7 research outputs found

    How to Gauge the Relevance of Codes in Qualitative Data Analysis? - A Technique Based on Information Retrieval

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    Qualitative research has experienced broad acceptance in the IS discipline. Despite the merits for exploring new phenomena, qualitative methods are criticized for their subjectivity when it comes to interpretation. Therefore, research mostly emphasized the development of criteria and guidelines for good practice. I present an approach to counteract the issue of credibility and traceability in qualitative data analysis and expand the repertoire of approaches used in IS research. I draw on an existing approach from the information science discipline and adapt it to analyze coded qualitative data. The developed approach is designed to answer questions about the specific relevance of codes and aims to support the researcher in detecting hidden information in the coded material. For this reason, the paper contributes to the IS methodology with bringing new insights to current methods by enhancing them with an approach from another discipline

    On which success factors should corporate accelerator programs focus to achieve sustained competitive advantage for its incumbent company?

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    Corporate accelerator programs (CAPs) are company-supported, cohort-based programs for a limited period of time, that support startups through manifold types of resources. They are operated by corporations to achieve competitive advantage in a fast-changing economic environment and are a relatively recent phenomenon. As a result, the research on the efficacy and key success criteria of CAPs is highly important. Past research has identified nine success factors (implementation capability, networking, selection criteria, value proposition, target definition, top management support, mentor selection, mutual value, prior knowledge) on a nominal scale. However, it remains unclear if one is more or less important than the other. To close this gap in research a multiple case-study was performed interviewing eight top managers of corporate accelerator programs, four for each category, (strategic & investment) to rank the success factors according to their expert opinion on an ordinal scale. In this process two additional success factors (reputation and local proximity) were identified. Subsequently all eleven factors were examined to determine whether they would give the incumbent company a sustainable competitive advantage or not, through a resource-based view. The study finds that three of eleven success factors under study (selection criteria, networking and implementation capability) are able to create a sustained competitive advantage for the incumbent company for both types of programs although in different order. Lastly, recommendations were given on how a general program could be optimized both on a high level as well as through tangible examples (e.g. divesting target definition in favour of mentor selection).Os programas aceleradores corporativos (CAPs) são programas apoiados por empresas, baseados em coortes por um período limitado de tempo, que dão suporte a startups através de vários tipos de recursos. Eles são operados por empresas para alcançar vantagem competitiva em um ambiente econômico em rápida mudança e são um fenômeno relativamente recente. Como resultado, a pesquisa sobre a eficácia e os principais critérios de sucesso dos CAPs é muito importante. Estudos anteriores identificaram nove factores de sucesso (capacidade de implementação, ligação em rede, critérios de selecção, proposta de valor, definição de objectivos, apoio à gestão de topo, selecção de mentores, valor mútuo, conhecimentos prévios) numa escala nominal. No entanto, continua a não ser claro se um é mais ou menos importante do que o outro. Para preencher essa lacuna na pesquisa, um estudo de caso múltiplo foi realizado entrevistando oito gestores de topo de programas aceleradores corporativos, quatro para cada categoria (estratégica e de investimento) para classificar os fatores de sucesso de acordo com sua opinião especializada em uma escala ordinal. Nesse processo, dois fatores de sucesso adicionais (reputação e proximidade local) foram identificados. Posteriormente, todos os onze fatores foram examinados para determinar se dariam à empresa incumbente uma vantagem competitiva sustentável ou não, através de uma visão baseada em recursos. O estudo conclui que três dos onze factores de sucesso em estudo (critérios de selecção, rede e capacidade de implementação) são capazes de criar uma vantagem competitiva sustentada para a empresa incumbente em ambos os tipos de programas, embora em ordem diferente. Por último, foram dadas recomendações sobre como um programa geral poderia ser optimizado tanto a um nível elevado como através de exemplos tangíveis (por exemplo, desinvestir na definição de objectivos em favor da selecção de mentores)

    What Do Organizations Learn From Conflict? A Grounded Meta-Analysis Approach to Developing an Integrated Conflict System Roadmap

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    Organizational systems from a variety of fields and industries have begun to investigate and evaluate the skills, strategies, and lessons learned from conflict. Yet, many of the findings are isolated to their specific organizations or industries, decreasing the impact of the newly emerging knowledge. Due to the lack of interconnectedness in the fields and industries, this study poses the following research question: How do organizations develop skills and strategies to respond to internal and external conflict within systems? The purpose of this grounded meta-analysis was to discover what skills and strategies organizations learn through the process of managing conflict and to utilize the findings to develop a comprehensive integrated conflict development model to aid organizations in the development of their systems. The study utilized Hossler and Scalese-Love’s (1989) grounded meta-analysis methodology. Theories such as systems theory, social constructivism, and frame analysis were used to inform the development of the new theoretical framework: the roadmap for organizational conflict management systems (ROC framework). From an initial sample of 33 reports from 1990 to the present indicating conflict, I reviewed 12 executive reports and publications relating to conflict in organizations (before, during, or after conflict). Data analysis produced a framework including a holistic, transparent, and innovative context for learning, using strategies of communication, knowledge sharing, support, and collaboration. The resulting ROC framework is presented in the form of a chart to assist organizations in developing an integrated conflict management system resulting in organizational effectiveness, cooperative conflict management, and a culture of openness and trust

    Transition Barriers of U.S. Military Veterans With Combat Occupations

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    Many combat-occupation veterans experience difficulty translating their military occupation to a civilian occupation after they leave the military. Veterans may struggle with military culture, self-leadership, health concerns, stereotypes, and employment barriers such as disability and underemployment. In this qualitative descriptive research study, the researcher analyzed the transition barriers U.S. combat-occupation veterans experienced when entering the civilian sector and workforce. The researcher interviewed six participants via Zoom using semistructured interview questions. All participants met the criteria of being 18–29 years old, being a veteran with a combat occupation, and having a willingness to tell their transition experiences. Five of the six participants knew they were leaving the military in advance, but none felt they were prepared for their transition. Participants felt they were still transitioning, though some had been out of the military for several years. Findings showed that veterans are often underprepared for transition, transition is difficult, leaders must allow service members to prepare for transition, a support system is key, and self-leadership is a catalyst for successful transition. Government agencies that work with and for the U.S. military can create specific programs and practices for transitioning service members with combat occupations to create a successful transition into the civilian workforce. Keywords: qualitative descriptive, combat-occupation veteran, transition, self-leadershi

    Dynamics of learning among pre-primary school learners in Uyo Senatorial District, Nigeria: an exploration of formal and informal education processes.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The concept ‘Early Childhood Education’ (ECE) or pre-primary education as it known in Nigeria is referred to as Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in the Republic of China. It is also called Early Childhood Development in Tanzania and South Africa. In the United States of America, this phase of education is known as ECE. In spite of the many different names given to this level of education by different countries, this is the kind of education which children between the ages of three and five receive. Therefore, the focus of this study was to explore the dynamics that surround the way pre-primary school learners learn in formal and informal education settings. In specific terms, the purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth description on the forces that impact learning of young children between the ages of three and five both at school and home. By engaging in research into the learning among pre-primary school learners, I shed some light on the dynamics that impact ways in which children learn both at school and home. In the light of the above this study therefore seeks to achieve the following objectives: to examine the language pre-primary school learners adopt for learning; to examine the impact of language on pre-primary school learners’ learning; and to understand the dynamics that surround the way pre-primary school learners learn in formal and informal education settings. Based on the research objectives stated above, three key research questions were developed to guide the study. The questions are: what language do pre-primary school learners adopt for learning? How does language impact pre-primary school learners’ learning? What are the dynamics that surround the way pre-primary school learners learn in formal and informal education settings? Based on the nature of the study which bordered on the social phenomena, a qualitative approach was adopted. In line with this approach, an interpretive paradigm was adopted in order to make sense of and to have an in-depth understanding of the dynamics that surround ways in which pre-primary school learners learn in formal and informal education settings. Individual and focus group interviews were designed and administered to 15 teachers and 8 parents from three schools. The transcribed data was subjected to an open coding and the emerging themes were subjected to thematic analysis. From the findings, it was discovered that the language of the immediate community, the mother and English language were the languages used in the teaching of the children in formal and informal settings. In line with the second question, it was indicated that identification, presentation, discussion of objects, development of literacy skills, and promoting communication had a possible impact on language in pre-primary school learners’ learning. In addition, the dynamics that influenced ways children learned were through playing, imitation, story-telling and folktales, and drawing enhanced by children’s readiness to learn, children’s willingness to learn, children’s maturity, availability of instructional resources, and parents’/teachers’ attitude towards children . One of the recommendations was that children who come from ethnic group different from where the school is located, and who want to attend pre-primary school in area, should first and foremost, be subjected to six months training in the language of immediate community or mother tongue and that subjecting the children to six months language familiarisation will assist them to adjust immediately in the class as well as ensuring uniformity of language in the classroom

    Effectiveness of Simplex: the case of Portuguese social security

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    Debureaucratization initiatives are usually welcomed due to the anticipation of its benefits. Although such was the case of Simplex, its effectiveness is yet understudied and thus this dissertation aims to make a balance of the implementation of Simplex project. This balance covers both its effectiveness on the specific case of the Portuguese Social Security System as well as its levers and blockages in the ultimate goal of debureaucratize. The scarcity of information about Simplex impact encouraged this exploratory research as well as the methodological option that backed up a qualitative approach. To meet the study goals, this dissertation also incorporated theoretical elements of the literature review. We selected two Social Security stakeholders as our target groups – accountants and officials. With the former, we conducted individual semi-structured interviews, and with the second, we made focus groups. Findings suggest Simplex is much more than deadlines and cost decrease, and improving people’s lives. It is not just ICT, administrative simplification and legislative simplification, or as we called it, the triangle of drivers legislation, technology & procedures, but it is much more. Simplex has a 360º impact. It is relationship, communication and information. To achieve this, measures must be transversal to PA and the private sector, demanding participation, transparency and accountability, valuing the human resources, as the best asset, because it is necessary to guarantee equity and generate trust in citizens in order to uphold the image of Social Security. But this also requires working the culture, in its most diverse facets, all with the political commitment. Overall, a suitable number of KPI that allow monitoring and the comparability of the results is required as well as identifying constraints and blockages, and implementing corrective measures to reduce the risks of Simplex. In this way can Simplex become a tool of continuous improvement.As iniciativas de desburocratização são geralmente bem-vindas devido à antecipação de seus benefícios. Embora tenha sido esse o caso do Simplex, a sua eficácia tem sido pouco estudada e, por isso, esta dissertação visa fazer um balanço da implementação do projeto Simplex. Este balanço compreende quer a eficácia do Simplex no caso específico do Sistema de Segurança Social Português, quer a identificação de alavancas e bloqueios do Simplex, com o objetivo último de desburocratização. A escassez de informação sobre o impacto do Simplex motivou a realização desta investigação exploratória, bem como a opção metodológica que se ancorou numa abordagem qualitativa. Para atender aos objetivos do estudo, esta dissertação também incorporou elementos teóricos da revisão da literatura. Selecionámos dois stakeholders da Segurança Social como grupos-alvo – contabilistas e funcionários públicos. Com o primeiro, realizámos entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas e, com o segundo, construímos grupos de discussão. Os resultados sugerem que o Simplex é muito mais do que redução de prazos e de custos, e melhoria da vida das pessoas. Não é apenas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação, simplificação administrativa e simplificação legislativa, ou como designámos, o triângulo de drivers legislação, tecnologia e procedimentos; é muito mais do que isso. O Simplex tem um impacto 360º. Ele é relacionamento, comunicação e informação. Para tal, as medidas devem ser transversais à Administração Pública e ao setor privado, exigindo participação, transparência e responsabilização, valorizando os recursos humanos, como o melhor ativo, porque é preciso garantir equidade e gerar confiança nos cidadãos a fim de defender a imagem da Segurança Social. Mas isso também requer trabalhar a cultura, nas suas facetas mais diversas, tudo com o compromisso político. No geral, é necessário estabelecer um número adequado de KPI que permitam a monitorização e a comparabilidade dos resultados, bem como identificar os constrangimentos e bloqueios, e implementar medidas corretivas para reduzir os riscos do Simplex. Desta forma, o Simplex pode tornar-se numa ferramenta de melhoria contínua