1,103 research outputs found

    Innovative technologies for under-resourced language documentation: The BULB Project

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    International audienceThe project Breaking the Unwritten Language Barrier (BULB), which brings together linguists and computer scientists, aims at supporting linguists in documenting unwritten languages. In order to achieve this we will develop tools tailored to the needs of documentary linguists by building upon technology and expertise from the area of natural language processing, most prominently automatic speech recognition and machine translation. As a development and test bed for this we have chosen three less-resourced African languages from the Bantu family: Basaa, Myene and Embosi. Work within the project is divided into three main steps: 1) Collection of a large corpus of speech (100h per language) at a reasonable cost. After initial recording, the data is re-spoken by a reference speaker to enhance the signal quality and orally translated into French. 2) Automatic transcription of the Bantu languages at phoneme level and the French translation at word level. The recognized Bantu phonemes and French words will then be automatically aligned. 3) Tool development. In close cooperation and discussion with the linguists, the speech and language technologists will design and implement tools that will support the linguists in their work, taking into account the linguists' needs and technology's capabilities. The data collection has begun for the three languages. For this we use standard mobile devices and a dedicated software—LIG-AIKUMA, which proposes a range of different speech collection modes (recording, respeaking, translation and elicitation). LIG-AIKUMA 's improved features include a smart generation and handling of speaker metadata as well as respeaking and parallel audio data mapping

    Innovative technologies for under-resourced language documentation: The BULB Project

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    International audienceThe project Breaking the Unwritten Language Barrier (BULB), which brings together linguists and computer scientists, aims at supporting linguists in documenting unwritten languages. In order to achieve this we will develop tools tailored to the needs of documentary linguists by building upon technology and expertise from the area of natural language processing, most prominently automatic speech recognition and machine translation. As a development and test bed for this we have chosen three less-resourced African languages from the Bantu family: Basaa, Myene and Embosi. Work within the project is divided into three main steps: 1) Collection of a large corpus of speech (100h per language) at a reasonable cost. After initial recording, the data is re-spoken by a reference speaker to enhance the signal quality and orally translated into French. 2) Automatic transcription of the Bantu languages at phoneme level and the French translation at word level. The recognized Bantu phonemes and French words will then be automatically aligned. 3) Tool development. In close cooperation and discussion with the linguists, the speech and language technologists will design and implement tools that will support the linguists in their work, taking into account the linguists' needs and technology's capabilities. The data collection has begun for the three languages. For this we use standard mobile devices and a dedicated software—LIG-AIKUMA, which proposes a range of different speech collection modes (recording, respeaking, translation and elicitation). LIG-AIKUMA 's improved features include a smart generation and handling of speaker metadata as well as respeaking and parallel audio data mapping

    Preliminary Experiments on Unsupervised Word Discovery in Mboshi

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    International audienceThe necessity to document thousands of endangered languages encourages the collaboration between linguists and computer scientists in order to provide the documentary linguistics community with the support of automatic processing tools. The French-German ANR-DFG project Breaking the Unwritten Language Barrier (BULB) aims at developing such tools for three mostly unwritten African languages of the Bantu family. For one of them, Mboshi, a language originating from the " Cu-vette " region of the Republic of Congo, we investigate unsuper-vised word discovery techniques from an unsegmented stream of phonemes. We compare different models and algorithms, both monolingual and bilingual, on a new corpus in Mboshi and French, and discuss various ways to represent the data with suitable granularity. An additional French-English corpus allows us to contrast the results obtained on Mboshi and to experiment with more data

    Error analysis in automatic speech recognition and machine translation

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    Automatic speech recognition and machine translation are well-known terms in the translation world nowadays. Systems that carry out these processes are taking over the work of humans more and more. Reasons for this are the speed at which the tasks are performed and their costs. However, the quality of these systems is debatable. They are not yet capable of delivering the same performance as human transcribers or translators. The lack of creativity, the ability to interpret texts and the sense of language is often cited as the reason why the performance of machines is not yet at the level of human translation or transcribing work. Despite this, there are companies that use these machines in their production pipelines. Unbabel, an online translation platform powered by artificial intelligence, is one of these companies. Through a combination of human translators and machines, Unbabel tries to provide its customers with a translation of good quality. This internship report was written with the aim of gaining an overview of the performance of these systems and the errors they produce. Based on this work, we try to get a picture of possible error patterns produced by both systems. The present work consists of an extensive analysis of errors produced by automatic speech recognition and machine translation systems after automatically transcribing and translating 10 English videos into Dutch. Different videos were deliberately chosen to see if there were significant differences in the error patterns between videos. The generated data and results from this work, aims at providing possible ways to improve the quality of the services already mentioned.O reconhecimento automático de fala e a tradução automática são termos conhecidos no mundo da tradução, hoje em dia. Os sistemas que realizam esses processos estão a assumir cada vez mais o trabalho dos humanos. As razões para isso são a velocidade com que as tarefas são realizadas e os seus custos. No entanto, a qualidade desses sistemas é discutível. As máquinas ainda não são capazes de ter o mesmo desempenho dos transcritores ou tradutores humanos. A falta de criatividade, de capacidade de interpretar textos e de sensibilidade linguística são motivos frequentemente usados para justificar o facto de as máquinas ainda não estarem suficientemente desenvolvidas para terem um desempenho comparável com o trabalho de tradução ou transcrição humano. Mesmo assim, existem empresas que fazem uso dessas máquinas. A Unbabel, uma plataforma de tradução online baseada em inteligência artificial, é uma dessas empresas. Através de uma combinação de tradutores humanos e de máquinas, a Unbabel procura oferecer aos seus clientes traduções de boa qualidade. O presente relatório de estágio foi feito com o intuito de obter uma visão geral do desempenho desses sistemas e das falhas que cometem, propondo delinear uma imagem dos possíveis padrões de erro existentes nos mesmos. Para tal, fez-se uma análise extensa das falhas que os sistemas de reconhecimento automático de fala e de tradução automática cometeram, após a transcrição e a tradução automática de 10 vídeos. Foram deliberadamente escolhidos registos videográficos diversos, de modo a verificar possíveis diferenças nos padrões de erro. Através dos dados gerados e dos resultados obtidos, propõe-se encontrar uma forma de melhorar a qualidade dos serviços já mencionados

    Machine-assisted translation by Human-in-the-loop Crowdsourcing for Bambara

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    Language is more than a tool of conveying information; it is utilized in all aspects of our lives. Yet only a small number of languages in the 7,000 languages worldwide are highly resourced by human language technologies (HLT). Despite African languages representing over 2,000 languages, only a few African languages are highly resourced, for which there exists a considerable amount of parallel digital data. We present a novel approach to machine translation (MT) for under-resourced languages by improving the quality of the model using a paradigm called ``humans in the Loop.\u27\u27 This thesis describes the work carried out to create a Bambara-French MT system including data discovery, data preparation, model hyper-parameter tuning, the development of a crowdsourcing platform for humans in the loop, vocabulary sizing, and segmentation. We present a novel approach to machine translation (MT) for under-resourced languages by improving the quality of the model using a paradigm called ``humans in the Loop.\u27\u27 We achieved a BLEU (bilingual evaluation understudy) score of 17.5. The results confirm that MT for Bambara, despite our small data set, is viable. This work has the potential to contribute to the reduction of language barriers between the people of Sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of the world

    Neural Natural Language Generation: A Survey on Multilinguality, Multimodality, Controllability and Learning

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    Developing artificial learning systems that can understand and generate natural language has been one of the long-standing goals of artificial intelligence. Recent decades have witnessed an impressive progress on both of these problems, giving rise to a new family of approaches. Especially, the advances in deep learning over the past couple of years have led to neural approaches to natural language generation (NLG). These methods combine generative language learning techniques with neural-networks based frameworks. With a wide range of applications in natural language processing, neural NLG (NNLG) is a new and fast growing field of research. In this state-of-the-art report, we investigate the recent developments and applications of NNLG in its full extent from a multidimensional view, covering critical perspectives such as multimodality, multilinguality, controllability and learning strategies. We summarize the fundamental building blocks of NNLG approaches from these aspects and provide detailed reviews of commonly used preprocessing steps and basic neural architectures. This report also focuses on the seminal applications of these NNLG models such as machine translation, description generation, automatic speech recognition, abstractive summarization, text simplification, question answering and generation, and dialogue generation. Finally, we conclude with a thorough discussion of the described frameworks by pointing out some open research directions.This work has been partially supported by the European Commission ICT COST Action “Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation” (CA18231). AE was supported by BAGEP 2021 Award of the Science Academy. EE was supported in part by TUBA GEBIP 2018 Award. BP is in in part funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) grant 9063-00077B. IC has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 838188. EL is partly funded by Generalitat Valenciana and the Spanish Government throught projects PROMETEU/2018/089 and RTI2018-094649-B-I00, respectively. SMI is partly funded by UNIRI project uniri-drustv-18-20. GB is partly supported by the Ministry of Innovation and the National Research, Development and Innovation Office within the framework of the Hungarian Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory Programme. COT is partially funded by the Romanian Ministry of European Investments and Projects through the Competitiveness Operational Program (POC) project “HOLOTRAIN” (grant no. 29/221 ap2/07.04.2020, SMIS code: 129077) and by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) through the project “AWAKEN: content-Aware and netWork-Aware faKE News mitigation” (grant no. 91809005). ESA is partially funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) through the project “Deep-Learning Anomaly Detection for Human and Automated Users Behavior” (grant no. 91809358)