135 research outputs found

    Recent Advancements in Augmented Reality for Robotic Applications: A Survey

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    Robots are expanding from industrial applications to daily life, in areas such as medical robotics, rehabilitative robotics, social robotics, and mobile/aerial robotics systems. In recent years, augmented reality (AR) has been integrated into many robotic applications, including medical, industrial, human–robot interactions, and collaboration scenarios. In this work, AR for both medical and industrial robot applications is reviewed and summarized. For medical robot applications, we investigated the integration of AR in (1) preoperative and surgical task planning; (2) image-guided robotic surgery; (3) surgical training and simulation; and (4) telesurgery. AR for industrial scenarios is reviewed in (1) human–robot interactions and collaborations; (2) path planning and task allocation; (3) training and simulation; and (4) teleoperation control/assistance. In addition, the limitations and challenges are discussed. Overall, this article serves as a valuable resource for working in the field of AR and robotic research, offering insights into the recent state of the art and prospects for improvement

    Postprocesamiento CAM-ROBOTICA orientado al prototipado y mecanizado en células robotizadas complejas

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    The main interest of this thesis consists of the study and implementation of postprocessors to adapt the toolpath generated by a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system to a complex robotic workcell of eight joints, devoted to the rapid prototyping of 3D CAD-defined products. It consists of a 6R industrial manipulator mounted on a linear track and synchronized with a rotary table. To accomplish this main objective, previous work is required. Each task carried out entails a methodology, objective and partial results that complement each other, namely: - It is described the architecture of the workcell in depth, at both displacement and joint-rate levels, for both direct and inverse resolutions. The conditioning of the Jacobian matrix is described as kinetostatic performance index to evaluate the vicinity to singular postures. These ones are analysed from a geometric point of view. - Prior to any machining, the additional external joints require a calibration done in situ, usually in an industrial environment. A novel Non-contact Planar Constraint Calibration method is developed to estimate the external joints configuration parameters by means of a laser displacement sensor. - A first control is originally done by means of a fuzzy inference engine at the displacement level, which is integrated within the postprocessor of the CAM software. - Several Redundancy Resolution Schemes (RRS) at the joint-rate level are compared for the configuration of the postprocessor, dealing not only with the additional joints (intrinsic redundancy) but also with the redundancy due to the symmetry on the milling tool (functional redundancy). - The use of these schemes is optimized by adjusting two performance criterion vectors related to both singularity avoidance and maintenance of a preferred reference posture, as secondary tasks to be done during the path tracking. Two innovative fuzzy inference engines actively adjust the weight of each joint in these tasks.Andrés De La Esperanza, FJ. (2011). Postprocesamiento CAM-ROBOTICA orientado al prototipado y mecanizado en células robotizadas complejas [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10627Palanci

    Robots learn to behave: improving human-robot collaboration in flexible manufacturing applications

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    Safe navigation and human-robot interaction in assistant robotic applications

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    Feasibility of remotely manipulated welding in space. A step in the development of novel joining technologies

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    In order to establish permanent human presence in space technologies of constructing and repairing space stations and other space structures must be developed. Most construction jobs are performed on earth and the fabricated modules will then be delivered to space by the Space Shuttle. Only limited final assembly jobs, which are primarily mechanical fastening, will be performed on site in space. Such fabrication plans, however, limit the designs of these structures, because each module must fit inside the transport vehicle and must withstand launching stresses which are considerably high. Large-scale utilization of space necessitates more extensive construction work on site. Furthermore, continuous operations of space stations and other structures require maintenance and repairs of structural components as well as of tools and equipment on these space structures. Metal joining technologies, and especially high-quality welding, in space need developing

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein

    ISMCR 1994: Topical Workshop on Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics

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    This symposium on measurement and control in robotics included sessions on: (1) rendering, including tactile perception and applied virtual reality; (2) applications in simulated medical procedures and telerobotics; (3) tracking sensors in a virtual environment; (4) displays for virtual reality applications; (5) sensory feedback including a virtual environment application with partial gravity simulation; and (6) applications in education, entertainment, technical writing, and animation

    Learning about tooth removal with robot technology

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    Deze PhD-thesis richt zich op een fundamenteel onderzoek van de extractieleer en maakt daarbij gebruik van robottechnologie. Het onderzoek omvat zes inhoudelijke hoofdstukken, waarin verschillende aspecten van dit onderwerp worden behandeld. Het tweede hoofdstuk analyseert de literatuur over robottechnologie in de tandheelkunde en wijst op de matige kwaliteit van beschikbare literatuur, zeker als het op klinische toepassingen aankomt. Hoofdstuk 3 biedt een overzicht van robotsystemen in alle deelgebieden van de tandheelkunde sinds 1985. Hoofdstuk 4 introduceert een meetopstelling om krachten en bewegingen bij tandextracties nauwkeurig vast te leggen, terwijl hoofdstuk 5 de resultaten van een serie experimenten voor wat betreft krachten en momenten weergeeft. Hoofdstuk 6 beschrijft het bewegingsbereik en de snelheden tijdens tandheelkundige extracties, zoals gemeten met een robotarm. Hoofdstuk 7 beschrijft de ontwikkeling en eigenschappen van een classificatiemodel voor extracties op basis van kracht- en bewegingsgegevens. De conclusie benadrukt de toenemende interesse in robotinitiatieven in de tandheelkunde, de behoefte aan wetenschappelijke validatie van de toegevoegde waarde daarvan en het potentieel van robottechnologie om ons fundamentele begrip van de extractieleer te vergroten. De studies benadrukken het belang van gegevensverzameling, analyse en samenwerking tussen verschillende disciplines om ons fundamentele begrip van extracties te verbeteren, met een focus op tandheelkundig onderwijs en uiteindelijk de patiëntenzorg
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