659 research outputs found

    Keep it SMPL: Automatic Estimation of 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Single Image

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    We describe the first method to automatically estimate the 3D pose of the human body as well as its 3D shape from a single unconstrained image. We estimate a full 3D mesh and show that 2D joints alone carry a surprising amount of information about body shape. The problem is challenging because of the complexity of the human body, articulation, occlusion, clothing, lighting, and the inherent ambiguity in inferring 3D from 2D. To solve this, we first use a recently published CNN-based method, DeepCut, to predict (bottom-up) the 2D body joint locations. We then fit (top-down) a recently published statistical body shape model, called SMPL, to the 2D joints. We do so by minimizing an objective function that penalizes the error between the projected 3D model joints and detected 2D joints. Because SMPL captures correlations in human shape across the population, we are able to robustly fit it to very little data. We further leverage the 3D model to prevent solutions that cause interpenetration. We evaluate our method, SMPLify, on the Leeds Sports, HumanEva, and Human3.6M datasets, showing superior pose accuracy with respect to the state of the art.Comment: To appear in ECCV 201

    Action recognition in depth videos using nonparametric probabilistic graphical models

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    Action recognition involves automatically labelling videos that contain human motion with action classes. It has applications in diverse areas such as smart surveillance, human computer interaction and content retrieval. The recent advent of depth sensing technology that produces depth image sequences has offered opportunities to solve the challenging action recognition problem. The depth images facilitate robust estimation of a human skeleton’s 3D joint positions and a high level action can be inferred from a sequence of these joint positions. A natural way to model a sequence of joint positions is to use a graphical model that describes probabilistic dependencies between the observed joint positions and some hidden state variables. A problem with these models is that the number of hidden states must be fixed a priori even though for many applications this number is not known in advance. This thesis proposes nonparametric variants of graphical models with the number of hidden states automatically inferred from data. The inference is performed in a full Bayesian setting by using the Dirichlet Process as a prior over the model’s infinite dimensional parameter space. This thesis describes three original constructions of nonparametric graphical models that are applied in the classification of actions in depth videos. Firstly, the action classes are represented by a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) with an unbounded number of hidden states. The formulation enables information sharing and discriminative learning of parameters. Secondly, a hierarchical HMM with an unbounded number of actions and poses is used to represent activities. The construction produces a simplified model for activity classification by using logistic regression to capture the relationship between action states and activity labels. Finally, the action classes are modelled by a Hidden Conditional Random Field (HCRF) with the number of intermediate hidden states learned from data. Tractable inference procedures based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques are derived for all these constructions. Experiments with multiple benchmark datasets confirm the efficacy of the proposed approaches for action recognition

    Pushing the envelope for estimating poses and actions via full 3D reconstruction

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    Estimating poses and actions of human bodies and hands is an important task in the computer vision community due to its vast applications, including human computer interaction, virtual reality and augmented reality, medical image analysis. Challenges: There are many in-the-wild challenges in this task (see chapter 1). Among them, in this thesis, we focused on two challenges which could be relieved by incorporating the 3D geometry: (1) inherent 2D-to-3D ambiguity driven by the non-linear 2D projection process when capturing 3D objects. (2) lack of sufficient and quality annotated datasets due to the high-dimensionality of subjects' attribute space and inherent difficulty in annotating 3D coordinate values. Contributions: We first tried to jointly tackle the 2D-to-3D ambiguity and insufficient data issues by (1) explicitly reconstructing 2.5D and 3D samples and use them as new training data to train a pose estimator. Next, we tried to (2) encode 3D geometry in the training process of the action recognizer to reduce the 2D-to-3D ambiguity. In appendix, we proposed a (3) new hand pose synthetic dataset that can be used for more complete attribute changes and multi-modal experiments in the future. Experiments: Throughout experiments, we found interesting facts: (1) 2.5D depth map reconstruction and data augmentation can improve the accuracy of the depth-based hand pose estimation algorithm, (2) 3D mesh reconstruction can be used to generate a new RGB data and it improves the accuracy of RGB-based dense hand pose estimation algorithm, (3) 3D geometry from 3D poses and scene layouts could be successfully utilized to reduce the 2D-to-3D ambiguity in the action recognition problem.Open Acces

    Action recognition from RGB-D data

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    In recent years, action recognition based on RGB-D data has attracted increasing attention. Different from traditional 2D action recognition, RGB-D data contains extra depth and skeleton modalities. Different modalities have their own characteristics. This thesis presents seven novel methods to take advantages of the three modalities for action recognition. First, effective handcrafted features are designed and frequent pattern mining method is employed to mine the most discriminative, representative and nonredundant features for skeleton-based action recognition. Second, to take advantages of powerful Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets), it is proposed to represent spatio-temporal information carried in 3D skeleton sequences in three 2D images by encoding the joint trajectories and their dynamics into color distribution in the images, and ConvNets are adopted to learn the discriminative features for human action recognition. Third, for depth-based action recognition, three strategies of data augmentation are proposed to apply ConvNets to small training datasets. Forth, to take full advantage of the 3D structural information offered in the depth modality and its being insensitive to illumination variations, three simple, compact yet effective images-based representations are proposed and ConvNets are adopted for feature extraction and classification. However, both of previous two methods are sensitive to noise and could not differentiate well fine-grained actions. Fifth, it is proposed to represent a depth map sequence into three pairs of structured dynamic images at body, part and joint levels respectively through bidirectional rank pooling to deal with the issue. The structured dynamic image preserves the spatial-temporal information, enhances the structure information across both body parts/joints and different temporal scales, and takes advantages of ConvNets for action recognition. Sixth, it is proposed to extract and use scene flow for action recognition from RGB and depth data. Last, to exploit the joint information in multi-modal features arising from heterogeneous sources (RGB, depth), it is proposed to cooperatively train a single ConvNet (referred to as c-ConvNet) on both RGB features and depth features, and deeply aggregate the two modalities to achieve robust action recognition

    Joint optimization of manifold learning and sparse representations for face and gesture analysis

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    Face and gesture understanding algorithms are powerful enablers in intelligent vision systems for surveillance, security, entertainment, and smart spaces. In the future, complex networks of sensors and cameras may disperse directions to lost tourists, perform directory lookups in the office lobby, or contact the proper authorities in case of an emergency. To be effective, these systems will need to embrace human subtleties while interacting with people in their natural conditions. Computer vision and machine learning techniques have recently become adept at solving face and gesture tasks using posed datasets in controlled conditions. However, spontaneous human behavior under unconstrained conditions, or in the wild, is more complex and is subject to considerable variability from one person to the next. Uncontrolled conditions such as lighting, resolution, noise, occlusions, pose, and temporal variations complicate the matter further. This thesis advances the field of face and gesture analysis by introducing a new machine learning framework based upon dimensionality reduction and sparse representations that is shown to be robust in posed as well as natural conditions. Dimensionality reduction methods take complex objects, such as facial images, and attempt to learn lower dimensional representations embedded in the higher dimensional data. These alternate feature spaces are computationally more efficient and often more discriminative. The performance of various dimensionality reduction methods on geometric and appearance based facial attributes are studied leading to robust facial pose and expression recognition models. The parsimonious nature of sparse representations (SR) has successfully been exploited for the development of highly accurate classifiers for various applications. Despite the successes of SR techniques, large dictionaries and high dimensional data can make these classifiers computationally demanding. Further, sparse classifiers are subject to the adverse effects of a phenomenon known as coefficient contamination, where for example variations in pose may affect identity and expression recognition. This thesis analyzes the interaction between dimensionality reduction and sparse representations to present a unified sparse representation classification framework that addresses both issues of computational complexity and coefficient contamination. Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction is shown to mitigate the coefficient contamination problems associated with SR classifiers. The combination of semi-supervised dimensionality reduction with SR systems forms the cornerstone for a new face and gesture framework called Manifold based Sparse Representations (MSR). MSR is shown to deliver state-of-the-art facial understanding capabilities. To demonstrate the applicability of MSR to new domains, MSR is expanded to include temporal dynamics. The joint optimization of dimensionality reduction and SRs for classification purposes is a relatively new field. The combination of both concepts into a single objective function produce a relation that is neither convex, nor directly solvable. This thesis studies this problem to introduce a new jointly optimized framework. This framework, termed LGE-KSVD, utilizes variants of Linear extension of Graph Embedding (LGE) along with modified K-SVD dictionary learning to jointly learn the dimensionality reduction matrix, sparse representation dictionary, sparse coefficients, and sparsity-based classifier. By injecting LGE concepts directly into the K-SVD learning procedure, this research removes the support constraints K-SVD imparts on dictionary element discovery. Results are shown for facial recognition, facial expression recognition, human activity analysis, and with the addition of a concept called active difference signatures, delivers robust gesture recognition from Kinect or similar depth cameras

    The computational magic of the ventral stream: sketch of a theory (and why some deep architectures work).

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    This paper explores the theoretical consequences of a simple assumption: the computational goal of the feedforward path in the ventral stream -- from V1, V2, V4 and to IT -- is to discount image transformations, after learning them during development
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