10 research outputs found

    Human activity recognition making use of long short-term memory techniques

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    The optimisation and validation of a classifiers performance when applied to real world problems is not always effectively shown. In much of the literature describing the application of artificial neural network architectures to Human Activity Recognition (HAR) problems, postural transitions are grouped together and treated as a singular class. This paper proposes, investigates and validates the development of an optimised artificial neural network based on Long-Short Term Memory techniques (LSTM), with repeated cross validation used to validate the performance of the classifier. The results of the optimised LSTM classifier are comparable or better to that of previous research making use of the same dataset, achieving 95% accuracy under repeated 10-fold cross validation using grouped postural transitions. The work in this paper also achieves 94% accuracy under repeated 10-fold cross validation whilst treating each common postural transition as a separate class (and thus providing more context to each activity)

    Physical activity recognition by utilising smartphone sensor signals

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    Human physical motion activity identification has many potential applications in various fields, such as medical diagnosis, military sensing, sports analysis, and human-computer security interaction. With the recent advances in smartphones and wearable technologies, it has become common for such devices to have embedded motion sensors that are able to sense even small body movements. This study collected human activity data from 60 participants across two different days for a total of six activities recorded by gyroscope and accelerometer sensors in a modern smartphone. The paper investigates to what extent different activities can be identified by utilising machine learning algorithms using approaches such as majority algorithmic voting. More analyses are also provided that reveal which time and frequency domain-based features were best able to identify individuals’ motion activity types. Overall, the proposed approach achieved a classification accuracy of 98% in identifying four different activities: walking, walking upstairs, walking downstairs, and sitting (on a chair) while the subject is calm and doing a typical desk-based activity

    Physical activity recognition by utilising smartphone sensor signals

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    Human physical motion activity identification has many potential applications in various fields, such as medical diagnosis, military sensing, sports analysis, and human-computer security interaction. With the recent advances in smartphones and wearable technologies, it has become common for such devices to have embedded motion sensors that are able to sense even small body movements. This study collected human activity data from 60 participants across two different days for a total of six activities recorded by gyroscope and accelerometer sensors in a modern smartphone. The paper investigates to what extent different activities can be identified by utilising machine learning algorithms using approaches such as majority algorithmic voting. More analyses are also provided that reveal which time and frequency domain-based features were best able to identify individuals' motion activity types. Overall, the proposed approach achieved a classification accuracy of 98% in identifying four different activities: walking, walking upstairs, walking downstairs, and sitting (on a chair) while the subject is calm and doing a typical desk-based activity

    Reconocimiento y Clasificación de Actividades Infantiles Utilizando Sonido Ambiental

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    En este trabajo se describe de manera detallada el contexto sobre el cual se desarrolla el presente trabajo a cerca del reconocimiento y clasificación de actividades infantiles utilizando sonido ambiental, como propuesta de tema para la tesis doctoral. A su vez, se presenta el planteamiento específico del problema, analizando los factores que influyen en él y las consideraciones a tomar en cuenta. Se describen además, de manera breve, las soluciones propuestas a través de este trabajo para abordar el problema aquí tratado, mencionando los métodos aplicados para llegar a ellas. También se muestra la hipótesis de investigación, así como el objetivo general y los objetivos específicos. En la parte final se presentan las contribuciones hechas con la realización del presente trabajo y la forma en la que está estructurado este documento

    Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones with Awareness of Basic Activities and Postural Transitions

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    Postural Transitions (PTs) are transitory movements that describe the change of state from one static posture to another. In sev- eral Human Activity Recognition (HAR) systems, these transitions cannot be disregarded due to their noticeable incidence with respect to the duration of other Basic Activities (BAs). In this work, we propose an online smartphone-based HAR system which deals with the occurrence of postural transitions. If treated properly, the system accuracy improves by avoiding fluctuations in the classifier. The method consists of concurrently exploiting Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and temporal filters of activity probability estimations within a limited time window. We present the benefits of this approach through experiments over a new HAR dataset, which we also make publicly available. We also show the new approach performs better than a previous baseline system, where PTs were not taken into account