technologies - VM and Container - with the additional scrutinization on the container migration approach. The presented experimental comparison accounts for several system parameters and configurations: flavor (image) size, network characteristics, processor hardware architecture model, and the CPU load of the backhaul network components. The comparison reveals that the live migration completion time and also the end-user service interruption time of the virtualized EPC components is reduced approximately by 70% in the container platform when using the proposed framework.This work was supported in part by the NSF under Grant CNS-1405405, Grant CNS-1409849, Grant ACI-1541461, and Grant CNS-1531039T; and in part by the EU Commission through the 5GROWTH Project under Grant 856709

    Parallel and Distributed Immersive Real-Time Simulation of Large-Scale Networks

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    Prospectiva de seguridad de las redes de sensores inalámbricos

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    En las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricos (WSN), los nodos son vulnerables a los ataques de seguridad porque están instalados en un entorno difícil, con energía y memoria limitadas, baja capacidad de procesamiento y transmisión de difusión media; por lo tanto, identificar las amenazas, los retos y las soluciones de seguridad y privacidad es un tema candente hoy en día. En este artículo se analizan los trabajos de investigación que se han realizado sobre los mecanismos de seguridad para la protección de las WSN frente a amenazas y ataques, así como las tendencias que surgen en otros países junto con futuras líneas de investigación. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, este análisis se muestra a través de la visualización y estudio de trabajos indexados en bases de datos como IEEE, ACM, Scopus y Springer, con un rango de 7 años como ventana de observación, desde 2013 hasta 2019. Se obtuvieron un total de 4.728 publicaciones, con un alto índice de colaboración entre China e India. La investigación planteó desarrollos, como avances en los principios de seguridad y mecanismos de defensa, que han llevado al diseño de contramedidas en la detección de intrusiones. Por último, los resultados muestran el interés de la comunidad científica y empresarial por el uso de la inteligencia artificial y el aprendizaje automático (ML) para optimizar las medidas de rendimiento.In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), nodes are vulnerable to security attacks because they are installed in a harsh environment with limited power and memory, low processing power, and medium broadcast transmission. Therefore, identifying threats, challenges, and solutions of security and privacy is a talking topic today. This article analyzes the research work that has been carried out on the security mechanisms for the protection of WSN against threats and attacks, as well as the trends that emerge in other countries combined with future research lines. From the methodological point of view, this analysis is shown through the visualization and study of works indexed in databases such as IEEE, ACM, Scopus, and Springer, with a range of 7 years as an observation window, from 2013 to 2019. A total of 4,728 publications were obtained, with a high rate of collaboration between China and India. The research raised developments, such as advances in security principles and defense mechanisms, which have led to the design of countermeasures in intrusion detection. Finally, the results show the interest of the scientific and business community in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) to optimize performance measurements

    Opportunistic data collection and routing in segmented wireless sensor networks

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    La surveillance régulière des opérations dans les aires de manoeuvre (voies de circulation et pistes) et aires de stationnement d'un aéroport est une tâche cruciale pour son fonctionnement. Les stratégies utilisées à cette fin visent à permettre la mesure des variables environnementales, l'identification des débris (FOD) et l'enregistrement des statistiques d'utilisation de diverses sections de la surface. Selon un groupe de gestionnaires et contrôleurs d'aéroport interrogés, cette surveillance est un privilège des grands aéroports en raison des coûts élevés d'acquisition, d'installation et de maintenance des technologies existantes. Les moyens et petits aéroports se limitent généralement à la surveillance de quelques variables environnementales et des FOD effectuée visuellement par l'homme. Cette dernière activité impose l'arrêt du fonctionnement des pistes pendant l'inspection. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une solution alternative basée sur les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN) qui, contrairement aux autres méthodes, combinent les propriétés de faible coût d'installation et maintenance, de déploiement rapide, d'évolutivité tout en permettant d'effectuer des mesures sans interférer avec le fonctionnement de l'aéroport. En raison de la superficie d'un aéroport et de la difficulté de placer des capteurs sur des zones de transit, le WSN se composerait d'une collection de sous-réseaux isolés les uns des autres et du puits. Pour gérer cette segmentation, notre proposition s'appuie sur l'utilisation opportuniste des véhicules circulants dans l'aéroport considérés alors comme un type spécial de nœud appelé Mobile Ubiquitous LAN Extension (MULE) chargé de collecter les données des sous-réseaux le long de son trajet et de les transférer vers le puits. L'une des exigences pour le déploiement d'un nouveau système dans un aéroport est qu'il cause peu ou pas d'interruption des opérations régulières. C'est pourquoi l'utilisation d'une approche opportuniste basé sur des MULE est privilégiée dans cette thèse. Par opportuniste, nous nous référons au fait que le rôle de MULE est joué par certains des véhicules déjà existants dans un aéroport et effectuant leurs déplacements normaux. Et certains nœuds des sous- réseaux exploiteront tout moment de contact avec eux pour leur transmettre les données à transférer ensuite au puits. Une caractéristique des MULEs dans notre application est qu'elles ont des trajectoires structurées (suivant les voies de circulation dans l'aéroport), en ayant éventuellement un contact avec l'ensemble des nœuds situés le long de leur trajet (appelés sous-puits). Ceci implique la nécessité de définir une stratégie de routage dans chaque sous-réseau, capable d'acheminer les données collectées des nœuds vers les sous-puits et de répartir les paquets de données entre eux afin que le temps en contact avec la MULE soit utilisé le plus efficacement possible. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un protocole de routage remplissant ces fonctions. Le protocole proposé est nommé ACME (ACO-based routing protocol for MULE-assisted WSNs). Il est basé sur la technique d'Optimisation par Colonies de Fourmis. ACME permet d'assigner des nœuds à des sous-puits puis de définir les chemins entre eux, en tenant compte de la minimisation de la somme des longueurs de ces chemins, de l'équilibrage de la quantité de paquets stockés par les sous-puits et du nombre total de retransmissions. Le problème est défini comme une tâche d'optimisation multi-objectif qui est résolue de manière distribuée sur la base des actions des nœuds dans un schéma collaboratif. Nous avons développé un environnement de simulation et effectué des campagnes de calculs dans OMNeT++ qui montrent les avantages de notre protocole en termes de performances et sa capacité à s'adapter à une grande variété de topologies de réseaux.The regular monitoring of operations in both movement areas (taxiways and runways) and non-movement areas (aprons and aircraft parking spots) of an airport, is a critical task for its functioning. The set of strategies used for this purpose include the measurement of environmental variables, the identification of foreign object debris (FOD), and the record of statistics of usage for diverse sections of the surface. According to a group of airport managers and controllers interviewed by us, the wide monitoring of most of these variables is a privilege of big airports due to the high acquisition, installation and maintenance costs of most common technologies. Due to this limitation, smaller airports often limit themselves to the monitoring of environmental variables at some few spatial points and the tracking of FOD performed by humans. This last activity requires stopping the functioning of the runways while the inspection is conducted. In this thesis, we propose an alternative solution based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which, unlike the other methods/technologies, combines the desirable properties of low installation and maintenance cost, scalability and ability to perform measurements without interfering with the regular functioning of the airport. Due to the large extension of an airport and the difficulty of placing sensors over transit areas, the WSN might result segmented into a collection of subnetworks isolated from each other and from the sink. To overcome this problem, our proposal relies on a special type of node called Mobile Ubiquitous LAN Extension (MULE), able to move over the airport surface, gather data from the subnetworks along its way and eventually transfer it to the sink. One of the main demands for the deployment of any new system in an airport is that it must have little or no interference with the regular operations. This is why the use of an opportunistic approach for the transfer of data from the subnetworks to the MULE is favored in this thesis. By opportunistic we mean that the role of MULE will be played by some of the typical vehicles already existing in an airport doing their normal displacements, and the subnetworks will exploit any moment of contact with them to forward data to the sink. A particular characteristic of the MULEs in our application is that they move along predefined structured trajectories (given by the layout of the airport), having eventual contact with the set of nodes located by the side of the road (so-called subsinks). This implies the need for a data routing strategy to be used within each subnetwork, able to lead the collected data from the sensor nodes to the subsinks and distribute the data packets among them so that the time in contact with the MULE is used as efficiently as possible. In this thesis, we propose a routing protocol which undertakes this task. Our proposed protocol is named ACME, standing for ACO-based routing protocol for MULE-assisted WSNs. It is founded on the well known Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique. The main advantage of ACO is its natural fit to the decentralized nature of WSN, which allows it to perform distributed optimizations (based on local interactions) leading to remarkable overall network performance. ACME is able to assign sensor nodes to subsinks and generate the corresponding multi-hop paths while accounting for the minimization of the total path length, the total subsink imbalance and the total number of retransmissions. The problem is defined as a multi-objective optimization task which is resolved in a distributed manner based on actions of the sensor nodes acting in a collaborative scheme. We conduct a set of computational experiments in the discrete event simulator OMNeT++ which shows the advantages of our protocol in terms of performance and its ability to adapt to a variety of network topologie