137 research outputs found

    Digital Entrepreneurship

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    This open access book explores the global challenges and experiences related to digital entrepreneurial activities, using carefully selected examples from leading companies and economies that shape world business today and tomorrow. Digital entrepreneurship and the companies steering it have an enormous global impact; they promise to transform the business world and change the way we communicate with each other. These companies use digitalization and artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of decisions and augment their business and customer operations. This book demonstrates how cloud services are continuing to evolve; how cryptocurrencies are traded in the banking industry; how platforms are created to commercialize business, and how, taken together, these developments provide new opportunities in the digitalized era. Further, it discusses a wide range of digital factors changing the way businesses operate, including artificial intelligence, chatbots, voice search, augmented and virtual reality, as well as cyber threats and data privacy management. “Digitalization mirrors the Industrial Revolution’s impact. This book provides a complement of perspectives on the opportunities emanating from such a deep seated change in our economy. It is a comprehensive collection of thought leadership mapped into a very useful framework. Scholars, digital entrepreneurs and practitioners will benefit from this timely work.” Gina O’Connor, Professor of Innovation Management at Babson College, USA “This book defines and delineates the requirements for companies to enable their businesses to succeed in a post-COVID19 world. This book deftly examines how to accomplish and achieve digital entrepreneurship by leveraging cloud computing, AI, IoT and other critical technologies. This is truly a unique “must-read” book because it goes beyond theory and provides practical examples.” Charlie Isaacs, CTO of Customer Connection at Salesforce.com, USA "This book provides digital entrepreneurs useful guidance identifying, validating and building their venture. The international authors developed new perspectives on digital entrepreneurship that can support to create impact ventures.” Felix Staeritz, CEO FoundersLane, Member of the World Economic Forum Digital Leaders Board and bestselling author of FightBack, German

    Digital Entrepreneurship

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    This open access book explores the global challenges and experiences related to digital entrepreneurial activities, using carefully selected examples from leading companies and economies that shape world business today and tomorrow. Digital entrepreneurship and the companies steering it have an enormous global impact; they promise to transform the business world and change the way we communicate with each other. These companies use digitalization and artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of decisions and augment their business and customer operations. This book demonstrates how cloud services are continuing to evolve; how cryptocurrencies are traded in the banking industry; how platforms are created to commercialize business, and how, taken together, these developments provide new opportunities in the digitalized era. Further, it discusses a wide range of digital factors changing the way businesses operate, including artificial intelligence, chatbots, voice search, augmented and virtual reality, as well as cyber threats and data privacy management. “Digitalization mirrors the Industrial Revolution’s impact. This book provides a complement of perspectives on the opportunities emanating from such a deep seated change in our economy. It is a comprehensive collection of thought leadership mapped into a very useful framework. Scholars, digital entrepreneurs and practitioners will benefit from this timely work.” Gina O’Connor, Professor of Innovation Management at Babson College, USA “This book defines and delineates the requirements for companies to enable their businesses to succeed in a post-COVID19 world. This book deftly examines how to accomplish and achieve digital entrepreneurship by leveraging cloud computing, AI, IoT and other critical technologies. This is truly a unique “must-read” book because it goes beyond theory and provides practical examples.” Charlie Isaacs, CTO of Customer Connection at Salesforce.com, USA "This book provides digital entrepreneurs useful guidance identifying, validating and building their venture. The international authors developed new perspectives on digital entrepreneurship that can support to create impact ventures.” Felix Staeritz, CEO FoundersLane, Member of the World Economic Forum Digital Leaders Board and bestselling author of FightBack, German

    Agricultural Innovation and Service Delivery through Mobile Phones : Analyses in Kenya

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    Mobile phones have become the most ubiquitous telecommunication technology in developing countries. To take advantage of this trend, businesses, government agencies and non-governmental organisations are increasingly turning their attention to the delivery of services through mobile phones (m-services) in areas such as health, education, agriculture and entertainment. In the agriculture sector, information services are most common while m-payments, virtual markets and supply chain management systems are also expanding. The use of mobile phones in agricultural service delivery is still at an early stage, however, and most of the services have yet to reach scale and long-term financial sustainability. The dissertation examines how m-services could facilitate the participation of farmers in agricultural innovation processes, including the development and adoption of agricultural technologies. Four types of services are identified: information and learning, financial services, access to inputs and access to output markets. Existing empirical evidence in this research area is still scarce. To date, most of the research has focused on mobile phones as such. Only a few studies have looked specifically at m-services and their findings are not clear-cut. Several of them highlight benefits for farmers, including improved management practices, higher productivity or higher prices, while others do not find positive impacts. Kenya is widely seen as frontrunner in the development of m-services in Sub-Saharan Africa. The growth of the vibrant technology scene was facilitated by a number of factors, including the improving network infrastructure, government regulations and a supportive innovation environment that offers access to innovation hubs, finance and human resources. The growing customer base provides a promising market for m-service developers and through the mobile payment service M-Pesa, many Kenyans are already familiar with the use of their mobile phone for non-call related activities. A range of m-services are available for Kenyan farmers. However, the reach and scale of these services is still limited despite the conducive environment and their impacts have not been assessed. The dissertation presents the case study of M-Farm, an m-service that offers price information and marketing services to Kenyan farmers. It examines how the service has impacted farmers' decision to adopt agricultural technologies and their ability to generate income from their use. Farmers were very enthusiastic about the positive impact of M-Farm on production decisions and income, but the study finds little other evidence to support this positive perception. Other constraints, such as risk of crop losses, lack of insurance and limited finances, were generally seen as more significant obstacles. The study also shows that the radio provides a viable alternative to disseminating price information in the early stages of production, while M-Farm becomes more important closer to the selling stage. Existing m-services in the developing world are barely scratching the surface of what is technology possible. The dissertation examines how current technology trends may impact m-service delivery to farmers in the future. Three trends are identified, i.e. the growing diversity of mobile connected devices to access m-services; the 'Internet of Things' which links objects and people through the network; and the increasing ubiquity of mobile networks and expanding user base. The dissertation presents two scenarios for the evolution of mobile technology trends (Status Quo and Big Leap) and assesses their implications for agricultural service delivery.Landwirtschaftliche Innovation und Erbringung von Dienstleistungen durch Mobiltelefone : Analysen in Kenia Mobiletelefone haben sich als die am weitesten verbreitete Telekommunikationstechnologie in EntwicklungslĂ€ndern etabliert. Unternehmen, Regierungsbehörden und Nichtregierungs-organisationen nutzen diesen Trend, indem sie zunehmend Dienstleistungen ĂŒber Mobiltelefone (m-Dienste) anbieten. Im Agrarsektor werden Informationsdienste am hĂ€ufigsten angeboten, aber auch m-Zahlungen, virtuelle MĂ€rkte und Lieferkettenmangement-Systeme nehmen stetig zu. Landwirtschaftliche m-Dienste sind allerdings noch in einem frĂŒhen Stadium und meist nicht finanziell tragfĂ€hig. Die Dissertation untersucht, wie m-Dienste die Beteiligung der Bauern an landwirtschaftlichen Innovationsprozessen verbessern könnten. Zu diesem Zweck wurden vier Arten von Dienstleistungen identifiziert: Informationen und Bildung, Finanzdienstleistungen, Zugang zu Produktionsmitteln, und Zugang zu MĂ€rkten. Empirische Forschungsergebnisse gibt es auf diesem Gebiet bisher nur wenige und die Schlussfolgerungen sind nicht eindeutig. Einige Studien zeigen positive Auswirkungen fĂŒr Bauern, einschließlich verbesserter Management-Praktiken, ProduktivitĂ€t und Preisen, aber andere finden keine Beweise, dass Bauern von der Nutzung der m-Dienste profitiert haben. Kenia gilt als Vorreiter in der Entwicklung von m-Diensten in Subsahara Afrika. Die Technologieszene konnte sich dank einer Reihe von Faktoren entwickeln, einschließlich verbesserter Infrastruktur, staatlicher Regulierung und Zugang zu Innovationszentren, Finanzierung und personellen Ressourcen. Der wachsende Kundenstamm stellt einen vielversprechenden Markt fĂŒr m-Dienste dar und durch die weite Verbreitung des mobilen Bezahlsystems M-Pesa sind viele Kenianer schon mit der Nutzung ihrer Mobiltelefone fĂŒr andere Dienste als Telefonate vertraut. Einige landwirtschaftliche m-Dienste werden schon angeboten, aber deren Reichweite ist noch begrenzt und die Auswirkungen sind nicht belegt. Die Dissertation prĂ€sentiert die Fallstudie von M-Farm, ein m-Dienst, der Preisinformationen und Marketing-Dienste fĂŒr kenianische Bauern anbietet. Die Studie untersucht die Auswirkungen von M-Farm auf die Entscheidung von Bauern, landwirtschaftliche Technologien einzufĂŒhren und dadurch ihr Einkommen zu verbessern. Obwohl die Bauern enthusiastisch von den Vorteilen des Dienstes fĂŒr die Produktionsplanung und Einkommensgewinnung berichten, konnte die Studie wenig andere Beweise fĂŒr diese positive EinschĂ€tzung finden. ZusĂ€tzliche EinschrĂ€nkungen, wie das Risiko von ErnteausfĂ€llen und begrenzte finanzielle Ressourcen, scheinen grĂ¶ĂŸere HĂŒrden fĂŒr die Nutzung von neuen Technologien darzustellen. Die Studie hat außerdem gezeigt, dass das Radio eine gute Alternative zur Verbreitung von Preisinformationen in den frĂŒhen Stadien der Produktion darstellt, wĂ€hrend M-Farm vor allem in der Verkaufsphase wichtig wird. Die Dissertation hat außerdem untersucht, wie aktuelle Technologietrends die Bereitstellung von m-Diensten in der Landwirtschaft in Zukunft beeinflussen könnten. Drei Trends werden analysiert: erstens die wachsende DiversitĂ€t von mobilen GerĂ€ten, um m-Dienste zu nutzen; zweitens das 'Internet der Dinge', das Objekte und Menschen durch ein Netzwerk verbindet; und drittens die zunehmende Verbreitung von mobilen Netzwerken und eine wachsende Nutzerbasis. Die Dissertation stellt zwei Szenarien fĂŒr die Entwicklung von Mobiltechnologien vor und analysiert deren Auswirkungen auf landwirtschaftliche m-Dienste

    Les opérateurs sauront-ils survivre dans un monde en constante évolution? Considérations techniques conduisant à des scénarios de rupture

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    Le secteur des tĂ©lĂ©communications passe par une phase dĂ©licate en raison de profondes mutations technologiques, principalement motivĂ©es par le dĂ©veloppement de l'Internet. Elles ont un impact majeur sur l'industrie des tĂ©lĂ©communications dans son ensemble et, par consĂ©quent, sur les futurs dĂ©ploiements des nouveaux rĂ©seaux, plateformes et services. L'Ă©volution de l'Internet a un impact particuliĂšrement fort sur les opĂ©rateurs des tĂ©lĂ©communications (Telcos). En fait, l'industrie des tĂ©lĂ©communications est Ă  la veille de changements majeurs en raison de nombreux facteurs, comme par exemple la banalisation progressive de la connectivitĂ©, la domination dans le domaine des services de sociĂ©tĂ©s du web (Webcos), l'importance croissante de solutions Ă  base de logiciels et la flexibilitĂ© qu'elles introduisent (par rapport au systĂšme statique des opĂ©rateurs tĂ©lĂ©coms). Cette thĂšse Ă©labore, propose et compare les scĂ©narios possibles basĂ©s sur des solutions et des approches qui sont technologiquement viables. Les scĂ©narios identifiĂ©s couvrent un large Ă©ventail de possibilitĂ©s: 1) Telco traditionnel; 2) Telco transporteur de Bits; 3) Telco facilitateur de Plateforme; 4) Telco fournisseur de services; 5) Disparition des Telco. Pour chaque scĂ©nario, une plateforme viable (selon le point de vue des opĂ©rateurs tĂ©lĂ©coms) est dĂ©crite avec ses avantages potentiels et le portefeuille de services qui pourraient ĂȘtre fournisThe telecommunications industry is going through a difficult phase because of profound technological changes, mainly originated by the development of the Internet. They have a major impact on the telecommunications industry as a whole and, consequently, the future deployment of new networks, platforms and services. The evolution of the Internet has a particularly strong impact on telecommunications operators (Telcos). In fact, the telecommunications industry is on the verge of major changes due to many factors, such as the gradual commoditization of connectivity, the dominance of web services companies (Webcos), the growing importance of software based solutions that introduce flexibility (compared to static system of telecom operators). This thesis develops, proposes and compares plausible future scenarios based on future solutions and approaches that will be technologically feasible and viable. Identified scenarios cover a wide range of possibilities: 1) Traditional Telco; 2) Telco as Bit Carrier; 3) Telco as Platform Provider; 4) Telco as Service Provider; 5) Telco Disappearance. For each scenario, a viable platform (from the point of view of telecom operators) is described highlighting the enabled service portfolio and its potential benefitsEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    Little of the available funding reaches entrepreneurs and SMEs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This lack of financing ability, known as credit rationing, is mainly due to information asymmetries and is a pressing issue in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government is relying on the entrepreneurship and SMEs subsector to diversify the Kingdom’s economy away from the dominance of oil and to create jobs for young Saudis who are underemployed. This study aims to answer a question that hypothesizes that entrepreneurs need an optimal training module to understand the types of information that investors utilize in investment decisions and the type of “signals” from entrepreneurs that inspire confidence in investors. The human capital theory suggests that a quality training program can establish a skill base that will improve return on investment. The signaling theory suggests that the challenge of imperfect information can be largely overcome by training entrepreneurs to send more accurate and more targeted signals to investors regarding their character, skills, and the viability of their projects. The study uses both quantitative and qualitative methods in data collection. The research was conducted within the Saudi cities of Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dammam, where most of the entrepreneurial activities and SMEs development are located. It suffered some limitations due to access to data and the conservativeness of the Saudi population in responding to academic studies that affected the sample size The findings reveal that entrepreneurs with an in-depth understanding of investors’ due diligence process are more likely to invest adequately to assemble appropriate skill sets and learn to signal the characteristics that investors appreciate while tailoring their ventures and business plans to meet investors’ ideals. A training module that includes these components can be vital in overcoming credit rationing in the Kingdom. Universities, mainly business schools, may play a significant role in providing the optimal training module, with collaboration from investors. This study contributes to the literature by representing the history of the entrepreneurship and SMEs development in the Kingdom through three main periodical stages. Also, it identifies the assessment studies that international management consultants prepared to several Saudi government agencies in the subject field. This contribution is more likely to help future researchers in having more practical information about the entrepreneurship and SMEs ecosystem in the Kingdom. Furthermore, the study has implications on entrepreneurship and SMEs development stakeholders such as entrepreneurs, investors, training institutes, and regulators. Few recommendations are proposed. The study concludes with suggestions for research in related subject areas in Saudi Arabia and potentially other countries with similar economies

    Trust as a Competitive Parameter in the Construction Industry

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    Project and portfolio management: a multilayer framework to support innovation-driven SMEs in the industry of construction and building materials. Case of Canada

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    PhD Thesis Doctoral Program in Industrial and Systems EngineeringThe concept of building defined approaches, models and frameworks for optimizing different projects that belong to the same portfolio is gaining more attention and emphasis from companies, especially the small and medium sized ones. Yet, many problems that lie into the existing frameworks are keeping those companies away from using it. A sample of these SMEs that work in the field of construction and building materials in Canada were a filed for our research to better identify the issues in these existing frameworks, understand its influence and effect on companies and develop an ideal integrated framework that deals with project, portfolio and innovation management at the same time. The data has led in this research to identify 5 major issues that needed to be embed into the new integrated approach that is called Innoframe. This is a new framework that is an outcome of a thorough study on the usage, behavior and prospects of two main levels of personnel which are team members and their project managers. The study has followed a straightforward path in the sense of researching, analyzing and developing. The approach allowed the study to make good use of the literature and data collected on one hand, and to translate it into useful tools that help a lot in developing the new framework. All in all, the study emphasized the three main phases mentioned previously to come up with a new integrated framework that can serve as a roadmap for SMEs in the industry of construction and building materials.O conceito de construir abordagens, modelos e frameworks definidos para otimizar diferentes projetos pertencentes ao mesmo portfĂłlio estĂĄ a ganhar mais atenção e ĂȘnfase por parte das empresas, especialmente as de pequeno e mĂ©dio porte. No entanto, muitos problemas que se encontram nas estruturas existentes impedem que essas empresas o usem. Uma amostra dessas PMEs que trabalham na ĂĄrea da construção e materiais de construção, no CanadĂĄ, foi usada na nossa investigação para melhor identificar os problemas existentes nesses frameworks, compreender sua influĂȘncia e efeito sobre as empresas e desenvolver uma framework integrada ideal para lidar com gestĂŁo de projetos, portfĂłlio e inovação ao mesmo tempo. Os dados permitiram nesta investigação identificar 5 grandes questĂ”es que precisaram de ser incorporadas na nova abordagem integrada chamada Innoframe. Esta Ă© uma nova framework resultante de um estudo aprofundado sobre o uso, comportamento e perspetivas de dois nĂ­veis principais de pessoal, que sĂŁo membros da equipe e seus gestores de projeto. O estudo seguiu um caminho lĂłgico, passando pelas etapas pesquisar, analisar e desenvolver. A abordagem permitiu que o estudo fizesse bom uso da literatura e dos dados recolhidos, por um lado, e que se traduzisse em ferramentas Ășteis que ajudaram muito no desenvolvimento do novo framework. Em suma, o estudo enfatizou as trĂȘs principais fases mencionadas anteriormente para chegar a um novo framework integrado que pode servir como um roteiro para as PMEs na indĂșstria de construção e materiais de construção

    A Confluence of Risks: Control and Compliance in the World of Unstructured Data, Big Data and the Cloud

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    The emergence of powerful new technologies, the existence of large quantities of data, and increasing demands for the extraction of added value from these technologies and data have created a number of significant challenges for those charged with both corporate and information technology management. The possibilities are great, the expectations high, and the risks significant. Organisations seeking to employ cloud technologies and exploit the value of the data to which they have access, be this in the form of "Big Data" available from different external sources or data held within the organisation, in structured or unstructured formats, need to understand the risks involved in such activities. Data owners have responsibilities towards the subjects of the data and must also, frequently, demonstrate that they are in compliance with current standards, laws and regulations. This thesis sets out to explore the nature of the technologies that organisations might utilise, identify the most pertinent constraints and risks, and propose a framework for the management of data from discovery to external hosting that will allow the most significant risks to be managed through the definition, implementation, and performance of appropriate internal control activities
