5 research outputs found

    Computing the Role that Women Hold in the Technology and Computing Fields

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    This research was conducted as a thesis project to study what roles women have played in information technology over time, how those roles have changed over time, and what caused those roles to change. It was also to study how personal life experiences may have affected their roles and careers in the technology field. Influential women in IT of the past were studied and compared to determine any common factors between them

    Dynamics of Gender Bias in Computing

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    Gender bias in computing is a hard problem that has resisted decades of research. One obstacle has been the absence of systematic data that might indicate when gender bias emerged in computing and how it has changed. This article presents a new dataset (N=50,000) focusing on formative years of computing as a profession (1950-1980) when U.S. government workforce statistics are thin or non-existent. This longitudinal dataset, based on archival records from six computer user groups (SHARE, USE, and others) and ACM conference attendees and membership rosters, revises commonly held conjectures that gender bias in computing emerged during professionalization of computer science in the 1960s or 1970s and that there was a 'linear' one-time onset of gender bias to the present. Such a linear view also lent support to the "pipeline" model of computing's "losing" women at successive career stages. Instead, this dataset reveals three distinct periods of gender bias in computing and so invites temporally distinct explanations for these changing dynamics. It significantly revises both scholarly assessment and popular understanding about gender bias in computing. It also draws attention to diversity within computing. One consequence of this research for CS reform efforts today is data-driven recognition that legacies of gender bias beginning in the mid-1980s (not in earlier decades) is the problem. A second consequence is correcting the public image of computer science: this research shows that gender bias is a contingent aspect of professional computing, not an intrinsic or permanent one.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Mujeres en TIC: Una historia de pioneras ocultas/menoscabadas y omisiones en la bibliograf铆a = Women in ICT: A history of hidden/undermined pioneers and omissions in bibliography

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    La ciencia y la tecnolog铆a son reconocidas como fuerzas motrices del desarrollo econ贸mico y social, ya que est谩n en el origen de la innovaci贸n, es decir, de la aplicaci贸n del conocimiento y la tecnolog铆a generados en soluciones reales que mejoran el bienestar de las personas. Aunque los nuevos conocimientos potencialmente pueden beneficiar a todas las personas, es importante reconocer que no todas tienen las mismas necesidades y problem谩ticas, por el contrario, estas necesidades son diversas y var铆an seg煤n caracter铆sticas como el sexo, la edad, el grupo social, entre otras. El enfoque de g茅nero propone considerar estas diferencias proporcionando un marco para mejorar la representaci贸n y participaci贸n en la generaci贸n del conocimiento y la capacidad diferencial para atender estas necesidades y para identificar intervenciones y soluciones apropiadas para los distintos grupos.Fil: Henning, Gabriela Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol贸gico para la Industria Qu铆mica. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol贸gico para la Industria Qu铆mica; Argentin

    Women in ICT: A history of hidden/undermined pioneers and omissions in bibliography

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    [ES] Este trabajo analiza algunas dimensiones de la brecha de g茅nero en el campo de las TIC. 脡sta no puede comprenderse en forma cabal, si no se reconoce cu谩l ha sido la historia de la mujer en la disciplina. Esta es una historia de mujeres invisibles, opacadas, a quienes se les negaron las posiciones de liderazgo o se les dificult贸 sobremanera alcanzarlas. Tambi茅n expone una situaci贸n donde la negaci贸n de la mujer se llev贸 al extremo. Tal es el caso de la Inteligencia Artificial y el taller que le dio origen como disciplina, configurando un universo masculino que se manifiesta desde las casi nulas posiciones de liderazgo, hasta la bibliograf铆a sesgada que es discutida en el art铆culo.[EN] This contribution analyzes some dimensions of the gender gap in the ICT field. This problem cannot be fully understood without recognizing the history of women in the discipline. This is a story of invisible, opaque women, who were denied leadership positions or had great difficulty in reaching them. It also exposes a situation where the denial of women was carried to the extreme. Such is the case of Artificial Intelligence and the workshop that gave rise to it as a discipline. This birth configured a masculine universe that manifests itself from the almost null positions of leadership, to the biased bibliography that is discussed in the article