121 research outputs found

    Genetic analysis of self-associating immunoglobulin G rheumatoid factors from two rheumatoid synovia implicates an antigen-driven response.

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    Although much has been learned about the molecular basis of immunoglobulin M (IgM) rheumatoid factors (RFs) in healthy individuals and in patients with mixed cryoglobulinemia and rheumatoid arthritis, little is known about the genetic origins of the potentially pathogenic IgG RFs in the inflamed rheumatoid synovia of patients. Recently, we generated from unmanipulated synovium B cells several hybridomas that secreted self-associating IgG RFs. To delineate the genetic origins of such potentially pathogenic RFs, we adapted the anchored polymerase chain reaction to rapidly clone and characterize the expressed Ig V genes for the L1 and the D1 IgG RFs. Then, we identified the germline counterparts of the expressed L1 IgG RF V genes. The results showed that the L1 heavy chain was encoded by a Vh gene that is expressed preferentially during early ontogenic development, and that is probably located within 240 kb upstream of the Jh locus. The overlap between this RF Vh gene and the restricted fetal antibody repertoire is reminiscent of the natural antibody-associated Vh genes, and suggests that at least part of the "potential pathogenic" IgG RFs in rheumatoid synovium may derive from the "physiological" natural antibody repertoire in a normal immune system. Indeed, the corresponding germline Vh gene for L1 encodes the heavy chain of an IgM RF found in a 19-wk-old fetal spleen. Furthermore, the comparisons of the expressed RF V genes and their germline counterparts reveal that the L1 heavy and light chain variable regions had, respectively, 16 and 7 somatic mutations, which resulted in eight and four amino acid changes. Strikingly, all eight mutations in the complementarity determining regions of the V gene-encoded regions were replacement changes, while only 6 of 11 mutations in the framework regions caused amino acid changes. Combined with L1's high binding affinity toward the Fc fragment, these results suggest strongly that the L1 IgG RF must have been driven by the Fc antigen

    Antibody Epitope Specificity for dsDNA Phosphate Backbone Is an Intrinsic Property of the Heavy Chain Variable Germline Gene Segment Used

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    Analysis of protein sequences by the informational spectrum method (ISM) enables characterization of their specificity according to encoded information represented with defined frequency (F). Our previous data showed that F(0.367) is characteristic for variable heavy chain (VH) domains (a combination of variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) gene segments) of the anti-phosphocholine (PC) T15 antibodies and mostly dependent on the CDR2 region, a site for PC phosphate group binding. Because the T15 dsDNA-reactive U4 mutant also encodes F(0.367), we hypothesized that the same frequency may also be characteristic for anti-DNA antibodies. Data obtained from an analysis of 60 spontaneously produced anti-DNA antibody VH domain sequences supported our hypothesis only for antibodies, which use V gene segment in germline configuration, such as S57(VH31), MRL-DNA22, and VH11, members of the VH1 (J558) and VH7 (S107) gene families. The important finding is that out of seven V gene segments used by spontaneous anti-DNA antibodies, F(0.367) is only expressed by the germline configuration of these three V gene segments. The data suggest that antibody specificity for the phosphate group moiety delineated as F(0.367) is the intrinsic property of the V germline gene segments used, whereas paratope/epitope interaction with antigens bearing this epitope, such as PC or dsDNA, requires corresponding antibody VH conformation that is susceptible to somatic mutation(s). © 2018 Srdic-Rajic, Kohler, Jurisic and Metlas

    Prediction of polyspecificity from antibody sequence data by machine learning

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    Antibodies are generated with great diversity in nature resulting in a set of molecules, each optimized to bind a specific target. Taking advantage of their diversity and specificity, antibodies make up for a large part of recently developed biologic drugs. For therapeutic use antibodies need to fulfill several criteria to be safe and efficient. Polyspecific antibodies can bind structurally unrelated molecules in addition to their main target, which can lead to side effects and decreased efficacy in a therapeutic setting, for example via reduction of effective drug levels. Therefore, we created a neural-network-based model to predict polyspecificity of antibodies using the heavy chain variable region sequence as input. We devised a strategy for enriching antibodies from an immunization campaign either for antigen-specific or polyspecific binding properties, followed by generation of a large sequencing data set for training and cross-validation of the model. We identified important physico-chemical features influencing polyspecificity by investigating the behaviour of this model. This work is a machine-learning-based approach to polyspecificity prediction and, besides increasing our understanding of polyspecificity, it might contribute to therapeutic antibody development

    Germline-encoded neutralization of a Staphylococcus aureus virulence factor by the human antibody repertoire.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is both an important pathogen and a human commensal. To explore this ambivalent relationship between host and microbe, we analysed the memory humoral response against IsdB, a protein involved in iron acquisition, in four healthy donors. Here we show that in all donors a heavily biased use of two immunoglobulin heavy chain germlines generated high affinity (pM) antibodies that neutralize the two IsdB NEAT domains, IGHV4-39 for NEAT1 and IGHV1-69 for NEAT2. In contrast to the typical antibody/antigen interactions, the binding is primarily driven by the germline-encoded hydrophobic CDRH-2 motifs of IGHV1-69 and IGHV4-39, with a binding mechanism nearly identical for each antibody derived from different donors. Our results suggest that IGHV1-69 and IGHV4-39, while part of the adaptive immune system, may have evolved under selection pressure to encode a binding motif innately capable of recognizing and neutralizing a structurally conserved protein domain involved in pathogen iron acquisition