10 research outputs found

    Developing Feature Sets for Geographically Diverse External End Users: A Call for Value-Based Preference Modeling

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    Here we explore the terrain of understanding the value of IT applications for diverse users across geographically diverse markets. The domain of our investigation is the development of features for applications that make use of presence and location information about the user. There is good reason to believe that such applications might create substantial value for mobile device users because the systems could use our declared availability and intentions (presence) along with our location to present us with information and choices of high circumstantial value. We explored the use of wide audience requirements engineering (WARE) to collect and analyze data from potential lead users in Helsinki, Las Vegas, and Hong Kong about their preferences for applications using presence and location information. We further analyzed the data to differentiate among the three cities. Results showed substantial differences in user preferences for presence and location enabled applications across the three cities, suggesting that applications developed for one market might not succeed in the others. We propose the design of new methods to develop distinct feature sets for IT applications intended for use by diverse users in different markets

    Az információrendszer-stratégia kialakításának problémái Magyarországon

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    A szerző ebben a cikkében elsősorban azokkal a magyar vállalatokat érintő kérdésekkel foglalkozik, amelyek a vállalati információrendszer-stratégia kialakításának szervezeti környezetével kapcsolatban vetnek fel gondolatokat, megvizsgálandó felvetéseket. Mivel a hazai szakirodalomban egyelőre nincs a témával kapcsolatos publikált vizsgálat, ezért feltáró jelleggel a BKÁE Informatikai menedzser szakosított továbbképzés másodéves hallgatóinak szóbeli és írásbeli elemzéseit, problémafelvetéseit rendszerezte és csoportosította a 2002-es tavaszi tanév során

    Assuring Homeland Security: Continuous Monitoring, Control and Assurance of Emergency Preparedness

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    This paper examines the potential relationships of Continuous Auditing and Emergency Preparedness to the design, development, and implementation of Emergency Response Management Information Systems (ERMIS). It develops an argument for the integration of emergency response processes and continuous decision process auditing requirements into the system development life cycle of an organization wide ERMIS

    Communication Artifacts and Interaction Evaluation for Requirements Engineering

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    This paper aims to answer an important question regarding the development of new information systems (IS): What is the predominant factor for the selection of communication artifacts for requirements engineering (RE)? . Many researchers have focused on the RE and communication as separate disciplines, but little or no research addressed the RE communication issues. These problems are important because they often lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the gathered requirements. We develop expectations about the RE communication process based on prior literature from both disciplines and we test them through several case studies. Our methodology consists of analysis of six case studies we investigated. We conducted interviews and then we used the data to answer the research question and to see if the data from the case studies were consistent with our expectations. The paper contributes to existing literature, as it provides evidence that organizational environment is the predominant factor in the selection of communication artifacts, and that the motivation of the participants plays a key role when determining the levels of interaction amongst participants. And finally, we investigate the transitional RE phases and discover that they are viewed as overlapping with the main RE phases and that there is some cross-communication between the participants during those transitional phases

    Backcountry adventure as spiritual experience: a means-end study

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 2007The purpose of this study was twofold. First, to establish an understanding of what is meant when someone describes a backcountry adventure as spiritual. The second purpose of this study was to better understand the relationships between the attributes, consequences, and values (ACV) of the spiritual aspects of a backcountry adventure. Interviews were conducted with 63 backcountry users in the region of Teton Pass, Wyoming. Data analysis consisted of two main stages. First, informant statements were coded for content analysis. A total of 23 content categories were generated: six attributes, nine consequences and eight values. These concepts compose the spiritual experience of backcountry adventures expressed in the data. Inter-rater reliability was calculated at 99.22%. For stage two, implication matrices were generated for the frequency of association between the ACV concepts represented in each hierarchical value map (HVM). An analysis of informant subgroups was conducted based on gender, age, years of backcountry experience, type of activity leading to spiritual experience, and level of skill associated with that activity. A total of 18 HVMs were generated for analysis, two for the overall data and one for each of the 16 subgroups examined for the purposes of identifying possible differences. These HVM were interpreted visually and numerically based on frequency and strength of ACV associations. The eight values identified represent a construct of spirituality; most frequently expressed were a transcendent experience (63%), increased awareness (46%), connection to others (43%), and a sense of fulfillment (29%). The major consequences were focus (38%), reflection (30%), tranquility (32%) and an appreciation of beauty (32%). The more prevalent attributes were the natural backcountry setting (95%) and the adventure (35%). The attribute of a social interaction (29%) was identified as important for the benefit of sharing an experience (27%) and the resulting value of improved sense of connection to others. Mental and physical exercise (35%), resulting in the benefits of enhanced sense of wellbeing (22%), were also recognized as contributing to the spiritual meaning. The backcountry provided the benefit of enjoyment (25%). Other ACV concepts and ACV associations that contribute to spiritual meaning were identified

    Contextualizing openness : situating open science

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    Includes abstract in FrenchContextualizing Openness offers a fascinating look at Open Science and the democratization of knowledge in international development and social transformation with a focus on the Global South. This volume presents contri¬butions from the 12 projects that form the Open and Collaborative Science in Development Network (OCSDNet) organized around four central themes: Defining Open Sci¬ence in Development, Governing Open Science, Negotiat¬ing Open Science, and Expanding Open Science for Social Transformation. The collective goal is to illustrate how the opportunities and challenges associated with openness vary across regions and, further, to identify the key dif¬ferences that characterize the actors, institutions, as well as the infrastructure and governance of knowledge-based resources in highly diverse settings. To understand the movement toward Open Science and its impact on the thinking and practices that drive development, we must challenge the asymmetry of global knowledge production and of access to this knowledge. Contextualizing Open¬ness aims at stimulating further research and debates how to collectively design a knowledge system that is open and equitable for all

    Designing AI-Based Systems for Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis

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    With the continuously increasing impact of information systems (IS) on private and professional life, it has become crucial to integrate users in the IS development process. One of the critical reasons for failed IS projects is the inability to accurately meet user requirements, resulting from an incomplete or inaccurate collection of requirements during the requirements elicitation (RE) phase. While interviews are the most effective RE technique, they face several challenges that make them a questionable fit for the numerous, heterogeneous, and geographically distributed users of contemporary IS. Three significant challenges limit the involvement of a large number of users in IS development processes today. Firstly, there is a lack of tool support to conduct interviews with a wide audience. While initial studies show promising results in utilizing text-based conversational agents (chatbots) as interviewer substitutes, we lack design knowledge for designing AI-based chatbots that leverage established interviewing techniques in the context of RE. By successfully applying chatbot-based interviewing, vast amounts of qualitative data can be collected. Secondly, there is a need to provide tool support enabling the analysis of large amounts of qualitative interview data. Once again, while modern technologies, such as machine learning (ML), promise remedy, concrete implementations of automated analysis for unstructured qualitative data lag behind the promise. There is a need to design interactive ML (IML) systems for supporting the coding process of qualitative data, which centers around simple interaction formats to teach the ML system, and transparent and understandable suggestions to support data analysis. Thirdly, while organizations rely on online feedback to inform requirements without explicitly conducting RE interviews (e.g., from app stores), we know little about the demographics of who is giving feedback and what motivates them to do so. Using online feedback as requirement source risks including solely the concerns and desires of vocal user groups. With this thesis, I tackle these three challenges in two parts. In part I, I address the first and the second challenge by presenting and evaluating two innovative AI-based systems, a chatbot for requirements elicitation and an IML system to semi-automate qualitative coding. In part II, I address the third challenge by presenting results from a large-scale study on IS feedback engagement. With both parts, I contribute with prescriptive knowledge for designing AI-based qualitative data collection and analysis systems and help to establish a deeper understanding of the coverage of existing data collected from online sources. Besides providing concrete artifacts, architectures, and evaluations, I demonstrate the application of a chatbot interviewer to understand user values in smartphones and provide guidance for extending feedback coverage from underrepresented IS user groups

    How to identify new high-payoff information systems for the organization

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    The steps needed to be taken for identifying high payoff information systems for organizations are discussed. It is found that viewing users as partners and their personal knowledge of the organization as a strategic asset helps CIOs justify project proposals with the greatest promise for achieving organizational goals. The steps included in the Critical Success Chain (CSC) method used for IS planning are also discussed. A case study of how CSC was implemented at Wing Fat Foods (WFF), the name of the firm and specific details regarding the implementation are also discussed

    Factores críticos de sucesso do sistema de informação para a gestão de emergências em Moçambique

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    Classificação JEL: M15 – IT Management, H84 – Disaster AidA gestão de emergências (GE) depende fortemente da existência de um sistema de informação, suficientemente flexível e adequado às características das operações, e constitui, de acordo com a literatura, um dos maiores desafios na GE. O estudo apresenta os resultados da identificação dos Factores Críticos de Sucesso (FCS) do Sistema de Informação de Gestão de Emergências (SIGE) em Moçambique. As cheias do ano de 2013 em Moçambique, na província de Gaza, foram utilizadas como foco do estudo de caso, usando uma abordagem qualitativa, através de uma pesquisa descritiva e da utilização do método dos FCS. O estudo evidenciou os seguintes factores críticos para o sucesso dos SIGE em Moçambique: o uso de sistemas padronizados para assegurar a qualidade e utilidade da informação; um sistema informático flexível e simples de actualizar, o fácil acesso e disponibilidade de dados; a garantia da capacidade de organização e de liderança nos SIGE; o uso de sistemas simples e disponíveis de Comunicação e de Partilha de Informação; a manutenção do investimento feito na coordenação.The emergency management (EM) is strongly dependent from an information system sufficiently flexible and appropriate to the operational characteristics and demands represent, according to the literature, one of the biggest challenges in the EM. The study presents the results of the identification of the Emergency Management Information System (EMIS) Critical Success Factors (CSF) in Mozambique. The 2013 floods, in Gaza province were taken as a case study, through a qualitative approach, using descriptive process and the CSF method. The study indicate that the use of standardized tools, to facilitate better quality and the use of the information; that the IS should be flexible and simple to use and update, and to facilitate the access and availability of the data; appropriate capacity on the organization and leadership of the EMSI; the use of existing and simple communication systems and continued investments in coordination are the CSF for an efficient EMSI

    Application of sensory methodologies to the development of functional foods

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    El objetivo general de la tesis fue la aplicación y el estudio de metodologías sensoriales al desarrollo de un alimento funcional. La tesis se dividió en tres grandes partes: el estudio de la percepción de alimentos funcionales por parte de consumidores uruguayos, el estudio de extractos antioxidantes de plantas nativas uruguayas como ingredientes funcionales, y el desarrollo de un alimento funcional enriquecido con antioxidantes. En la primer parte de la tesis se estudió la percepción de consumidores uruguayos de alimentos funcionales mediante la aplicación de distintas metodologías (encuestas, laddering, asociación libre y análisis conjunto). Los resultados de los estudios realizados indicaron que los consumidores uruguayos tienen una actitud positiva hacia los alimentos funcionales. En particular, los consumidores estuvieron interesados en postres lácteos y yogures enriquecidos con antioxidantes. La f en que se declara el agregado del ingrediente funcional y la utilización de declaraciones sobre efectos en la salud tuvieron un elevado impacto en el interés de los consumidores en estos productos. Luego, se estudió el perfil sensorial, el contenido de polifenoles y la capacidad de secuestrar radicales libres de tres extractos (acuoso, etanólico y acetónico) de tres plantas nativas uruguayas ( , and ). Debido a la elevada intensidad de amargor, astringencia y sabor característico de los extractos, se estudiaron alternativas para reducir estos sabores: sacarosa, sucralosa, polidextrosa leche y saborizantes. Los resultados indicaron que productos lácteos dulces sabor chocolate podrían ser alimentos base interesantes para el desarrollo de alimentos funcionales enriquecidos con extractos antioxidantes ricos en polifenoles obtenidos de . Utilizando diferentes metodologías, como mapeos proyectivos, preguntas abiertas, preguntas marque todo lo que corresponda y mapeos de preferencia externos se seleccionó una formu ión de Achyrocline s atureoide s Baccharis trime ra Mikania guaco Achyrocline s atureoide s un postre lácteo de chocolate con una elevada aceptación por parte de los consumidores. Utilizando esta formulación como producto base, se desarrollaron postres lácteos de chocolate enriquecidos con un extracto antioxidante acuoso de . Considerando los puntajes de aceptablidad de los consumidores se determinó que la máxima concentración de este extracto que podría ser agregada a los postres correspondía a una concentración de polifenoles de 0.4 g/L. Este producto podría alcanzar una porción interesante del mercado debido a que una alta proporción de los consumidores lo eligió frente a un postre lácteo de chocolate común. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de este tipo de alimento funcional podría ser una alternativa para que las empresas lácteas uruguayas lancen al Mercado productos diferenciales con un mayor valor agregado. Todas las metodologías evaluadas probaron ser extremadamente útiles durante el desarrollo de un alimento funcional. Las mismas podrían ser utilizadas en el desarrollo de alimentos para lograr incorporar en mayor medida las necesidades de los consumidores, lo cual podría aumentar el éxito del pro e desarrollo de nuevos productos